Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.9906822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

Fugitive Border State Governor Had Mexican, Texas Fake IDs, Say Feds


Federal prosecutors in Texas assert that a fugitive former Mexican border state governor committed drug trafficking, bank fraud, and money laundering offenses with the use of false identities.


According to court documents recently filed in the case against Tomas Yarrington Ruvalcaba, prosecutors intend to use a series of “extraneous offenses in this trial to show motive, opportunity, intent, preparation,” as evidence of the defendant’s guilt. While Yarrington’s use of fake IDs has been known since his previous arrest in Italy, this is the first time prosecutors confirm their intent to use that information at trial.


The allegedly false identifying documents are a Mexican voter registration card and a driver’s license under the name Jose Angel Marquez Perez. There is also a YMCA member card under the name Tomas Chapa in Austin, Texas. The trial is expected to start in late September.


Tomas Yarrington served as the governor of Tamaulipas from 1999 to 2005. It was during that time he allegedly funneled millions of dollars in bribes from corrupt businessmen and drug traffickers into U.S. bank accounts. Court hearing briefs say Yarrington pocketed as much as $132 million. After his term as governor, Yarrington allegedly worked directly with the Gulf Cartel, Los Zetas, and the Beltran Leyva Cartel to help get access to top politicians for favors, court documents claim. Since the case first came to light, U.S. prosecutors seized several of Yarrington’s properties in Texas that were allegedly purchased with illicit funds.


Yarrington is not the only Tamaulipas governor wanted in Texas on cartel money laundering charges. Former governor Eugenio Hernandez Flores is currently in a Mexican jail fighting U.S. extradition. Hernandez is wanted on charges based on similar circumstances.


Last month, Breitbart Texas published exclusive documents from the now-defunct Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office (PGR) that revealed previously undisclosed information about Hernandez’s alleged ties to organized crime and other corrupt activities.


Protected Witness to Election Fraud?


Most recently, current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador alluded during one of his speeches about Eugenio Hernandez and other former top politicians possibly being used as protected witnesses in investigating allegations of fraud in the 2006 presidential election. Back then, Lopez Obrador lost his bid but claimed President Felipe Calderon rigged the election. It remains unclear if using Hernandez as a protected witness could interfere with the extradition fight. Hernandez Flores’ attorneys are actively filing injunctions in front of federal Mexican judges who could issue favorable rulings.

Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9906832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6872 >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

Engelwood, Colorado Passes Mandatory Face Mask Law for Every Citizen Over Age Five


FOX News reported:


The city of Englewood, Colo. located just south of Denver, will require all citizens to wear face masks Friday as coronavirus cases are on the rise. Violators will have the right to a trial but could face up to a year in prison or a $2,600 fine.

The emergency order was issued by City Manager J. Shawn Lewis and approved by the city council Monday, detailing that everyone over the age of 6-years old will be required to wear a mask when outside of their homes.

The order directs all members of the public to wear face masks that cover both their nose and mouth while in any retail, commercial, or government offices along with all health care facilities, including veterinary offices.

All people taking public transportation are required to wear face masks. Drivers of public transportation services, like Uber and taxi services are required to wear a face mask unless members of their family are in the vehicle.

Face coverings are not required when in a personal office and individuals are more than six feet apart from one another.

Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9906852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6912 >>6970 >>7164 >>7168 >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

Top UK Scientist Equates ‘Antisocial’ Refusal to Wear a Mask to Drink Driving


Head of the Royal Society Venki Ramakrishnan said it was time to normalise mask-wearing and treat those who do not as social pariahs who risk lives as much as drink drivers.


“It used to be quite normal to have quite a few drinks and drive home, and it also used to be normal to drive without seatbelts,” Prof Ramakrishnan.


“Today both of those would be considered antisocial, and not wearing face coverings in public should be regarded in the same way,” he added, in comments reported by The Times.


