Anonymous ID: f26fb2 July 7, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.9886170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6197 >>6229

30 June at 17:53

Edit 1: Rupert (the poor man who was attacked) is at home recovering now ❤️


I hope this is ok and these young girls and boys don’t mind me posting this.


I was in Sefton park (Liverpool) before when I seen a group of teenagers gathering round looking concerned. When I went over to see what was happening there was an old man sitting on the bench covered in blood. These amazing girls and boys were administering 1st aid to the man who we found out had been attacked and stumbled in to the park for help. They calmed him down, held tissues and wipes to the multiple cuts on his head and face. They were so quick thinking and just sprung in to action. They even got a nappy from a lady who was there with her baby also helping. They applied pressure held it on the larger cut on the back of his head. They had ran backwards and forward to the cafe to see if they could borrow a fist aid kit. They Took their coats off to keep him warm and stayed with him for 45 minutes till the ambulance come keeping him calm at all times. They we’re so respectful and addressed him as Sir. I was in awe of them and how they handled the situation. I just wanted their mums and Dads to see this and to say how proud you should be of them ❤️.


Alls we see lately is negativity on social media concerning teenagers and I wanted to post this to show they’re not all bad especially these absolute heroes. Well done again guys 👏🏼.