Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.9887526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7587 >>7627 >>7845 >>7946

DOJ Produces More Evidence to Flynn’s Team – DOJ Memo Dated January 30, 2017 May Have Cleared General Mike Flynn


The Justice Department on Tuesday produced more evidence to General Mike Flynn’s legal team.


Former FBI counterintel chief Peter Strzok and Special Agent Joe Pientka conducted an ambush-style interview of General Flynn on January 24, 2017 at the White House.


Flynn didn’t have any lawyers present and Comey bragged about taking advantage of the new administration’s chaotic first week in the White House.


The newly released documents are handwritten notes of Peter Strzok just one day after his ambush interview of Flynn.


There was also a DOJ memo dated January 30, 2017 — did the memo clear Flynn?


Handwritten notes from Strzok and former Deputy AG Gauhar – from the day after the Flynn interview (1/25/17)

Internal DOJ memo (1/30/17; may have cleared Flynn)

Notes of former Acting AG Dana Boente


“The documents include handwritten notes of former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Tashina Gauhar from a January 25, 2017 meeting (23491-92), an internal DOJ document dated January 30, 2017 (23493-97), and handwritten notes of then Acting Attorney General Dana Boente, dated March 30, 2017 (23498-500).”


The DOJ also stated that “additional documents may be forthcoming.”


According to Tashina Gauhar’s calendar, she attended a meeting with the FBI in a SCIF just one day after the Flynn ambush interview.

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.9887535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7680 >>7911

Fauci Downplays Lower Coronavirus Death Rate as ‘False Narrative’



Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Tuesday that taking comfort in news of declining coronavirus death rates is a”false narrative” encouraging “complacency.”


Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci downplayed the apparent low death rate of the novel coronavirus pandemic in a press conference with Democrat Alabama Senator Doug Jones on Tuesday. He also emphasized that there was still a “window of opportunity” for the state to respond proactively to the outbreak.


“You’re not there yet, so you have an opportunity, a window to get your arms around this and to prevent it from getting worse,” Dr. Fauci said. “It’s not to the point where it’s out of hand and you know, very difficult to control. So you have a window of opportunity here, that as a state, you should not, you should, you know, take advantage of that window of opportunity.”


Fauci further characterized taking comfort in news about declining mortality as an empty comfort, claiming, “It’s a false narrative to take comfort in a lower rate of death. There’s so many other things that are very dangerous and bad about this virus,” and warning the public not to “get yourself into false complacency.”


Jones echoed Fauci’s concern, saying:


I think we do a disservice sometimes by focusing on the total amount of deaths, because we’ve seen a rise and that’s a problem for sure. But as the percentage of deaths may come down, that does not mean that this virus is not still very, very serious. That it disrupts education, disrupts businesses, disrupts lives, because it still is. It still will be deadly.


But I don’t want to get into a situation where we just accept a lower number of deaths as if this is the new normal. We’ve still got to do everything we can to get this virus snuffed out.


So just because deaths as a percentage of total cases may be coming down, it’s no reason at all to kind of let our foot off the gas when it comes to our social distancing, wearing masks and trying to control this virus.


Even amid what Fauci called a “resurgence” of the disease, he did admit to some optimism about the future. “The younger you are, the better you do and the less likely that you’re going to get seriously ill and die,” he said. “Number two, we definitely are better now at treating individuals particularly because we have a couple of therapies that work well in people with the disease.”


Despite being against “authoritarian” federal mandates regarding masks and other measures of prevention, Fauci strongly supports local measures to do the same. “The bottom line is it’s not going to be one-size fits all,” he said. “It’s going to depend on the level of infection in the community.”

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.9887576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NFL Star Posts Fake Hitler Quote Claiming 'White Jews' Will 'Extort America' in a 'Plan for World Domination'


Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson faced accusations of anti-Semitism following his bizarre decision to share a fake quote from genocidal Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. The quote warned that “white Jews” will “extort America” in a “plan for world domination” that only “the Negroes” can stop. The quote also claimed that “the Negroes are the real Children of Israel.” When called out on the offensive post, Jackson at first doubled down, claiming he “has no hatred’ in his heart. Then he re-posted it.


Only after the Eagles leadership spoke with Jackson and released a statement condemning the anti-Semitic post did the wide receiver finally delete it and issue an apology.


“I post a lot of things that are sent to me. I do not have hatred towards anyone. I really didn’t realize what this passage was saying,” Jackson wrote. “Hitler has caused terrible pain to Jewish people like the pain African-Americans have suffered. We should be together fighting anti-Semitism and racism. This was a mistake to post this and I truly apologize for posting it and sorry for any hurt I have caused.”


“You know, I just probably shouldn’t have never posted anything that Hitler did because Hitler was a bad person and I know that,” Jackson said in the video understatement of the year. “You know I was just tryin’ to uplift, you know, African Americans and slavery, and just enlighten my people.”