Ramakrishnan made the remarks as the Royal Society released a study showing that Britons are some of the most reluctant in the world to wear face coverings.


Britons have already tolerated more than three months of lockdown, the majority of the time being told to remain in their homes and subject to overzealous enforcement of the lockdown by police.


The government has already made it illegal to take public transport in England without wearing a mask or face covering, with those refusing risking a fine of £100.


However, the health minister has confirmed that he is considering further mask laws on Britons, forcing them to cover their face in shops and supermarkets, as well.


Having Sex With Someone You Don’t Already Live With Now Illegal In Britain Under Coronavirus Laws


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 2, 2020


On Tuesday, Labour MP for Sheffield South East, Clive Betts, asked Matt Hancock: “Would he look at some scheme for issuing a pass or a badge to those who have an exemption from wearing a face mask on public transport so those who aren’t exempt can be required to wear them?


“And secondly, will he look again at the lack of any advice about wearing face masks in supermarkets and other shops?


“Because surely it is just as easy to catch the virus in a supermarket queue as it is on the bus.”


The health secretary replied: “Yes, and yes.”


Labour’s mayor Sadiq Khan has already called on Prime Minister Boris Johnson to force people to wear masks in shops, supermarkets, and other public places.


Police Hunt Man Dressing as ‘Plague Doctor’ as Lockdown Fines Soar


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 30, 2020

Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.9906871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

Delingpole: Not Terrorism – Just a Randomly Exploding Bus, Claims BBC


When four Muslim suicide bombers blew themselves up on the London Underground and on buses during the infamous 7/7 atrocities of 2005, 52 people died and more than 700 were injured.


Here is how the BBC chose to commemorate one of those deaths yesterday on Twitter.


Philip Russell, 28, was killed while en route to work on 7 July 2005, when the bus he was on exploded.


— BBC South East (@bbcsoutheast) July 7, 2020


A self-exploding bus, eh? Why has nobody warned us before about this terrible threat? We’ve all heard of cases of spontaneous combustion where humans are concerned: Dickens, for example, was obsessed with it, and included someone dying of it in Bleak House. But spontaneously combustible buses? That’s a new one.


The BBC’s tweet got quite a bit of attention, mainly from people who don’t believe in self-exploding buses but who know a mealy-mouthed, evasive, slimy, politically correct, dishonest, issue-ducking, blame-avoiding BBC tweet when they see one.


Among the 2,000 comments below the BBC’s tweet were:


I hate it when the bus you are on suddenly decides to explode.


NB* The bus DID NOT explode. The rucksack being carried by an Islamic lunatic, high on religious zeal and the power of imaginary fairies exploded on his back.


Not killed, murdered. The bus didn’t just explode, it was bombed. The BBC no longer capable of being truthful.


Ok, so you’ve managed NOT to offend the terrorists who murdered with impunity on 7/7… Now, how about NOT offending everybody else with this hideous headline? Remembering the victims & families of #londonbombings RIP…


Naughty bus was in a bad mood and had a little explosion. Nothing to do with Islamic extremists.


It didn’t explode. The bus had a bomb on it. Always glad to help the national broadcaster.


Largely peaceful explosion


The last comment was, of course, a reference to the BBC’s description of Black Lives Matter riots which resulted in 27 police officers being injured as ‘largely peaceful.’


Two hours later, the BBC was finally shamed into a follow up tweet, identifying the real perpetrator of Philip Russell’s death.


Hasib Hussain detonated the bomb on the bus, which killed 13 people. He was one of four suicide bombers who targeted London on 7/7.


— BBC South East (@bbcsoutheast) July 7, 2020


Too little, too late. #DefundtheBBC

Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.9906880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

Anti-Brexit Strategist Hired by CCP Puppet Govt in Hong Kong to Lead PR Campaign


The Hong Kong government — a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) — has hired an anti-Brexit strategist in an effort to revive its dwindling global reputation after the imposition of a draconian national security law which stripped the city of its freedoms and autonomy.


