‘More Likely Than Not’ China Has Already Stolen Information of American Adults
‘More Likely Than Not’ China Has Already Stolen Information of American Adults
Considering that 62% of the population is White, and 16.9% is Hispanic (also considered 'White' by the left), you have 78.9% represented with those two races alone, so those national park attendance numbers fall almost perfectly in line with the overall US population demographic.
More ''leftist spin'' to attempt to paint a false narrative as usual!
Do you have a link to back that up?
← This is happening again making posting nearly impossible. Have to click "New Reply" nearly 30 or so times to get one to go through.
CM, please fix!
It happens every morning for a short while, then corrects itself without clearing any caches.
It shows exactly ''which group'' [They] are singling out. One one hand you have "everyone else", and then you have "those evil white people"…
They're showing their own racism by using the POC term.
There's an (81)+ shill out there…
PayPal is up to similar shenanigans too. Even MasterCard is cutting off some "radical conservatives" while letting "radical leftists" slide.
Pretty much this right here.