Forget Plague, Riots, and Socialism: Vote-By-Mail Will Be the Death of the Republic
Vote-by-mail is the devil
It’s valid for those of us on the right to be concerned about the fate of our beloved country, especially in this strangest of years. We are, after all, facing a host of problems: the coronavirus pandemic, the successful radical leftist indoctrination of two generations of public school kids, and the resulting lust for socialism on the American left resulting from that.
There is also the fact that the idiot lefties are trying to ruin sports, entertainment, and even hamburgers, but we’ll have to save that for another day.
When I survey the 2020 landscape trying to ascertain what is most detrimental to the future of the United States of America, I easily settle on one thing: the push to make vote-by-mail (or mail-in voting) the norm.
Vote-by-mail is a systematic fraud-fest. I’ve long been a critic and will continue to be one until mail-in ballots elect a commie president who sends me to a reeducation camp. Even then, I’ll probably act up a little. I firmly believe that the only people who need to vote by mail are deployed military or people who are expatriated due to work. Yes, some people will need absentee ballots here at home, but there should be a very strict process for applying for one.
I know that sounds a little hardcore, but I’m sticking with it. Heck, I don’t even like early voting. Your reasons why I shouldn’t are invalid.
But there is no voter fraud!
Democrats are fond of insisting that there is no voter fraud. They’re also the party that only got Obamacare through the Senate because some votes for Al Franken were “found” in an election official’s car trunk and a corrupt lefty judge allowed them to be counted. They sort of have a vested interest in election rules being rather malleable over there.
If you’re looking for any part of the voting process to be easily manipulated, vote-by-mail is a dream:
Mail-in ballots have long been acknowledged by voting experts to be more susceptible to fraud and irregularities than in-person voting. This has raised concerns from President Trump and other Republicans about the integrity of national elections in November, which are expected to include a dramatic increase in mail-in ballots. If Paterson is any guide, it ought to concern Democrats as well.
Over 800 ballots in Paterson were invalidated for appearing in mailboxes improperly bundled together – including a one mailbox where hundreds of ballots were in a single packet. The bundles were turned over to law enforcement to investigate potential criminal activity related to the collection of the ballots.
Mail-in voting has always been problematic, but what’s being suggested now is even worse. Democrats are pushing hard for an all mail-in election, which opens up a new can of worms:
“At the very least, mailing ballots to every registration on file – knowing that a significant number of registrations are erroneous or outdated – is a significant waste of scarce resources,” [an Honest Elections Project] report says, noting that a recent estimate from Clark County, Nevada predicted it would cost at least $323,000 to mail ballots to inactive registrants.
While many of the registrations may be “erroneous or outdated” are they really “inactive” if the registrants are still on file? It takes an extraordinary amount of naïveté to believe that many of these “inactive” people won’t be voting more than once or from beyond the grave.
It’s also a bit of a stretch to think that all of the friendly labor union folk who like to help with Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts on Election Day won’t show up early to “provide assistance” with mail-in ballots to the elderly.