In June, it was revealed that the Hong Kong government awarded the public relations firm Consulum a £5 million contract to help bolster the image of the city’s government in British media.


On Tuesday, The Guardian reported that the PR campaign “Relaunch Hong Kong” will be headed up by Ryan Coetzee, the former director of strategy of the anti-Brexit Remain campaign in the 2016 referendum, which sought to keep the United Kingdom bound to the undemocratic European Union.


The former strategist for the South African Democratic Alliance party previously worked as the director of strategy for the Nick Clegg-led Liberal Democrats until the 2015 general election.


Coetzee left the party following a disastrous performance in the election, in which the Liberal Democrats retained just eight of their 57 seats in the House of Commons.


Following the failed Remain campaign in the 2016 EU referendum, Mr Coetzee joined Consulum, where he has been actively working for the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, to improve the international reputation of the Islamic autocracy.


As Xi Jinping Signs Draconian National Security Law, New Cold War with China Looms Warns Hong Kong Watch


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 30, 2020


The campaign to revive the reputation of the Hong Kong government — an undemocratically installed tool of the communist regime in Beijing — will focus on highlighting “Hong Kong’s recovery and help rebuild confidence in Hong Kong as a place to invest, do business, work and live”, the government said in a statement.


The puppet government claimed that the territory had failed to “mobilise the community to support law enforcement actions and condemn intimidation, doxing, vandalism and the criminal and violent behaviour of rioters” during the pro-democracy protests.


“Addressing these perceptions to effectively tell the Hong Kong story to targeted global audiences will be critical to support Hong Kong’s economic recovery,” the statement added.

Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9906894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7012 >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

Numerous Texas Sheriffs Vow To Not Enforce 'Draconian' Mask Rule


Sheriffs in nine Texas counties will not enforce the state’s new mask mandate amid a resurgence of coronavirus cases.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, last week ordered masks to be worn in public buildings and outdoor spaces where physical distancing is not possible, The Texas Tribune reported.

The mask mandate applies to all counties with more than 20 active cases of the coronavirus, but exempts those under the age of 10, those who are eating and those who are exercising.

Fox News reported under the mandate, officers can cite people up to $250 for not wearing a mask if they are repeatedly found to be in violation of the order.

Sheriffs in at least nine counties, however, have announced they will not enforce the mask rule, CBS News reported.

One complaint from some of the sheriffs is that the rule is unenforceable, as it uses ambiguous language about detaining those who do not wear masks in public.

Per the CBS report, a number of the sheriffs feel that merely stopping a person for not wearing a mask is, by definition, a detention.

Law enforcement officers in Denton, Houston, Montgomery, Gillespie, Upshur, Kerr, Gregg, Nacogdoches and Panola counties will disregard the order.

Denton County Sheriff Tracy Murphree explained his position on the mask mandate in a post on Facebook.

“A week ago they were carrying signs that said F the police, and demanding police be defunded. They were ignoring the Denton curfew order and blocked city streets. Now those same people are mad at me for refusing to enforce the mask mandate issued by the Governor,” Murphree said.

“Their hypocrisy is mind blowing.”

“This is an executive order not a law. Only the legislature can make law. So the accusations that I’m refusing to enforce the law are not true,” the sheriff added.

“The order is not a law, there is no requirement that any police officer enforce it, and it’s unenforceable,” Murphree wrote. “We can’t spend our time running from place to place for calls about mask we can really do nothing about.”

Houston Police Officers’ Union President Joe Gamaldi posted about the mask mandate on Twitter, describing it as “draconian.”

Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 11 a.m. No.9906904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

It’s Happening: Americans Turn to Trump as Democrats Continue to Embrace Lawlessness, Defunding Police, Ongoing Street Violence


Black Lives Matter activists torch a Minneapolis Police Precinct.

New polling confirms Americans are not as crazy and clueless as their mainstream media.

