look at his neck in your image….who the fuck is orange? huh? that fucker is naturally orange ; all they ever do is project what they are, or did, onto you …and then think they won the debate ; i have been saying this goof is strangely orange (with purple lips) since he ran against Alan Keyes …and before Trump ever had a apprentice spray tan
and mammalian
go ahead, touch your glasses one more time
Madness : One Step Beyond
he was so sexy on the sax…supposedly
does counterclockwise matter?
she is orange too
that's fucked up!
redneck twinx from Deliverance to Billie Joe McAllister to.Brokeback…. : then they made the one kid the Joker and he …well we know the rest of the story
AFBL will have to weigh in on that
where are all the tough guys?
no points on the scoreboard shill? wherejago? miss muh shills!!
see these odds? 3/2 on the incumbent : every much a steal as the 2-1 you got all year long in 2016 ; serendipity is what they call it, in punter land
ambition has no party affiliation…if Biden does not pick her she will turn faster than a greyhound bus on some black georgia ice after the driver saw a "free drinks" sign
been salty late lately
Look Black, you ain't fat.