Erin Burnett used to be someone you almost couldn't look away from. Beguiling.
Now she looks like skanky, frumpy hell.
Erin Burnett used to be someone you almost couldn't look away from. Beguiling.
Now she looks like skanky, frumpy hell.
OMG, you guys….why don't we just make Transracial surgery already. Duh.
Darkened, disguised witness…fuck, let's get one naming the unnamed. Hillary, Bill, etc
DeSantis on Rush today "Hope to see you back on the course soon. I haven't played in a while"
Well, pass the grey poupon, jackass….you're not.doing much to develop rapport with most of us.
I can't help but think there are….categories. Hollywood, catholic.church, politics.
I'm thinking BC, followed quickly by his untimely death, but it would breach the taboo against arresting an ex-President.
I know Legend is a raging fag, but selling his sould they gave him that ugly bitch?
Don't even have a fake trophy wife.
Shoulda kept his receipt.
covered already. Extremely rare.
I want to donate to Costco guy.
The first time, before moochelle/Michael, was when Mike Myers was still on SNL trying to get Clinton elected.
Over and over, every week, he would talk about how Hillary was such a babe in his Wayne's World segment. Always sat there saying WTF??