Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.9901616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1633

One thing to remember in reading time travel stories is that you cannot go back in time to

kill anyone to change history. If this were possible, history would constantly be changing for

all the time travelers wandering around being like Marty McFly. For everyone who wants

future CC, there's another who doesn't want that but rather future MM and then someone

else who wants future WW and on it goes. Time travel can be excellent for OBSERVING first

hand how something was.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.9901621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1637

The body oriented would say, 'why don't you see what next week's lottery numbers are so

you could be rich?'. Geez, I've been asked that question enough. Your Higher Self is in

control of at what stage you are able to start conscious astral travel. If you can't do it yet,

take it up with your Higher Self. If you can, your Higher Self requires that talent for that

incarnation. Astral travel requires a certain stage of spiritual maturity. Astral time travel

requires even more.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.9901628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1691 >>1765

August 12, 2003 is the next 20 year date for the time loop created by the disastrous

Montauk project. The loop event was created on Aug 12,1943 when things just seemed to go

wrong. Again I point out the alien connection and set-up for this to happen. You also didn't

see any so-called 'good aliens' with their advanced technologies step in to ‘undo the

damage’. Once more, beware of aliens bearing gifts. This energy rift seems to peak every 20

years from the 43 date. As it is, I've written that 2003 looks like it'll be the year from hell.

Add this event to the pot! There is one thing I would like you all to remember though - this

IS part of the Game. Something of this magnitude would not be allowed IN the Game if it were not part OF it. You need more pieces of the puzzle to see it better.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.9901641   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The loop event was created on Aug 12,1943 when things just seemed to go wrong.


There is one thing I would like you all to remember though - this IS part of the Game. Something of this magnitude would not be allowed IN the Game if it were not part OF it.


One of the major byproducts of the Montauk project is the generation of fear which is why

the Dark side allows printing materials of it. They want you to generate fear, feel

threatened and give your power away to Dark authorities for external 'protection'. There is

nothing to be 'in fear' about when you KNOW and TRUST in your Higher Self. That is the

KEY for each Earther Higher Self. With the gold shield and trust in your Higher Self, you

know you're immortal and it's the body that tries to get you to fear. Who created the bodies

we have? Those damned, fucking aliens! It can seem that the aliens have their claws, paws

and hands all over in the Game. Yes, these are other pieces of the puzzle. They fear you

discovering who you really are. The Montauk project is just another of their tools for that.

The puzzle, however, will not be completed for you until your Final Incarnation merges all

of your Higher Selfs incarnations into one.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:33 p.m. No.9901661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1674

There is


nothing to be 'in fear' about when you KNOW and TRUST in your Higher Self. That is the


KEY for each Earther Higher Self. With the gold shield and trust in your Higher Self, you know you're immortal and it's the body that tries to get you to fear.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:34 p.m. No.9901668   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These are the things that Very Advanced and higher incarnates should look at, not just the

surface and the 3-ring clown acts in Washington and by the damned one-godder fanatics.

The Game will not allow dismantling of the slightest piece of it UNLESS it serves the Game

by introducing a more advantageous (to the Game) piece. Yes, it's all experience indeed.

Keep your eyes/ears open.

Patriotism and The Game

Ever since 9/11, the Game has been successful in getting draconian measures passed in the

US because they wrap these measures in a flag. One of the holy words of the current phase

is 'terrorism'. This is one of fear's catch phrase terms. Most people are anxious to give away

their power for the illusion of safety. The people they want you to fear and point their

fingers at for 9/11 are NOT those who were responsible. If you want to see who is

responsible for 9/11, look at the finger pointers.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.9901673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

’Patriotism’ is another catch-phrase term they use to control the people. This, as are all

Game terminologies, is warped as well. It's another way to force conforming. Conforming is

‘necessary for the Game to succeed’ with its goals. Both Dark and Light polarities are

involved in this phase of the Game - which should tell the observer something.

Here's an excellent quote from Theodore Roosevelt on Patriotism that is currently

appearing on


"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the

president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself

stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves

the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by

inefficiently or otherwise he fails I his duty to stand by the country. In either event,

it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else."

Theodore Roosevelt

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9901688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is excellent, and should be remembered by the Observer. What is going on in the US

today also happened in Russia during the 20's, Germany in the 30's and Eastern

Europe/China in the 50's. Emperor Bush, while goose stepping in DC, wants 1 in 24

Americans to spy on their fellow citizens. This was a feature of fascist, communist and any

other totalitarian governments.


