Anonymous ID: 1ad825 July 9, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.9904845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4847 >>4850 >>4857 >>4871 >>4877 >>5038

My timeline regarding Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and other connections


Part VI, 1/6 (See Part V links following which was the only part so far not notabled, which gives links to Part IV, then that to Part III, then that to Part II, and that to Part I: >>9893677, >>9893679, >>9893681, >>9893683, >>9893688, >>9893694, >>9893699 )


2015: Ehud Barak formed a company in Israel to invest in Carbyne911 (at that time called Reporty), investing millions, a major shareholder and then the chairman of its board. A million of this investment came from the Southern Trust Company, owned by Epstein.


September 28, 2016 (Wednesday): About this time, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was informed by NYPD Clinton emails were found on Weiner's laptop, in a file called Insurance Policy. FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok wrote to FBI lawyer Lisa Page ""Got called up to Andy's earlier…hundreds of thousands of emails turned over by Weiner's atty to sdny, includes a ton of material from spouse. Sending team up tomorrow to review … this will never end …,". The two worked on the Clinton email probe. What was found on that lap top by NYPD was so egregious, they had notified the FBI. There were State Department emails; criminal activity, including money laundering, by Hillary, her immediate associates, and other Democrat member of Congress; pay to play; pedophile sex at the infamous island of Jeffrey Epstein, which both the Clintons visited, Hillary at least 6 times; much more. Purportedly, it was so horrible, even De Blasio refused to look at it. After a month of the FBI sitting on the case, the NYPD threatened to go public if Justice didn't charge these people, however, Lynch threatened NYPD relative to the death of Eric Garner who had suffered a heart attack while being arrested. She had already had a team of federal agents looking into that case.


November 4, 2016: Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, describes what was found on Wiener's laptop. This must have been the announcement of which Giulliani had spoken. Prince also asserted DOJ was using the Garner case as "leverage". He mentioned Epstein's Island and the Clintons' visits to it and crimes that were in the files of his laptop.


April 14, 2018: The DOJIG released his McCabe report. It said that they had arranged a meeting for a search warrant to get emails of October 27, 2016. It was thought these emails, on the Weiner laptop, were relative to the email Comey wrote to Congress on the following 28th of the month informing them the Hillary email case was being reopened. According to text messages between Strzok and Lisa Page, the FBI was aware of the Weiner laptop the previous Sept., and had sent a team to NY to investigate. The laptop had been found because NYPD had been investigating Weiner for sexting minors. It was said the laptop had contained Clinton emails, 650,000 of them containing information on corruption, pay-for-play and worse, pointing to the Clintons and others of high status on a file labeled "Insurance Policy". McCabe was informed of the emails on the laptop in Sept. of 2016 but kept it under wraps for a month until some among the FBI and/or NYPD began to complain as to why nothing was being done. On October 24, 2016, Lynch sent a team to NY to inject themselves in the Eric Garner case. Garner had been the black man who died while being placed under arrest.

Anonymous ID: 1ad825 July 9, 2020, 7:16 a.m. No.9904847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4850 >>4857 >>4871 >>4877 >>5038





According to the DOJIG report, McCabe and Lynch had a conference call with NY:


McCabe told the OIG that during the October 2016 time frame, it was his “perception that there was a lot of information coming out of likely the [FBI’s] New York Field Office” that was ending up in the news. McCabe told the OIG that he “had some heated back-and-forths” with the New York Assistant Director in Charge (“NY-ADIC”) over the issue of media leaks. Except McCabe was the leaker. He lied, and set up FBI NY. But the leaks had to do with what he had leaked to the WSJ and not what was on the Wiener emails. "On October 26, 2016, McCabe and NY-ADIC participated in what McCabe described as “a hastily convened conference call with the Attorney General who delivered the same message to us” about leaks, with specific focus being on leaks regarding the high-profile investigation by FBI’s New York Field Office into the death of Eric Garner. McCabe told us that he “never heard her use more forceful language.” NY-ADIC confirmed that the participants got “ripped by the AG on leaks.”


However, it couldn't have been about Eric Garner as that hadn't been leaked until the 30th. Two days after this conference call Comey sent his email to Congress about reopening the Clinton email case. It becomes clear the leak was about the Clinton emails on Wiener's laptop because on Nov. 4 following, Eric Prince was on Brietbart radio talking about it, "Prince claimed he had insider knowledge of the investigation that could help explain why FBI Director James Comey had to announce he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email server last week……Because of Weinergate and the sexting scandal, the NYPD started investigating it. Through a subpoena, through a warrant, they searched his laptop, and sure enough, found those 650,000 emails. They found way more stuff than just more information pertaining to the inappropriate sexting the guy was doing,” Prince claimed………“They found State Department emails. They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times,” he said…. “The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, ‘We’re going to go public with this if you don’t reopen the investigation and you don’t do the right thing with timely indictments,’” Prince explained……“I believe – I know, and this is from a very well-placed source of mine at 1PP, One Police Plaza in New York – the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in this investigation, and they’ve gotten huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department, with the Justice Department threatening to charge someone that had been unrelated in the accidental heart attack death of Eric Garner almost two years ago. That’s the level of pushback the Obama Justice Department is doing against actually seeking justice in the email and other related criminal matters,” Prince said.

