Epiphany from this anon. Not one to self-notable, but if you think this is worth more than runny dogshit, nominate it.
"CLASS ACTION" - anons assume this means big tech. It doesn't.
Corrupt states, counties and cities impose unconstitutional lock-down orders.
Orders include mask requirements.
Masks dangerously increase CO2 levels and reduce blood Oxygen levels.
States/counties/cities are not qualified to force medical prescriptions. They are not doctors.
Doctors are not even capable of imposing such restrictions without a court order. (They can prescribe, but patients do not have to comply.)
States/counties/cities impose medically dangerous requirements, endangering citizenry at an unprecidented level.
Citizenry reaches breaking point and pushes back, SUING states/counties/cities in CLASS ACTION lawsuits.
Results are billions in damages, awarded to citizenry.
Corrupt states/counties/cities are immediately bankrupted.
Must have help from US Treasury in form of a bail-out.
Negotiations NECESSARY.
Federal government now in position to mandate changes in order to receive bail-out.
Politically impossible to defend.
Huge part of graft in system is run through state/county/city governments.
Graft cannot occur when state/count/city governments are under debt-load of court ordered settlements.
Federal government now has sufficient leverage to force corrupt government factions to eliminate graft structures.
Game over.
just another anon