THIS IS THE GAME running a successful experiential loop that people keep playing. You can remove yourself from these planetary wide experiential loops - a goal you must achieve to move higher. The papers say Bush's approval rating is 72%. This is not true but how they are manipulating, as always.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.9901703   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So, what does one do? Low and Mid level incarnates will dance to the Game's tune as these

are the experiences their Higher Selves want. Low Advanced through Mid Advanced levels

will give lip service to the dance but have reservations about it. They may share these

reservations with close friends, but will wave their flags in public or challenge the Game

directly (David Icke for example). Very Advanced and higher won't be found waving flags

for the Game's benefit. Observation is key here. Watch and analyze. Take many mental

notes, but resist getting caught up in the Game's fervor. Leave that to those at the levels

where this participation is necessary to learn. You will do what your Higher Self requires of

shim's incarnation as you. There is no good/bad here. It's all experience. This is their

experience and they must be free to pursue it. They release excellent information on the

Game, but from an attack point of view rather than the observational point of view. They

also are Lightsiders trying to 'save' everyone from the Dark. This is ok. It's their path.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.9901714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1790 >>1799

The Ultimate Goal of the Game on Earth


Have you wondered what the Ultimate Goal of the Game is on 3rd density Earth? Look at

some of the events since the mid-1800's and where they have been moving Earth since the

mid-1800's until today. The United States is the central thrust of the Game due to the

nature of it and the power that it commands.

  • Lincoln shreds the Constitution and the concept of independence for the American states

in favor of a single nation (damn the constitution) at the command of a central government.

*Females raise the stakes on their control over males with prohibition as their first

crusade in the US. This is followed by voting rights with the sham front of "equality". The

Orion sleeper DNA has been activated.

  • After several wars, old empires crumble, especially in Europe. The attitude of the Game

is 'you have to break a few eggs to make a cake1

. World War I and World War II are the most

significant, especially with the formation of the United Nations.

*In the late 1980's and early 90's, the communist block crumbles from within and by the

leaders, NOT the people, in most cases, especially Russia. This is very significant. The

Game moves into a higher gear. The European Union develops and grows into a United

States of Europe. It has expansion plans today. Single European currency becomes a reality.

^Immigrants flow into Europe and the US. These are immigrants who mostly serve to

further dilute the native populations. Homogeny is encouraged.

*One world thought heavily promoted, one world people and the people are forced to

conform to new sets of 'rules'. Unified measuring systems, unified currencies and no

borders are all key phrases. The new majority (women and non-Europeans) discriminate

against European descended males. Men willingly give up control in most cases due to their

Orion DNA commands.Women (Orion mode) are at the front.

^Problem, reaction, solution becomes almost a daily event with fear, death and fear of

death (for the body ID'd) introducing police state trappings: video cameras everywhere,

police monitoring, you can't say 'this' or 'that'…fear, fear, fear.

The Mid Advanced and higher incarnates will have no trouble in adding to these

observations. What you need to be aware of is that all of this IS the Game in action. Not

only that, but these events are being coordinated by sequential aliens. It was the sequential

aliens who introduced advanced technologies on Earther people who were not spiritually

mature enough to handle them.

It is the sequential alien incarnates who are looking to tip the Game in their favor. And

their 'bottom line'? The whole thrust of ALL this meddling, ‘One World’ stuff is to convert

Earth into a sequential incarnate type world where there are minimal differences and a

lack of true experiences that simultaneously incarnating Higher Selves live for. The

sequential incarnates seek to deny the simultaneous incarnates a place for rapid

development and, hence drive them from the Game by denying us what we thrive on. THAT

is the Ultimate Goal!

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.9901745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1760

Another thing the simultaneous incarnations are not paying attention to is the Earth

planetary spirit. The planetary spirit is also preparing to Advance to shim's next level. The

greed of the sequential will prove very fruitless. If you can astral time travel to the year

2200, you will be able to see what I mean. What you will see in 2200 is the result of

something that will happen in these days of EndGame.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:47 p.m. No.9901752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

John Kennedy's inauguration catch-phrase in 1961 was a key to this intent AND was of

sequential thought. "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for


embrace it since the nature of Lightsiders is to give all. Darksiders embrace it as the nature

of Darksiders is to take all….the yin-yang of balance (not to be confused with true Balance).