Anonymous ID: 1ad825 July 9, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.9904850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4857 >>4871 >>4877 >>5038






When Lynch had heard about their threats to expose it, she injected the Feds into the Garner case to start a race war in an attempt to shut down the NYPD investigation. Prince also said NYPD had a copy of the laptop emails. The IG report confirmed Lynch brought up the Garner case with NY and McCabe in a conference call. On Aug. 5, 2016, Strzok texted Lisa Page, “the White House is running this”, with the initials that were redacted eventually revealed as be "L.C’s”. The full text was this, "And hi. Went well, best we could have expected. Other than L.C's quote 'the White House is running this.'"


The initials belong to Leslie Caldwell who was running Mid-Year Exam (MYE), the Clinton email investigation. This means the White House was running the Clinton email investigation. It was therefore the White House that exonerated Hillary Clinton and gave every other witness immunity. Since they were running the Clinton investigation, this means they took over the Wiener laptop investigation because Clinton emails were revealed on Wiener's laptop, and there were protests about nothing being done. For that reason, the White House had Comey re-open MYE while they investigated the laptop, and closed it soon after, covering up all the crimes of the emails and all the crimes revealed on the Wiener laptop.


November 7, 2018: Epstein ordered a Carmix 5.5 XL self loading concrete mixer truck to be shipped to his island, paying $50 thousand for the $100 thousand truck in advance to have it shipped quickly by an Express Bill of Lading.


November 28, 2018: The Miami Herald published an expose on Epstein, leading to his eventual arrest.


November 30, 2018: Epstein began paying off witnesses.


February 22, 2018: Durham was sworn in as U.S. attorney.

Anonymous ID: 1ad825 July 9, 2020, 7:17 a.m. No.9904857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4871 >>4877 >>5038







Around the time Durham was sworn in, in February, Epstein made an order, the shipment of which would arrive on March 11 to his NY mansion from port in the U.S. Virgin Islands closest to his island. The shipping list included a 191 pound tile and carpet extractor. The new sherifffs in town must have turned his whitey tidies brown. He would travel to Paris for the two weeks before his arrest on July 3 when he returned to the U.S.


April 21, 2019: According to a date indicated on the Rusty Shackleford videos of Epsteins Island, this is when the drone shots were taken, and began to be published the following July. The drone started on April 21, but the file wasn't created until May 7th.


July, 2019: Epstein’s Southern Trust Company was identified in U.S. Virgin Islands as “a DNA database and data mining” company. We remember Epstein's heavy investment in Carbyne, and Epstein was involved with blackmail/extortion through the use of underage girls, and claimed he had “damaging information or embarrassing” on Silicon Valley figures, saying that they “were hedonistic and regular users of recreational drugs”, and that he had “witnessed prominent tech figures taking drugs and arranging for sex”, and that he knew “details about their supposed sexual proclivities.” Before his final arrest, Epstein seemed to be casting himself as a “tech investor.” He was known to associate with executives, '''such as co-founder Sergey Brin, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. In 2018, Epstein claimed to be advising Tesla and Elon Musk, who was photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell. A few years back, Epstein was at a dinner hosted by Reid Hoffman, claiming Musk had introduced him to Mark Zuckerberg. Another Carbyne contributor is Michael Chertoff, former head of the Department of Homeland Security, who is on its board of advisers. The Chertoff Group has former members of U.S. intelligence, such as Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and NSA; and Charles Allen, former assistant director of Central Intelligence for Collection at the CIA, with whom had been for over 40 years.


Carbyne partnered with Google and Cisco Systems in April, 2019, for “aligning its unified call manager with Carbyne’s call-handling platform, allowing emergency call centers to collect data from both 911 callers and government owned Io T (Internet of Things–shades of IBM Internet of Things) devices.''' A Government Technology publication said, “Carbyne’s platform will be integrated into Cisco Kinetic for Cities, an IoT data platform that shares data across community infrastructure, smart city solutions, applications and connected devices.” And “Carbyne will also be the only 911 solution in the Cisco Marketplace”, and also that their platform would combine the data from devices with “what’s available through nearby Cisco-connected road cameras, roadside sensors, smart streetlamps, smart parking meters or other devices”, and “Carbyne can also analyze data that’s being collected by Cisco IoT devices … and alert 911 automatically, without any person making a phone call, if there appears to be a worthy problem,” and emergency calls would be made “by smart cars, telematics or other smart city devices.”

