to get your trip code, put your lips on the end and slowly insert the trip code, and keep trying that for a while, and then it, the tripod, is deposited by your boyfriend into your throat……
to get your trip code, put your lips on the end and slowly insert the trip code, and keep trying that for a while, and then it, the tripod, is deposited by your boyfriend into your throat……
eat your big mac and like it, oh you do, reply with all caps and Red text then….. you will
most who have haunted the boards for years now now what kind of stuff can come across the boards at any moment, if you allow kids on here or near your computer are idiots, CP, Necrophilia, Cannibalism, foot fetish, fat Chicks, Porn of all kinds, Beastiality- that is sex with any animal, and the Shitters, in your mouth, on the ground, on things, on things you eat, etc, and many other horrible things the enemy and shitposters put on here, if you haunt here you know that, if you don't, you just learned. Buyer beware, the enemy has nasty things kids should not see, but you're the parent I am not, I invested in Trojan Man and have none.
those guys are here to bother the world and mostly in case you drop one of these, a chance to dog pile on each other, that is why they are here