The country is here to serve the people if the simultaneous incarnates are in charge. When

it becomes the other way around, you have a sequential incarnate world with a heavy

minion population. This is Earth today.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.9901770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Minions & Aliens & The Game - Oh My!

A take on a Wizard ofOz phrase (Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!): Minions & Aliens & The

Game - Oh My! While you can find Earther Higher Selves in just about any location and

group on Earth, there are some places where minions and aliens prefer to go. Minions are

found in all sporting events but, unless working as janitorial staff, you would never find a

minion at a Star Trek or other sci-fi convention. Minions are body oriented. They make

excellent blind followers, hence security staff, military and similar.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.9901800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Revelation: "Loosh"

Yesterday, after reading something, on the internet, claiming to be an explanation of Robert

Monroe's 'loosh' (reference Far Journeys by that author), I was struck by the absolute

untruth of what that person had written. He said loosh is created by human beings. That

couldn't be further from the truth and it shows he did not comprehend Monroe's books.

Robert said beings were harvesting 'loosh' from a pristine Earth. At the time he discovered

this, Earth was free of all human life except 2 bodies that spent most of the time in stasis.

The writer of that 'humans create 'loosh' is stuck in body centric beliefs and has set up dead

ends for Advanced levels to get caught in. I mentioned that to Val on the phone last night

and said it was time that I gave some information on the nature of Monroe's term, 'loosh'.

This essence is an energy vibration (NOT 'love'). It is created by the Planetary Spirit of a

pristine, pure vibration, such as the future Earth (minus humans, aliens, minions, etc). This

is part of the Nature Spirit realm and progression. It is not something that we in the Higher

Self progression should be overly concerned with AT THIS TIME. The Planetary Spirit is a

parallel being to our Higher Self but on a vastly different experience.

The Planetary Spirit REQUIRES a pristine state to produce 'loosh'. I will use Monroe's term

because there is no other English word I can think of to describe it. Loosh is a pure

vibration that is produced by the Advanced Nature Spirit realm when shim is in harmony

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:52 p.m. No.9901807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1851



The body is the gender. It's male or female. The spirit is not the gender as it realizes that

genders are a mutation of the spirit on 3rd density. The bodies' commands are numerous

as is its survival mechanism. Several DNA commands are time activated. The female

demand to control, dominate and transform the male to her wishes is strictly the Orion

model. The male desires to breed a dynasty is the Sirian model. As both genetic scientists

from Orion and Sirius were involved in the creation of Earth genders, both wanted Earth to

be a micro-version of their alliance. Both Orion and Sirius are violent and aggressive. Orion

is female dominated. Sirius is male dominated. As above, so below. Sirius attempted (in the

very far past) to invade Orion. They lost and the Orion queen formed an alliance with

Sirius. Since Orion was far more advanced technologically, the Sirians entered the alliance

rather than be destroyed. Sirius has become an arm of the Orion military.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:52 p.m. No.9901809   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You know it is of the body if it is gender-specific demands. You know it is of the spirit when

it discards gender-specific demands. Example: Feminists groups demanding violence

against women laws. That is the furthering of the Orion model. The spirit would want

violence, against people to be the model. This includes the true, but overblown violence

against women, but ignores the vastly understated violence against men as women

increasingly believe that they have the 'right' to slap, punch and do other forms of violence

and humiliation against men. Like attracts like! The manipulative trait of the female is an

Orion attribute. One must cease all forms of violence in order for it to cease returning to

you and this also means mental violence and trying to change people (men) instead of

accepting them for themselves. This, though, is counter to the Game and Orion program.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.9901812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now, advanced spirits, having had many incarnations as female and male, have learned

more and the spirit is able to override more of the physical. You can hear someone talk in a

spiritual mode, then throw in some of their gender's demands. "Reincarnation, spirit, blahblah…but the goddess is who we should worship." Warning… gender-specific to a nonexistent deity. The 'goddess' is a code name for the Orion queen. Mixing spirit and gender varies with the level of the spirit in the physical. The key here is if the demand is strictly

genderized, it is of the body.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.9901816   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The body is the gender. It's male or female. The spirit is not the gender as it realizes that

genders are a mutation of the spirit on 3rd density. The bodies' commands are numerous

as is its survival mechanism. Several DNA commands are time activated. The female

demand to control, dominate and transform the male to her wishes is strictly the Orion

model. The male desires to breed a dynasty is the Sirian model. As both genetic scientists

from Orion and Sirius were involved in the creation of Earth genders, both wanted Earth to

be a micro-version of their alliance. Both Orion and Sirius are violent and aggressive. Orion

is female dominated. Sirius is male dominated. As above, so below. Sirius attempted (in the

very far past) to invade Orion. They lost and the Orion queen formed an alliance with

Sirius. Since Orion was far more advanced technologically, the Sirians entered the alliance

rather than be destroyed. Sirius has become an arm of the Orion military.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.9901821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If the Orion mode is followed to

completion, it'll be Planet of the Harpies centered in the USA (Unruly Shrews of America).

