Anonymous ID: ec0da1 July 8, 2020, 8:54 p.m. No.9901339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1430

Noticed that the researchgate docs for Timothy Klausutis do not include the following papers that are listed under T.J. Klausutis from his time at Georgia Institute of Tech.


worked with Mihai Sipitca and Vijay Madisetti on most projects


A new adaptive lapped transform (ALT) structure is introduced to implement time-varying linear-phase paraunitary and biorthogonal filter banks. The new ALT is based on the generalized lapped transform (GLT). A time-varying filter bank is constructed through the factorization of the GLT into cascaded matrix stages. Variable-length LTs are subsequently generated by cascading a number of these matrix stages to build specific length filters. A fixed and variable block size embedded ALT image codec is presented


A structure is presented for implementing perfectly reconstructing time-varying linear-phase paraunitary filterbanks (LPPUFB) using a novel adaptive lapped transform (ALT). The ALT is based on the generalized lapped orthogonal transform (GenLOT). A time-varying filterbank is constructed through the factorization of the GenLOT into cascaded matrix stages. Variable-length lapped transforms are subsequently generated by cascading a number of these matrix stages to build filters of specific length. An embedded ALT image codec is presented.


We propose a design framework for perfectly reconstructed time-varying linear-phase paraunitary filter bands using a novel adaptive lapped transform (ALT). The ALT is based on the Generalized Lapped Orthogonal Transform (GenLOT) proposed by Queiroz. A time-varying filter bank is constructed through the factorization of the GenLOT into cascaded matrix stages. Variable length lapped transforms are subsequently generated by cascading a number of these matrix stages to build specific length filters. Several constraints on the design ensure perfect reconstruction and a fast implementation. An embedded ALT images codec is presented and the application of the ALT to the H.263 video coding standard is discussed. Preliminary results show that the ALT-based embedded image codec has a 1.61-2.35 and a 2.37-4.04 dB increase in peak signal-to-noise ratios (PSNR) compared to the JPEG image coding standard for the Lenna and Barbara test images, respectively.


Videoconferencing is an application of video compression that is rapidly expanding in terms of market acceptance and importance. A number of recent papers discuss methods for very low bit rate videoconferencing between 10 - 20 kbps. In addition, telephone lines with state-of-the- art data modems are capable of transmitting data between 20 - 28 kbps. Since videoconferencing requires the transmission and reception of audio and video, the video component is likely to be restricted to about 20 kbps when using telephone lines. While these recent papers indicate acceptable quality for sequences such as `Miss America' for these very low bit rates, they also indicate higher data rates required for other sequences, that are characterized by excessive movement and/or details. In this paper, we are introducing a framework in which sequences that fall in this category are processed so that they match better the characteristics of the coder. However, this cannot be accomplished without reducing the amount of information in the sequence. The key is to make this in such a way as to produce the least subjectively perceptible distortion. Our experiments have shown that the subjective quality of the resulting sequence after active coding and decoding is better than that of the one resulting from standard coding and decoding