Bet he gets a job with Ukraine.
That would be a tough one. Maybe if they got him leaking something. His idiotic part of the idiotic impeachment was to tell a lie to Ciaramella. Could go down on a conspiracy beef. Hope so. Guy's a foreign asset.
Fauci does have extensive Africa ties, and was a funnel for dark money going to AIDS in Africa.
Good idea.
Need some sort of partial facial recognition software to be sure.
Love it! Will follow as soon as I'm off suspension for the offensive "ma'am" comment!
That's quoted Anon input, so I doubt it.
They think they're going somewhere other than where they are actually going.
He's not a suicidal looking dipshit kid. He's an asset. A fucking annoying as fuck asset.
Yes. Absolutely fascinating. Public announcement of arrest of Ghislaine caused him to come forward, knowing Trump is for real.
Many will follow, the more Trump wins.
It's the goddamn Palestinian People's Liberation Front! We hate those fuckers!
Rudy knew.