Wow that is some play, discredit the truth

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.9887591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7652

We are all ‘Jews’ in the eyes of today’s Nazis


Palestinians are ‘Jews’ in the eyes of those who plunder their land, their homes, fields and olive groves. They are ‘Jews’ to those who abuse their human rights and squash their hopes for peace and justice.


Blacks are ‘Jews’ in the eyes of those who dare compare them to ‘monkeys.’ They are ‘Jews’ in the eyes of those who work hard to vet (look here, here, here, here etc. ) their calls for equality and for a future of hope.


The Muslims are ‘Jews’ in the eyes of those who call them ‘Islamo-Fascists’ and mobilize their influence to decimate Arab and Muslim countries one after the other.


So-called ‘Whites’ are ‘Jews’ in the eyes of those who mock their culture, call for their elimination, burn their books and persecute their intellectuals, mock their heritage and desecrate their bronze heroes.


Maybe everybody is a ‘Jew,’ except the Jews, as no one, thankfully, calls for punishment of Jews, no one plunders their homes, no one burns their books or silences their most famous Harvard lawyer; no one calls for the destruction of their institutions.


Maybe in the eyes of the Nazis of our time everyone is a ‘Jew’ except the Jews.


This is the universal lesson we learned from the Holocaust: Nazis (racist, supremacist and authoritarian) must be exposed and fought against.

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.9887653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7684 >>7796 >>7830 >>7845 >>7946 >>7960 >>8000

California faculty demands 'free tuition for all black, native, and indigenous students'


The California Faculty Association issued demands amid nationwide protests.

The demands include "free tuition for black, native, and indigenous students."

The faculty further endorsed a statewide effort to reverse a ban on affirmative action.


The California Faculty Association released a statement in light of George Floyd’s death and recent protests. The group also created a list of demands for California State University that it says will provide "redress for systemic anti-Black racism in the CSU.”


The CFA demanded CSU “provide free tuition for all Black, Native, and Indigenous students.” Trends show that enrollment of these students has been decreasing within the CSU system. To increase admission of these “marginalized students,” the CFA proposes that the universities make efforts “to overturn Proposition 209, the ban on affirmative action.”


According to the CFA, “racial pay equity” is necessary because “workload is also higher for Black faculty given that CSU faculty are majority-white, and CSU students are majority of color resulting in 'cultural taxation.'”


[RELATED: UCLA lecturer's job in jeopardy after refusing 'accommodations' for black students]

"provide free tuition for all Black, Native, and Indigenous students"


The CFA claimed that the research and studies conducted by Black faculty are "often not valued at the same level as other faculty."


To "condemn white supremacy," the CFA proposed that hiring and retention practices be reformed to mandate that "there be Black faculty available to serve as reviewers for Black faculty candidates." The introduction of "targeted hiring programs" is necessary "to promote and develop the scholarship and creative activity of Black faculty," the CFA insisted.


California universities should show their support to “communities blighted by systemic and institutional racism through the War(s) on Drugs from both the Nixon and Reagan administrations.” The CFA demanded that students who have been affected by the criminal justice system have outreach programs made available to them, including “funding and fully staffing offices” as well as “dedicated study space.”


The universities should foster an inclusive environment by expanding the curriculum for Ethnic Studies, creating Black Student/Resource Centers, and enforcing “unconscious bias” training for faculty. There should be a new course requirement for all students in the Ethnic Studies department to dismantle the “the historical and longstanding infrastructures of universities” since many educational institutions have been “fundamentally grounded in a white supremacist colonial discourse and culture.”


[RELATED: UCLA profs join nationwide 'defund the police' push]


To ensure that CSU retains Black, Native, and Indigenous student enrollment, the campus should “not rely on police for safety," the CFA said.


The group claimed that police have “racist roots” that has resulted in “the dehumanization of Black people.” To provide support for the Black community, the CFA endorsed initiatives that advocate for divestment and “the full abolition of the police.”


CSU must also look to protect the Black LGBTQIA+ community, group futher stated.


The CFA “recognize[s] that the movement for queer and trans liberation was catalyzed by uprisings led by QTPOC (queer and trans people of color), often against police violence.” To best show all members in the Black community that “all Black lives matter,” the universities must continue “building on a radical and beautiful legacy of resistance.”

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.9887687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7845 >>7946

Turkey Tests Its S-400 System By Tracking US F-35 And F-22 Jets Operating In Middle East: Reports


Turkey is testing its the S-400 air defense system obtained from Russia by detecting and tracking US F-35 and F-22 fighter jets, according to media reports circulating online.


Over the past few days, Turkish and Russian pedia outlets have repeatedly speculated that the S-400 system deployed at Murted Air Base on outskirts of Turkish capital of Ankara.


