"This week" [in 2020] would be the week after the election… also the week after Hillary and Podesta are [allegedly] arrested.
"This week" [in 2020] would be the week after the election… also the week after Hillary and Podesta are [allegedly] arrested.
I've only scrolled through quickly, but at first glance I don't see a single post or comment regarding anything related to Epstein.
Considering the wide range of topical issues this account has posted, it seems very odd that not a single story even mentioning Epstein would be among them.
Interesting that in the Black Panther film, the "chosen people" of the fictional nation all bore the same tattoo…
Faggots like this were purposely promoted in order to turn the US military into a joke.
We have to restore honor to our institutions. It's not going to happen overnight. It's going to take time, patience, persistence, and hard work. (All virtues I'm sure you learned while active.)
Some institutions will perhaps be abandoned, altogether, while others are merged or re-purposed. (Important to remember that Trump emphasized rebuilding the military quickly–priority.)
I think we should remain open to all possibilities.
iirc they said before "there isn't going to be a formal report filed, as there was with Mueller. There will just be indictments. [That's how you'll find out about it.]"