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.9901830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1901

Never forget, as above, so below - but use the Higher Density model instead of the Orion

model. As long as you adhere to the Orion 'opposites attract’, you will reincarnate as ‘you

are your body’. Once you adhere to the Creation ’like attracts like’, be glad as your

reincarnational cycle in nearing its end and you are less of a Game player.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.9901840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1855

The polygamy ban, at least in the US, has its origins with the Orion Empire where a female

can have multiple male consorts. This applies ONLY to the female. The Sirian Empire is the

exact reverse. You can see the Sirian hand in arab countries and in the mormon philosophy.

Earth is not yet ready for females to engage in having harems. The attitudes must change

first. As the Orion DNA commands continue to have their desired effects on males, the

intent is to eventually make the Orion model standard on Earth for those who desire to

participate. This is part of the Orion overt conquest of Earth. The mormons never gave up

their belief in polygamy. They say it’s only a temporary situation where they must obey the

laws of the land. They anticipate Sirian control. This won't happen.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.9901843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The catholic church, the most pagan of the Christians, has done much to prepare the way by

its worship of the mythological mary goddess. The feminist movement, with its Orion input,

has used the false banner of gender equality to rapidly advance its secret agenda of female

superiority. Consider that for a while…

Both of these elements (plus others including a desire to be free from repressive

Christianity) have given New Age religions a tremendous boost. The wiccan revival, Dianic

traditions and modern paganism, while allowing for greater expression, have increased the

genderization of the spirit to heights never seen. Yes, they are similar to the oldest religions

of post-Atlantis, but now the control and center is female, the Orion model and this has

bled into all areas of Western life with its core in the US and Canada.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.9901847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is part of the Orion DNA command for a matriarchy based on the Orion model. Orion

reptilian females are very violent and subdued their males eons ago. Now that the Orion

queen is returning to Earth, it is necessary (from their point of view) that Earth mirror

Mintaka as much as possible since it will be an openly part of the Orion Empire. The DNA

structure placed in the genetically created genders had delay activated segments, as

discussed elsewhere. Part of this dealt with female dominance and male subservience.

If you've seen the Jerry Springer show, you've seen minion and low incarnations going at

each other. Minion and low incarnations are completely body ruled and it's easier to see the

new DNA commands in operation.

Unfortunately, the spirit must be quite strong to resist these commands and shim doesn't

get strong enough, until the VERY Advanced stages and the Final Incarnation, to be able to

control the body's structure and break from the conform mode.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.9901849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Violence is not limited to only physical, but also mental. The controlling partner who

threatens to leave if not obeyed, withholds sex/sleeps in a separate room if not obeyed, gets

‘pissy’ if not given the material possessions wanted, and so on. The purpose is to dominate

and control the other. Females have become experts at this. While victimizing the male

thusly and then the male reacts to it, she always turns around and says 'look how badly he

treats me' when she is the cause. Yes, it does happen both ways, but the tide of events has

the female side on the increase.

The Canadian law giving females unheard of special status if they claim 'abuse' is just one of

the new Orion models taking hold. This law is on the Leading Edge site. Greek poet and

philosopher Virgil said, "Foolish is the man who trusts a woman". Virgil was at least a very

Advanced incarnation. It can also be said 'foolish is the woman who thinks she can change a


There ARE advanced males AND females, it's just that the overwhelming majority are body

and therefore Orion controlled. This is increasing around the world, but is centered in the

US. You can still find remote areas where women are women, but this is shrinking by

design. Unless you are a Dominant or Final Incarnation, you probably won’t be able to

handle this, but my material is for the VERY Advanced who will resonate with it.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:56 p.m. No.9901854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I hope most of you can see where this is all going. The Orion spin has increased to a

deafening level. Female dominance is progressing so rapidly in the Orion mode and,

unfortunately, most males are falling for this lock, stock and barrel. This set above is

obviously for young girls and programs them to embrace their Orion DNA commands AND,

for boys who see this, to surrender to their Orion DNA command structure.

