Anonymous ID: 3ce1ee July 9, 2020, 8:30 a.m. No.9905477   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RFKjr doing periscope On vaccines and a watcher types in “touch your nose if JFKjr is alive”,

and clear as day he touches his nose and gives a Slight smile


9 sec mark request made {White Rabbit}


14 sec mark Response made {Touches Nose}


20 sec mark THANK YOU!!!




>RFKjr Comms

Anonymous ID: 3ce1ee July 9, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.9905819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5830 >>5910



sounds like sumpin(sp) Joe would say


1st Indictment ?


Those WHO pull "the TRIGGER"

and "The LONE candidate aRanger JOE"


Those who 'pull the trigger' seem to prefer:


"[J]eronimo JOE !?!?!" {ALLin!}


Nobody At All

22 subscribers

Qanon, the Great Awakening, Patriots Fight


“Green Mind” by Dink << ^^^^^ BEST VERSION


The aircraft are mostly from Red Flags at Nellis, NV.


Hey, hey,Joe, Joe

Whatcha know, whatcha know? {_nD_ctMENT!}

Hey, hey,Joe, Joe


"little hard driven that car, with a PAIN in Your GUT, isn't IT!"


UKraine should have an EXTRAdiction reQUEST soon …