In 2019, Turkey used its Air Force F-16 jets to test the S-400 and the system demonstrated high capabilities. In 2020, as tensions between the US and Turkey, as well as between Turkey and other NATO members were growing, Ankara allegedly used the S-400 to track US warplanes operating in the region.


A 2019 video showing tests of the S-400 system with US-made fighter jets in Turkey:


Earlier, the Turkish leadership declared that the S-400 system that the country has is set to be fully operational in 2020. In June 2020, the head of Turkey’s Defense Industries Administration also declared that Ankara is considering an option to buy more S-400 systems from Russia.

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:30 p.m. No.9887734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Convicted sex offender living opposite suburban Brisbane primary school


Residents living on Brisbane's southside have expressed anger and concern after discovering a convicted sex offender is living in their neighbourhood, opposite a primary school.


Shannon Norgate was convicted of assaulting two young boys in a school bathroom in Gladstone in 2019, luring them while disguised as a police officer.


The 22-year-old pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years' probation and three years' good behaviour.


9News has tracked him down living in a boarding house opposite the Yeronga State Primary school, some 30 metres away from the playground.


When asked what he was doing living in such proximity to children, Norgate said there was nowhere else in Brisbane he could live.


"This is the only address I could come to, this is the only place that had a vacancy, so that's not my problem," he told 9News reporter Sophie Upcroft.


Norgate was asked whether his probation conditions restricted him from living near a school.


He said "no" but said corrective services had recently directed him to relocate.

"They've pretty much said that it's not just for my safety but for other people's safety because I'm pretty much known as a very violent and dangerous person," he said.


"Do you think you're okay living across the road from a school even though you've just told me you're a dangerous and violent person?" Upcroft was asked.


"I'm pretty well controlled on medications at the moment, so I'm actually pretty high right now," he said.

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:31 p.m. No.9887742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7845 >>7946

US Issues Visa Restrictions on Chinese Officials Over Tibetan Access


The US Department of State announced on Tuesday it had imposed visa restrictions on Chinese officials deemed to be responsible for Beijing's policies controlling foreigners' access to the Tibet Autonomous Region.


"Beijing has continued systematically to obstruct travel to the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) and other Tibetan areas by US diplomats and other officials, journalists, and tourists, while PRC [People's Republic of China] officials and other citizens enjoy far greater access to the United States," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in the statement.


"Therefore, today I am announcing visa restrictions on PRC government and Chinese Communist Party officials determined to be 'substantially' involved in the formulation or execution of policies related to access for foreigners to Tibetan areas,' pursuant to the Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act of 2018," Pompeo said. "Access to Tibetan areas is increasingly vital to regional stability, given the PRC’s human rights abuses there, as well as Beijing’s failure to prevent environmental degradation near the headwaters of Asia’s major rivers."


Pompeo's remarks come after Washington indicated its support for India in the ongoing dispute between New Delhi and Beijing over the location of the border in Ladakh, which sits between Tibet and Jammu and Kashmir. Last month, the head of India's Arunachal Pradesh, another border area under dispute, referred to that dispute as being on the India-Tibet border instead of the India-China border.


According to Tibet-based travel site TibetTravel, international visitors to the mountainous region must apply for an entry permit at least 20 days before their trip, and the TAR closes to foreigners at certain times of year, such as during the most dangerous wintry months or around certain political anniversaries and holidays.


For example, last year, international travel to Tibet was banned ahead of the 60th anniversary of a botched uprising against Chinese rule in March 1959. The uprising, which was heavily supported by the US Central Intelligence Agency, failed. The defeat of the uprising on March 28, 1959, is celebrated in China as "Serfs Emancipation Day," when Tibetan serfdom was abolished.

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:33 p.m. No.9887758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7780 >>7919

'She has copies of everything Epstein had.' Ghislaine Maxwell 'has secret stash of pedophile's sex tapes' that could implicate world's most powerful and 'will try to use them to save herself'


Ghislaine Maxwell, 58, has a secret stash of Jeffrey Epstein's twisted sex tapes, a former friend exclusively revealed to

When officials raided Epstein's NYC townhouse last July, they found thousands of graphic photos that included images of underage girls and a safe filled with compact discs labeled 'nude girls', according to authorities

The ex friend said: 'Not only did Epstein like to capture himself with underage girls – he wanted to make sure he had something to hold over the rich and powerful men who took advantage of his sick largesse'

They added: 'Ghislaine has always been as cunning as they come. She wasn't going to be with Epstein all those years and not have some insurance'

'She has copies of everything Epstein had. They could implicate movers and shakers. If she goes down, she's going to take the whole lot of them with her'

The socialite is connected to some of the world's most influential people, including Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump

She was arrested at her hideout in Bradford, New Hampshire last Thursday, charged with six federal crimes, including sex trafficking

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.9887827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7845 >>7873 >>7874 >>7946

This again? New coronavirus lockdown triggers second wave of panic buying in Australia


A new wave of panic buying has hit Melbourne, with major queues lining up outside supermarkets after local authorities announced the reintroduction of stricter anti-coronavirus measures – that don’t actually prohibit shopping.