'Boys Lie' - actually it's not the boys who live a lie. It’s females who cover themselves in

make-up, dyes and loads of artificial enhancements throughout most of their lives to make

their appearance a lie. 'Boys have cooties'? Well, if this is the case, why do non-lesbian

females spend most of their time chasing after boys? 'Princess' - that is a direct Orion

DNA connection where reptilian females, of the royal lineage, are all considered 'princess'

and 'daughter of the queen'. 'Too much princess for one boy' - Orion female royals have

multiply male consorts. 'Spoiled rotten' - well that speaks for itself and what they expect.

Using the word 'rotten' says it all though. What do you do with something rotten? You

throw it in the trash where it belongs! 'I have issues' - yes, you do and they are not what you

think they are. Summary: If boys are such liars with bugs living on them and you are so

royal, why would you want to be associated with a boy? Who's living the lie here?

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:56 p.m. No.9901856   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Observation: Violence Against Men Encouraged

In today's (11/24/02) Sunday newspaper's editorial page, a 'cartoon' appears with female

golfers engaging in violence against men and men's property This is in reference to females

joining the male-only golf club in Augusta, Georgia. The drawing shows 3 females hitting

golf balls to break windows (shown) and cause harm to men (2 are unconscious on the

ground with golf balls around them).

Where is all that 'stop the violence' mantras that we have to hear daily? You won’t likely

hear it when it applies to the violent nature of females against males. This editorial cartoon

is only one of countless examples of it being fine for females to be violent to men. This is

PURE Orion mode, although this is the first time I've seen it on an editorial page. This is

unacceptable to Very Advanced and higher incarnations. This is also the Game. I have been

saying over and over that it would get much worse. Women are encouraged to be violent,

both physically and verbally, with men. This is because whipped males, under total Orion

DNA commands, obey the female at all costs.

What can you do about this. In the general or global sense - nothing. What you can do

individually is, if you have moved to the Very Advanced stages where you can override your

physical DNA commands in this area, is to refuse to play in this section of the Game. If

ANYONE decides they want to get violent with you, you can allow it (Lightsiders) or give

them a dose of what they had out (instant balance). While violence is not recommended by

anyone, if you are attacked, it is your right to return the favor. If females know that their

violent nature will not be tolerated, they will hesitate to engage in the activity. If they know

you are whipped and Orion DNA obedient, they will have a field day with you.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9901857   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The polarities are so caught up in their agendas that Allowance is the last thing they would

consider. Allowance oozes individuality. This should tell you where, the conformist blather

of the polarities is rooted - the sequential aliens who are the control mavens of the galaxy.

Earth, a wealthy planet, as the location for simultaneous incarnates just irritate the


The Game is allowing the challenges of gay/lesbian visibility to show those simultaneous

incarnates, who are Advanced enough, how polarities operate. It also adds to one's

observational notes and sharpens one's skills. The Game allows the sequentials to warp the

simultaneous experience by moving to place females above males and cause a shift away

from different incarnational experiences that the genders afforded in the past to the

increasingly Orion model of today. The Light polarity will do whatever it wants because they

are doing it "for your benefit". That's an outright lie. The old chestnut, "If you love me

you'll…(whatever)" is pure control freakish. The Dark polarity will continue with One World

mentalities. The Light seems to concentrate more on spiritual control/dominance. The Dark

wants physical control/dominance. BOTH are dead ends by themselves, yet BOTH must be

embraced by the 3rd density players in order to reach Balance.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9901866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Question: I would think, with the undertone of their superiority and technology, that it

might be a minor matter for them to swoop in and do their deeds, rather than be the

sublime, unseen forces of conspiracy to trick us into some dubious, cow-like submission or

trick us into foolishly falling into an Evil trap, a la Satan of old.


