good morning patriots!
when 'real baker' gets here, let me know… until then, I'm grateful we got a fresh
yup, this is NOT d'oh from 12675… just a poser trying to cause problems.
write it in red again, maybe someone will listen
now go make me a new meme.
topkek, i actually got tricked into thinking this was just the 'early' bake d'oh was talkin' bout…
look at the time stamps, reconcile.
this is me realizing we are about to see dualing breads again, so Im screaming in my megaphone as loud as possible.
i wish you had a megaphone…
(red text doesn't count, its fucking annoying)
nah your sister has my facebook url memorized as it is… who needs a tripcode?
touche, why do you feel you were 'denied'?
maybe find another hour during the day, when we DONT have 3 bakers on shift… try to bake then.
there are times when we literally can't FIND a baker… make that your shift or somethin'.
dude seriously, if you take it personal, it's your loss.
these people are assholes… just gotta keep pushin' through it.
catalog actin screwy….
baker go here