Fuk your white RACIST Math!
2 + 2 = 5 mfers!
Yo Racist bitches! lmfao
"Imperialism/Colonization" fuking white man's ignorant "Math" bs! kek
"You so dumb" best meme eva! It doesn't even need words for anyone that has eva seen that clip! lmfao every time! "lock yo windows, lock yo doors . . . day raping everyone!" lol
>Fuk your white RACIST Math!
>2 + 2 = 5 mfers!
Baker uses female urine from public toilets to make ‘Goldilocks bread’
Stream of wheat?
An enterprising French baker is switching up her bread recipe, or should we say reci-pee, by using wheat fertilized with female urine harvested from public restrooms.
“Urine is a great fertilizer,” said engineer and self-proclaimed “ecofeminist” Louise Raguet, who regularly gathers piddle from female urinals in the 14th Arrondissement of Paris, reported RT. She’s the brains behind “Boucle d’Or” — or Goldilocks bread.
Raguet’s goal: To “break taboos over excrement,” and create a sustainable food cycle.
According to a new study published by the French Urban Planning Agency, some 29 million loaves of urine-utilizing bread could be baked daily, saving farmers 703 tons of nitrogen employed in artificial fertilizers per day. Perhaps it’s true what they say that April showers bringing May flours.
“It’s a neglected liquid, usually dismissed as a waste,” said Raguet, adding that urine harbors nitrogen, potassium and many of the other nutrients that plants extract from the soil. As such, it “should be treated like a gold mine,” she said.
Going to the bathroom is literally flushing food potential down the toilet. “When you pee in water, treatment plants remove the nutrients,” she said. “They do not return to the earth. The system is not circular.”
It’s unknown how urine affects the taste of the bread; its rumored sterility when expelled from the human body has been the topic of much scientific debate. So, to further ensure its cleanliness, Raguet dilutes the bizarre ingredient 20 times before applying it to the wheat used in Goldilocks bread.
The decision to employ female wee-wee was part of what Raguet calls “ecofeminism,” which advocates using eco-friendly products to empower women.
And the pee-cycling program isn’t Raguet’s only ecofeminist initiative. The unorthodox inventor also MacGyvered a female urinal, nicknamed Marcelle, which she says helps cut down the wait time at women’s bathrooms at public events