The stage three lockdown measures will return to metropolitan Melbourne and areas north of the city starting on Wednesday, Victorian PM Daniel Andrews confirmed. The announcement came atop the decision of two major chains, Coles and Woolworths, to remove all buying restrictions at stores all across Australia.


The mix of two has apparently had quite an effect on the public, as major queues emerged at shops across the city almost immediately with people lining up at night to lay their hands on some ‘essentials’.


While panic buying has been observed worldwide amid the pandemic, Australians have turned out to be particularly hungry for stockpiling groceries. During the first wave of the pandemic-induced panic, several violent incidents across the country made headlines as angry shoppers literally brawled over toilet roll.

Anonymous ID: ac36b8 July 7, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.9887859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Horror Without End’: Aide To Head Of Russian Space Agency Roscosmos Arrested For Treason


Russian state space agency Roscosmos just found itself in another scandal.


On July 7, the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) detained Ivan Safronov, a former journalist (specialised in military affairs) who works as an aide to the head of Russia’s space agency Roscosmos. He’s accused of treason.


The FSB said that Safronov worked for the foreign intelligence service of an unspecified NATO country and had been handing over classified military information.


Roscosmos said that detention of Safronov was not linked to his work with Roscosmos, where he is an adviser to General Director Dmitry Rogozin. Safronov joined Roscosmos as a media adviser in May. He is expected to appear in court later on July 7.


“The Federal Security Service detained Ivan Safronov, advisor to the director general of Roscosmos state corporation, in Moscow. Safronov was performing tasks of one of NATO intelligence services, collecting state confidential data about Russia’s military and technical cooperation, defense and security and handing it over to its [NATO intelligence service] representative,” the FSB said.


Prosecution launched criminal proceedings on the count of state treason against Safronov, which carries 20 years behind bars. The investigation continues.


The TASS news agency reports:


Safronov was born in Moscow in 1990. He graduated from Moscow’s Higher School of Economics in 2010, obtaining a degree in journalism. He worked as a special correspondent for Russia’s Kommersant and Vedomosti newspapers and was covering military and military-technical cooperation as well as defense and space industries. In May 2020, Safronov was appointed advisor to the Roscosmos chief for information policy and was curating a number of Roscosmos programs.


Earlier, Safronov was involved in several scandals regarding the publication of supposedly sensetive data regarding the military industrial cooperation of Russia with other states.


For example, the TASS news agency reported that in 2019 prosecutors wanted to bring a civil case against Kommersant for disclosing an unspecified sensetive data in one of Safronov articles. The article, which remains unavailable, said that Egypt had signed a deal with Russia to buy more than 20 SU-35 multi-role fighter jets. Following the publication of the article, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened Egypt with sanctions if it went ahead with the purchase.


Safronov calims that he was forced to left Kommersant after he published an article based on ‘anonymous sources’ and speculating that Valentina Matviyenko, the chairwoman of the upper house of parliament, might leave her post. The speclations appeared to be false and the article was removed.


Taking into account the public approach of the FSB in this case, it’s likely that the security service has overwhelming evidence confirming the treason.


Just a few days ago, on July 2, Russian expert Vladimir Neelov, who has extensively written about private military contractors, was sentensed to seven years in a maximum-security prison for treason and transmitting information on training FSB staff to a German company.


“The press service noted that the military expert was found guilty under the Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (high treason). The court hearing was held behind closed doors. As the court established, the expert sold classified information on the training of FSB field operatives to a German consulting firm. The defendant admitted partial guilt stating to the court that he did not believe that the data he had handed over was secret,” TASS wrote on the topic.


Neelov likely did this from selfish motives in order to receive money from the aforementioned German entity rather than to ‘overthrow the Putin regime’ or other loud words that mainstream media outlets like so much. The case of Safronov looks similar. However, it’s possible that his actinos were even more destructive. The publication of data about the work for an intelligence agency of a NATO member states indicates that Safronov may have not only transferred classified data to the foreign intelligence, but also worked to damage the Russian interests through both the informational space and his access to the managing staff of Roscosmos.


The immediate reaction of so-called “liberal media” (i.e. hardcore anti-Russian media) working in Russian that rushed to defend Safronov is telling itself. They already described the situation as an act of ‘censorship’ and accused the FSB of manipulating the case in order to damage ‘independent journalism’ in Russia.


Apparently, in their view the term ‘independent journalism’ includes the need to work for foreign intelligence services to make money and undermine the Russian statehood.