The image seems to have originated from this article in 2 parts
>>9898782 lb
>>9898780 lb
Which is from this website where the image was once at this URL
which no longer works as you can see in the second image
Now, this is IMPORTANT for true researchers
How did this ordinary Anon using only open source tools find this site, where the image used to be if the image is no longer there, and this site does not come up in any of the 4 image search tools?
Bing was the most fruitful with this image leading me here:
And to a Facebook page on Blavatsky which makes me think the original may be an image in one of Blavatsky's books.
But think about it. How did I find this article...
Using reverse image search when there is no image there?
It is important to learn how to use the tools DEEPLY and not just brush over the surface as some do with TinEye. Without true digging, and deep thinking you won't get past the Cabal's mind control.