Morning anons…
ty bake!
Reading thru the notables…great work on Maxwell and Conde Nast/LSJ…holy SHIT!!!!
Also great work on China digs…(silent war continues…)
Honored to be among you!
Morning anons…
ty bake!
Reading thru the notables…great work on Maxwell and Conde Nast/LSJ…holy SHIT!!!!
Also great work on China digs…(silent war continues…)
Honored to be among you!
Scanned the doc and worth a read…not so much for the semi-synch stuff but for the NATURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS…wowser…
We are 2 things…a vehicle or biological entity…a meat puppet…
an Incarnated Spirit described herein as "consciousness"…
Claim Your Sovereignty…
was reading this earlier…the cages were underwater or somehow in water…they had a special name for the place…
Post size bigger due to eyesight? That might make sense…
This anon pretty comfy with the setup…remember when we started tweeting captchas and notables and Q basically told us to stop…
Would guess some kind of new and broader platform ahead. Almost has to be. Parler was a test…how many will create accounts if POTUS creates one? DanO creates one?
When AT&T was broken up they created smaller companies called the baby bells. Would expect a similar mash up/un mash w/social media ahead…
did Conde Nast ever advertise LSJ??????
Opening Ceremony of the2012London Olympics…
Opening ceremony complete predictive programming of corona…even elbow bumps by medical staff…children the commodity (BTW corona leaves the kiddies…)…weird and to many coinkydinks…
Sponsored by the National Health Service BTW…they even flash the stadium lights and it looks like the virus molecule…EXACTLY…
A couple of video out with subtitles…mapping out the images might be worth it…almost overwhelming…but OBVIOUS NOW…
April stories so probably has been considered but new to this anon…
McVay…OKC bomber…
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
Deadpool anyone on first arrest?
Gates (my new top of the list..)
Prince Andrew
>Q is a Quantum message from the future
Ever consider (we) are Q and feeding back on ourselves with knowledge of events? Imbedded (long standing) anons have some stories…
Q and Q team and POTUS will make use of this system when the biscuit flips. I sure as shit would. Have the smartest folks in the world here…free thinkers and all. I would snap us all up, or those that wanted to continue, and build me some nice projects…
Basically saying (we) or those that want to will be tasked with rebuilding…
>Who was Maxwell working for?
Complicated question that…to make it easy…
There is a higher order that sits above governments and systems. It is run by old families who intermarry, worship satan/moloch, and perform ritual human sacrifices. It may or may not have ET ties/roots/controls. It certainly interfaces with what we would call demons.
She worked for that group and she was a BLOOD member…Epstein also worked for that group but he got in on DEEDS…
Arresting either one of them a BIGGER DEAL than arresting Obama…
Maxwell bigger than Epstein due to being a BLOOD MEMBER AND UNTOUCHABLE…
Welcome to square one Alice…down the rabbit hole you go….reeeeeeeee
>I pray Barr and Durham do the right thing
trust the plan fren…
and interesting…would be incredible if it tied to Carter in some way..oh the irony…
a major shitbag…
If you can dig it up, might be interesting to see what FBI leaders and DOJ leaders were in/out in early 2017 (jan-mar)…who met w/Key? Who met with him/her?
We know Podesta there pre-FF and another interesting topic is THAT…
Not sure on the electric cuffs but nice ideas and what we need to bring to LE…way better, safer, more humane methods than what are used now…
Melania…or US as mentioned in previous post…
Q feels like more of a collective and posts "speak" with a different "voice'…we have been told a "team"…one Q? or Qteam?
>imo its an AI
not ruling that out either…who wrote it? maybe (you) and (me)…and a bunch of other anons…
we were drawn here for a reason…we are learning about time and its nature…Q team certainly has foreknowledge of events (so do/did the shitbags)…this certainly is Spiritual in nature…
and (we) are playing a big role…so just trying to figure all that out lol….
If other anons minds work like mine I assign a probability to things and keep gathering data…AI highly probably in my mind…(we) highly probably in my mind…melania I kind of want to be Q just cause it would be cool and stun people :-) She is wicked smart..won some math contents when she was young…some say she is an incarnated Arcturian Princess…
Pieces in the probability puzzle…