What the hell is going on with coins for small businesses? Why on earth are they holding back all the basic coinage for small businesses? Is there a work-around? Like literally "round up to the next dollar" is the only answer?
So you are thinking that they are simply 'recalling' all coinage so there is no alternative currency other than their bullshit crypto that is coming out? Fucking FEDCOIN or whatever?
No joke, my friend runs a bunch of shit and he is dying to get coins… I dont have all the details but he is all over the west from what I know. Banks sending out letters saying they dont have any and bullshit like that. WHO. IS. YOUR. COIN. SUPPLIER. ?
Local banks in our area are chimping out and telling people to turn in their coin jars… like that shit matters. They are sending out letters and such. Again, friend has a lot of small retail shops and is dying for coin. I said I would try to help… Is your bank a big name or local outfit?
Yeah one guy here says he has no problem. Hell, Anything that is not a dime or quarter goes in the parkinglot or chucked out in the woods where i bury my silver in case some nigger with a metal detector is mucking about… kek. Reminds me so much of the gold/silver recall by roosevelt but this shit is fake money and has no value… Why hoard it?
You could blast us into space… BUT WE ALREADY DID THAT AND YALL CANT MAKE A ROCKET! Let us know when you get that wheel on lockdown and we can go from there.
Sometimes when I am here I feel stupid.
Just do this… and the problem will self-solve