Despite all the media BS about peaceful protests, Americans are not so willing to go along with ripping down all the statues of heroes and saints, burning and looting the business districts and threats to abolish the police.

According to a new poll by Democracy Institute the fallout from the Black Lives Matter protests and riots will win President Trump his reelection.

The Express reported:


According to the poll conducted by the Washington based thinktank the Democracy Institute, President Trump is neck and neck with his rival Joe Biden on 47 percent. However, Mr Trump would win in the electoral college system by 309 to 229 delegates because he is on course to win the crucial swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where he outpolls Vice President Biden by 48 percent to 44 percent.

The findings come as the US President went to the iconic Mount Rushmore to make a speech attacking “the angry mobs” who want to erase America’s history.

He told the crowd of supporters: “There is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished. Not gonna happen to us.”

According to the poll, the concerns over the effects of the protests appear to be boosting Mr Trump’s chances even though his campaign is believed to be flagging.


Given a choice between which phrases identified their views 71 percent chose “all lives matter” while 29 percent picked “black lives matter”.

Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 11 a.m. No.9906911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

Man sentenced to more than 11 years for sex trafficking of minors


TAMPA – A Tampa man was sentenced today to 11 years and three months in federal prison for sex trafficking of minors and was ordered to forfeit a Glock 19 9mm handgun and cellular phone, both of which were used during the commission of the offenses. This case was investigated by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

"Two young girls were saved from a life of human trafficking with this investigation," said HSI Tampa Assistant Special Agent in Charge Michael Cochran. "HSI agents will continue to uncover, dismantle and disrupt human trafficking, around the globe, and right here in our own communities."


According to court documents, in May 2019, Luis Berrios-Trinidad, 30, of Tampa, began communicating with undercover law enforcement agents regarding the commercial sex trafficking of underage females. Berrios-Trinidad represented that he had access to girls ranging in age from 14 to 17 years old, and that the price per girl was between $160-180 an hour.


On June 6, 2019, Berrios-Trinidad arranged to bring two underage females to a hotel for a "sex party" with adult men. On that evening, he arrived with two girls, ages 14 and 17. Once inside the hotel room, Berrios-Trinidad was arrested, and the victims were rescued.


The case was prosecuted by U.S. Attorney Middle District Florida Assistant United States Attorney Candace Garcia Rich. Berrios-Trinidad had pleaded guilty January 30, 2020.


This investigation was conducted under HSI's Operation Predator, an international initiative to protect children from sexual predators. Since the launch of Operation Predator in 2003, HSI has arrested more than 25,000 individuals for crimes against children, including the production and distribution of online child exploitation material, traveling overseas for sex with minors, and sex trafficking of children. In fiscal year 2019, more than 3,500 child predators were arrested by HSI special agents under this initiative and more than 1,000 victims identified or rescued

Anonymous ID: b6d43e July 9, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.9907008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Almost 50 Million Americans Have Now Filed For First-Time Jobless Benefits Since Lockdowns Began


Despite the hope-restoring nonfarm payrolls “recovery” and the over-hyped bounce in retail sales (ignoring the lack of ‘V’ in industrial production) and ‘soft’ sentiment surveys (which are biased by their nature as diffusion indices to bounce back hard), for the sixteenth week in a row, over 1 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits for the first time (1.314mm was slightly better than the 1.375mm expected).


That brings the sixteen-week total to 49.993 million, dramatically more than at any period in American history. However, as the chart above shows, the second derivative is slowing down drastically (even though the 1.314 million rise this last week is still higher than any other week in history outside of the pandemic).


Continuing Claims did drop very modestly but hardly a signal that “re-opening” is accelerating! And definitely not confirming the payrolls or sentiment data…


And as we noted previously, what is most disturbing is that in the last sixteen weeks, far more than twice as many Americans have filed for unemployment than jobs gained during the last decade since the end of the Great Recession… (22.13 million gained in a decade, 49.993 million lost in 16 weeks).