Answer: That is the way of the Sirians. Since they allied, under duress, with the Orion

Empire who is into subterfuge as a preference for taking over low tech planets. The grey

aliens (Sheti, in their language) are the surrogates for control on Earth and why they've

been seen so much. Your way of conquest is Sirian, the overt falls to the far more clever

Orion model. This doesn't mean military force isn't used by the Orion as they needed this to

subdue Sirius. Something to keep in mind with the material I've released, it is for

Dominant and Final Incarnations. Unless, and only you would know, that you are one of

these, you will not be able to grasp the extent and full implications of the material. Hence

you speak in biblical terms, which is comfortable with your level. Nevertheless, your Higher

Self will be able to filter the material better than your conscious self. If you can't

handle something, many things or everything, no problem. Just push it to the side and go

on with your life.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.9901874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Question: Thank you for your recent articulate and helpful response. I have another

question that's been going through my mind… somewhere in your text you say something to

the effect of: "If you want an easy life, go to Andromeda, if you want the hard test, go to

Earth — as incarnations on Earth progress much faster and further than in other venues".

The development of character through the hard experiences of this third dimension make a

lot of sense to me. What doesn't make sense to me is this: If our spirits exist outside of time,

when what benefit is there to progressing faster than another? If time itself is an illusion, a

construct, then to what benefit is 'evolving faster'? And faster and further' connote some

kind of competition for an exalted state of being…. is that really the case in the big picture?

Of course, trying to comprehend states outside of time is difficult from our 3D perspective,

at least for my brain! Perhaps you could clarify?

Answer: While time does not exist outside of 3rd density, there is still the internal

necessity of the Higher Selves to progress and mature. Why do some kids take the rapid

advancement through schools? Why are there those who graduate college when they should

be in high school by age? Each Higher Self is unique with unique requirements. You're

looking for conformity (an Earth/Orion curse that everything should be the same). You have

to grasp the idea of true uniqueness, individuality and freedom. The benefit knowledge you

seek will be revealed to you by your Higher Self when you are ready. If you're looking for a

group movement, that's your DNA commands wanting to conform to the Game.

You are still operating on the 3rd density physical mode by these questions. What is going

on is beyond, far beyond 3rd density life. Just because the Orion model of

control/competition exists here does not make it so to the Higher Selves. You have to

realign your thinking to understand. This involves getting instruction from your own

Higher Self, accessing the Library on Level 27 and exploring on your own. If you cannot do

these yet, it may be you are not quite yet ready or it will not be the matter of your current

incarnation. There are several Earth-brain numbing concepts that we, on this planet, just

cannot comprehend the mechanics of yet. Not to worry about that. Many questions people

have will not be answered or fully answered until you are in Final Incarnation or just ended Final Incarnation. For matters of this sort, just push the unfathomable to the side, for now.

The unfathomable will not be so forever and you will eventually (if not in this incarnation,

then another) get the answers.

Anonymous ID: 84d149 July 8, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.9901879   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Question: Could the DNA-"commands" be overcome by ‘fully realizing them and their

meaning’ not only within the head but within each cell of the body? From childhood I hated

this classification into genders, had problems during my studies (of science) and still have

problems with some bosses (male). They seemingly are afraid of women and I am realizing

that there maybe a reason for this. I do not want to control others and have them obeying to

anything I may want. I really wish a true equality. From what you are writing about women

I feel a lot of bitterness but I can also understand it. I tried to contact my Higher Self - there

appeared some bright "energy" being - but I did not see any oval form. Instead I ended with

this being in a room crowded with my former "lives".

Answer: What you perceive as 'bitterness' is due to Orion tampering and the arrogance of

females as a group. Even though this is built in, that is no excuse on their part. Recognizing

the DNA commands is the first step, however if the spirit is not mature enough (through

hundreds of incarnations), shim will not be able to override the commands. What you see of

men "afraid of women" is because of the male DNA command counterpart. Those men who

seek the approval of females, as the basis for their actions, are under sway of their own

commands as per the Orion model. Awakened Final Incarnations live their lives according

to what they know and through the input of their Higher Selves. They tend to avoid the

masses and the traps and distance themselves from controlling opposite genders.

That you say you want 'true equality' is noble, however true equality cannot exist under the

current conditions as these human bodies are programmed for female domination.

Awakened Finals know this and look forward to leaving this perverted climate. By the time

you realize you are a Final, you see the current societal model for what it is and are repulsed

by the whole thing. It is so contrary to our REAL selves… our Higher Selves. On that level

equality does exist as individual genders do not. If you are in a "room crowded with your

past Hues", you are within your Higher Self. If you can get outside, you will see the

glowing oval. If you are within, you will be either one of the Dominant Incarnations or the

Final. If you are the Final, the Dominants will tell you so. If you are a Dominant (only 3 or

4 per Higher Self), you can discuss the Final with the other Dominants. Explore further.