Has anybody told Trump that he's the CEO of the DOJ ffs?!?!?!?
Aint nobody votin for Creepy Joe. I still dont see him getting the nomination. Probably some actor like Clooney or Hanks. Creepy is a shitty actor, just like he's a shitty everything else. Fucking lowlife crook.
Never call the police period. Police are useless fucks.
There are no crimes, it's just like Mueller, a pure fishing expedition. The IRS hasnt found any problems with Trump's taxes, and you know it would have under QueerBarry is there were any cause. Trump needs to start arresting some people. Duh. WTF up, Don. JFK got killed, Nixon pushed out of office, Reagan got shot. That's what /they/ will do if /they/ keep getting chances. Wtf up. Lock 'em up. NOW. TODAY.
/They/ are showing why Creepy will need to be replaced at the convention.
So order them to be arrested ffs. Who are you complaining too. Fucking lock them up. Drain the swamp. Nothing else matters unless that is done. Duh.
Well, Trump, you havent locked them up, or drained the swamp. The Wall is about 12% done, not impressed with that either. I might vote for Trump IF he does these things. Only if.
Yeah, but he gets a lot of re-twats and comments. Wow!
I walked out of a store today when the clerk demanded I wear a mask. I had a bandana in my pocket, but I left. I might check that store next in 2021. Maybe.
I'm predicting the Trump Curse will fall on Vance soon. He's crooked and dirty.
Fishing expedition only. No crime there.
Laura is boring af, she'd be much better in a normie govt job.
Q is obviously Ghislane Maxwell. Cant post from jail.
Correct. The judicial branch is every bit as dirty as the other two branches, and possibly even more dangerous.
Eliminate demoncrats 2020.
Trump's DOJ has been a disgrace at all times. That's Trump's fault. All the wrongful prosecutions and bad appts like Sessions, McMaster, Mattis, all Trump's direct responsbility. His actions are good, but he seems to have no judgment regarding the character of others. Meadows should help.
He had sex with numerous 14 and 15 year olds, but he was only doing it to be polite to a friend.
I dont like Trump waiving his salary btw. Being POTUS isnt a volunteer position, it's a position paid for by the People. He is our employee, he is not doing us some kind of favor in his exercise of personal political ambition.
Eyyyy Tone, just sayin, he's an Eye-Tie.
Agree. Many libtards need shooting imo.
I've raised two kids and NO, it is not normal or acceptable behavior. I'd only warn somebody once about such behavior, and very clearly. Another offense goes straight to violence.
Two things accomplish all of nothing:
Q posts;
Whining on twatter about executive matters.
Confirm in the SF Area. Normies are dumb as a rock, they think covid is going to kill them any second. Meanwhile, a zillion former ballplayers are out playing golf in the sun.
Michael Cohen is proven to be so fucking stupid, he could be a demoncrat Governor or Mayor.
Lock her up. Grade: F
Drain the Swamp. Grade: C-
Build the Wall. Grade: C
Yes, I'm far too good for that, you fiucking moran. But you do that, you clearly have nothing better to do, unlike myself. One of the stupidest posts I've even seen on here. I went somewhere else, dumbass. That's what you should do. Fucking cretin.
You really are one stupid fucker, arent you? You should have stayed in school.
Im sure AG Keith Ellison will be sure justice is done.
Mine was a small corner store like place, we have many. Normally, I slip on the bandana to go in and finish my business quickly. Most stores dont really bother about it much, so this faggot surprised me. Their loss, there are dozens of similar stores around.
Ive always heard reservations are shitholes. Too bad.
Dreams are free.
I havent voted for him yet.
Would you want an employee who waives his salary? I wouldnt. You get what you pay for.
Why do we have the unlawful FRB and IRS? Crooked SCOTUS decisions.
Ive been fighting this b attl;e harder and smarter than you are since 1992. Fucking child. You are really fucking stupid. Low iq . Thats why you have no education and no career. Loser for sure.
Id send you to be killed in a heartbeat though.
I know that, you pointless fucking moran.
He doesnt "take" it, he's given it back to the govt several times. Youve probably never had an employee, nor will you ever have one. Because youre low iq, unaccomplished, and clueless. Get a job, loser.
I read the cases in law school. SCOTUS just doesnt care the IRS is unlawful and unratified.
I should buy your house and evict you. Fucking dropout.
This is one of the lowest iq breads I've seen this year. I'm just bashing some stupid fucktards who should get up early and look for a menial job.
Same here, and was just accused of having common core reading skills by some low iq fucktard. Shitty bread here, too many dummies.