Anonymous ID: 1ad825 July 9, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.9904871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4877 >>5038








Sometime before the final arrest of Epstein, Carbyne911's services were being highly lauded by U.S. and Israeli media, as being the solution to the U.S.'s “aging 911 systems” whose platform provides “hi-tech prcotection to social workers and school principals.” Carbyne’s call-handling/crisis management platform, having been put in place in a number of counties in the U.S., has offices in the U.S., Mexico, Ukraine and Israel, will be expanding per federal legislation offering grants to upgrade 911 call centers. National Emergency Number Association (NENA), is a lobbier of the services, having a “strong relationship” with Carbyne. It is also becoming part of non-emergency areas in governments, schools, and businesses. Carbyne partnered with Google on July 10, 2019, three days after Epstein's final arrest. Carbyne said they and Google would work in Mexico “to offer advanced mobile location to emergency communications centers (ECCs) throughout Mexico.” Also, "Carbyne will provide Google’s Android ELS (Emergency Location Service) in real time from emergency calls made on AndroidTM devices. Deployment for any ECC in the country won’t require any integration, with Carbyne providing numerous options for connection to their secure ELS Gateway once an ECC is approved. The Carbyne automated platform, requiring no human interaction, has the potential to save thousands of lives each year throughout Mexico.”


July 6, 2019: FBI arrested Epstein for Florida sex trafficking of minors in Florida and New York from 2002 to 2005. This came on the heels of the release of 2,000 pages of documents by order of a federal appeals court, despite a plea deal agreement, and his having served 9 months of his 13 month sentence previously. The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility had recently begun an investigation into whether the then U.S. attorney Acosta perpetrated professional misconduct for allowing that deal, and in February, had found the deal infringed on victims' rights for not having revealed the plea deal to them. As a result, the records were unsealed. Conveniently, among evidence sealed was a a ledger in which many well known figures were involved or mentioned. U.S. District Judge Kenneth Marra in Palm Beach said at the time, “Particularly problematic was the Government’s decision to conceal the existence of the [agreement] and mislead the victims to believe that federal prosecution was still a possibility.’’


Acosta said he had been backed by Justice at the time. Acosta was now the Secretary of Labor. Remember, the Clintons were close friends of Epstein. That plea deal was struck in 2008, allowing him to avoid registering as a sex offender in 31 of 50 states. Part of the deal included dropping a federal investigation, however, the victims and their lawyers were not informed there would be no federal investigation, and it is this which was the violation of their rights. The unsealed file includes emails of Epstein's defense team, which included Alan Dershowitz; of the U.S. Attorney's office and former State Attorney Barry Krischer showing intent to leave the victims in the dark. The plea deal was described as 'one of the most extraordinarily lenient plea arrangements in American history'. The lawyer who sealed the records had worked for Comey and Mueller. Emails from the spring of 2008 between FBI agents and the local ass't US attorneys show "continued delays" getting the case to a grand jury "due to the failure to receive decision from DC." It was a constant cover up the Clintons'sand othersmachine. There were also other politians, congress members, etc. The case is being undertaken by the SDNY Public Corruption Unit (PCU), who "oversees the investigation and prosecution of corruption crimes committed by elected and appointed officials, government employees…" Acosta would end up stepping down.

Anonymous ID: 1ad825 July 9, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.9904877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5038









July 16, 2019: Barr's DOJ announced they would not charge office Pantaleo in the Eric Garner case, one day before the statute of limitation would have expired. Keep in mind the proximity to the arrest of Epstein.


August 10, 2019: Epstein purportedly committed suicide between 6 and 7 am. Someone who appeared to resemble Epstein was taken from the prison in Manhattan at 7:30 am. He was not in a body bag. The Chief examiner, Dr. Barbara Sampson, announced the conclusion of the autopsy later, with Dr. Michael Baden present, but what was unusual was the fact that she was not present, even though it was conducted by another individual. She should have been present, according to Dr. Cyril Wecht, who in 1979, had examined the cases of JFK (whose purported killer, J. Edgar Hoover had declared to be the sole assassin the day after, of which Wecht deems highly questionable, ), RFK, and MLK. Also unusual was to announce the completed autopsy but not releasing the results. Even more disturbing to Wecht was the fact the pathologist had announced the results were "pending" AKA "undetermined", yet the following day the Chief pathologist overrode that to say the autopsy was complete, and that it was a suicide. It should be noted, they have their own toxicology lab, so no need to have sent anything away, however, Wecht says it would have been impossible to have all of the toxicology and microscopic slides completed, nor the investigative reports. Yet, as of 9/5/19 Wecht averred it was his understanding the family of Epstein, ie Marc, has not received the autopsy report. Wecht also declared, according to the infamous photo of Epstein being wheeled on a gurney, there seemed to be a contusion on his left cheek and hemorrhagic furrowing right next to his left ear, a contustion abrasion. Wecht said these injuries are not caused by leaning into hanging as was claimed Epstein had done. He says it should have been investigated as to whether these injuries were sustained as a result of his prior attack in his cell, which can be examined mircroscopically. He also reiterated that it was "rare, rare, rare" for the hyoid bone to break during a hanging. When asked, he also said he could not determine by looking at the photo as to where he were dead, though he had heard he had died.


July 2, 2020: It was announced Maxwell had been arrested, and charged with a six-count indictment, but on particular to crimes committed in the 90s.