sounds like sumpin(sp) Joe would say
1st Indictment ?
Those WHO pull "the TRIGGER"
and "The LONE candidate aRanger JOE"
Those who 'pull the trigger' seem to prefer:
"[J]eronimo JOE !?!?!" {ALLin!}
Nobody At All
22 subscribers
Qanon, the Great Awakening, Patriots Fight
“Green Mind” by Dink << ^^^^^ BEST VERSION
The aircraft are mostly from Red Flags at Nellis, NV.
Hey, hey,Joe, Joe
Whatcha know, whatcha know? {_nD_ctMENT!}
Hey, hey,Joe, Joe
"little hard driven that car, with a PAIN in Your GUT, isn't IT!"
UKraine should have an EXTRAdiction reQUEST soon …