If I see you supporting Mockingbird whores, I will call your faggot ass out. You understand me? You understand me Chanel Defense Force?
Do you want to talk about Nick Fuentes and Steve Bannon? I'll grab my pics if you want
>Sure. Nick's awesome.
I'm going to make you regret trying to shill your poisoned well horseshit here, Nick. I hurt you on halfchan, I'll hurt you here.
>Not really he sucks.
Aw that's a shame, your boy loves him. He'd probably suck his cock for free if Sloppy Steve asked
KEK you think just because I call out the obviously fake Nick Fuentes that I like Charlie Kirk? Expose yourself more Nick, like your faggot cat friend did when he deepthroated that dildo
Oh Little Nicky, why did you come here? Just to suffer?
>Nothing fake about it.
Nick the more you respond the more I'll post? Does that make sense to your mudblood brain?
>At the time that wasn't bad advice.
You mean before everyone was fully aware of what a poisoning rat Steve Bannon is?
>Nick's doing the Lord's work saving souls.
How fucking delusional are you Nick? What did Steve promise you? I can promise you it won't be what you think
Oh am I forgetting wrong? Did Trump fire Steve or not?
>Ur not fooling anyone.
Irony in its purest form. I hope you stick around, I'm having fun digging into the past on halfchan. I had almost forgotten your association with Jack Posobeic, another Bannon Bot
Nick you remember when you and Milo and other fagfuckers pushed Groyper on halfchan? Did your boy ever tell you about the time I got him to delete his thread? You remember me hounding you day after day? Posting your associations to Steve and his little MOS minions?
You like reruns?
>Anybody can see who is making arguments and who.is obfuscating.
You "argued" like this on halfchan too. Was quite amusing.
I'm gonna take you back to the past, Nick
Oh they all say the same things KEk
>Compare Charlottesville with Minneapolis.
By all means try explaining. Zoomers can't win just by quips you know.
I should thank you, I wouldn't have resurfaced these pics if you had left me alone kek
Just like old times Nick!
>He took a picture with someone? Oh no!
You mean took a pic and then quite literally said YANG GANG? Damn how did I misinterpret that?
Did you know most of us are from halfchan Nick? Most would remember your horseshit
>No it's not a prank
No shit Sherlock? You hopped on the YANG GANG to try and drive young people towards a dead end. Like the Bernouts
How fucking ironic. You are literally funded and directed by Bannon, a literal ZOGBOT Zionist to end all Zionists, and you accuse us of being jews?
Are you still falling for the Kushner meme?
You mean he supported a candidate with the purpose of driving away a base? Kinda like you're on QR trying to drive people away from Q?
>No he supported only Trump
When was that again? Was it by calling the QR board a jew run shithole?