Anonymous ID: c6c56e July 9, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9907316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7338 >>7504 >>7510


This article may be freely republished.



by Truth Seeker, 7/6/2020


Perhaps taking a cue from Russia's Catherine the Great, who, in order to prove the safety and efficacy of inoculation, had herself and her court inoculated against smallpox in 1768, President Donald John Trump announced in May that he was taking the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a prophylactic measure against Covid-19. Almost immediately, the media pounced upon this revelation with frantic and bizarre warnings against HCQ, citing every white coat who would lend their support in an attempt to demonize the treatment as "dangerous" and "useless."

According to some outlets and commentators, the President had to be lying, since taking such a dangerous drug would surely have killed the man, who is in his 70's. Others took President Trump at his word, instead characterizing his ingestion of the drug as reckless and stupid. By mid-June, the Food and Drug Administration had revoked its approval of HCQ for emergency use in Covid-19 patients, and the European Union had effectively banned the drug's use for the same purpose. Each cited controversial studies suggesting that the use of HCQ could lead to potentially-fatal heart complications, and calling into question the efficacy of the drug against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19 symptoms.

The media, who were once content to feign concern that the use of HCQ as a frontline treatment against Covid-19 would lead to shortages for lupus patients, now went on the assault against it. Peppering their speech with words like "expert" and "authority," anchors and commentators relentlessly set about painting a picture: Hydroxychloroquine is a dangerous poison that arrests the heart, and President Trump is touting it as a quack cure for Covid-19 against the advice of the scientific community.

Is this a fair and accurate representation of the situation? In a world ruled by "expert culture," one in which people blindly default to the answers provided by approved sources, the author of this article felt dirty and mischievous even asking. Nonetheless, out of an earnest belief that people are qualified to think for themselves, I pressed forward with an investigation into that very question. The following is what I uncovered.


  1. The April Study That Found No Benefit to HCQ Was (1) Chinese and (2) Not Peer-Reviewed

To begin with, the Chinese Communist Party, at the very center of the coronavirus outbreak, has continually been dishonest or less-than-forthcoming about its involvement with and response to it. Nonetheless, professionals in suits and ties were quick to scold the public for distrusting Glorious China when, in April, it published an unverified and un-reviewed study indicating that HCQ provided no benefit in the treatment of Covid-19. To quote medRxiv:

"This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice."

But "guide clinical practice" it did, as the media and three-letter organizations began pointing to it as a reason against prescribing or administering HCQ. [Source:]


2.The Lancet Study that Influenced the WHO and World Governments to Ban HCQ Was Based on Unreliable Data and Has Since Been Retracted

This May, a Lancet Study that led directly to the WHO and a number of nations globally either banning the use of HCQ for prophylaxis against Covid-19 or halting clinical trials was retracted, with the authors apologizing for having caused "confusion" through their unverifiable source in Surgisphere. To quote:

"Because all the authors were not granted access to the raw data and the raw data could not be made available to a third-party auditor, we are unable to validate the primary data sources underlying our article, “Cardiovascular Disease, Drug Therapy, and Mortality in Covid-19.” We therefore request that the article be retracted. We apologize to the editors and to readers of the Journal for the difficulties that this has caused."



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Anonymous ID: c6c56e July 9, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9907327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7338 >>7504 >>7510

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by Truth Seeker, 7/6/2020


  1. A Number of Variables in the Oft-Cited Brazilian Study Have Been Outright Ignored by the Mainstream Media

Here are a few interesting facts that the author of this article uncovered:

In the Brazilian study used this May to assassinate chloroquine and its derivatives, "…all patients received ceftriaxone and azithromycin." [Sources:,]

According to a 14-year study conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine, patients taking azithromycin (Z-pak) have a 2.5-fold increased chance of death from heart problems compared to those taking amoxicillin. Compared to those taking no antibiotic, that chance is around threefold. It may therefore be factually stated that azithromycin is known to increase the risk of heart complications. [Source: Ray, W.A. The New England Journal of Medicine, May 17, 2012. Wayne A. Ray, PhD, professor of preventive medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Jay Varkey, MD, assistant professor of medicine, division of infectious diseases, Emory University; director of antibiotic management, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta.]

According to the Mayo Clinic, one common side effect of Cetriafxone is chest pain. Additionally, less-common side effects include "fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse," or, in other words, arrhythmia. It may therefore be factually stated that Cetriafxone is known to interfere with heart rhythms. [Source:]

In other words, patients in the Brazilian study were given two antibiotics known to interfere with heart function in addition to chloroquine. To say the very least, this revelation muddies the waters as to exactly what was causing heart problems in the study. Anyone familiar with the scientific method knows that such variables need to be controlled-for in order to isolate the effects of the independent variable researchers are looking at.

Most disturbing, however, was the sheer difficulty that this article's author had in finding mention of these variables (the above-mentioned antibiotics) in American publications reporting on the Brazilian study. While it is remiss to attribute to malice what can instead be attributed to sheer stupidity, the fact remains that this oversight in English-language media bears every hallmark of a deliberate omission.


  1. HCQ Actually Does Help Fight Covid-19; Can Cut Mortality In Half

In the early hours of July 3, CNN quietly published an article outright contradicting their previous rhetoric surrounding HCQ, shamefully admitting that:

"Dr. Marcus Zervos, division head of infectious disease for Henry Ford Health System, said 26% of those not given hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 13% of those who got the drug. The team looked back at everyone treated in the hospital system since the first patient in March." [Source:]



To create a full and comprehensive review of the available data surrounding HCQ and Covid-19 would be impossible in the space allotted to this citizen's op-ed. This is partially due to the fact that the data itself is so unclear. The waters have been muddied, by all appearances, by design.

My question is this: Why is it that the rhetoric surrounding this drug, which has been accepted as safe for decades and decades, bears the appearance of being designed to disparage it? Why does the media seem so hell-bent on reaching the conclusion that HCQ is useless or even dangerous, regardless of contradicting data? Why is it that any positives attributed to HCQ are viewed with such unrelenting skepticism, while the negatives are emphasized, amplified, and taken at face value? Why would anybody ban physicians from making their own calls, using their own judgement and experience, on whether to prescribe any drug?

As the continued lockdowns cause poverty, depression, starvation, and suicides to spike, it is clear that the authorities are happy to deem these as acceptable losses in order to fight Covid-19. Why is a small risk of arrhythmia considered unacceptable and reckless by these same people?

Something is very fishy. But what would I know? I am not a doctor and not qualified to think for myself or ask questions.


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Anonymous ID: c6c56e July 9, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.9907364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7387 >>7401 >>7422 >>7431 >>7441 >>7463

This article may be freely republished.


The Anti-American Movements Are Communist, not Black

by John Cleer


Christopher Columbus has been beheaded in Boston, dragged down with a noose in St. Paul and thrown into a lake in Richmond, perhaps as done in other witchhunts, to test if he would sink or swim. He has been spray-painted with a Hammer and Sickle in Miami, the word “Murder” in Pittsburgh and the word “Rapist” in Columbus, OH, the town named after him–where on the first of July, as we approached Independence Day, a city construction crew removed his statue in the middle of the night. By order of the mayor! [i]


As a national symbol being vandalized across the country, Columbus is far from alone. Is it any wonder then that President Trump claimed, in his July 3 speech at Mt. Rushmore, that “our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children”? Time Magazine referred to this statement as “pushing racial division.” [ii]


But the statement is demonstrably accurate, and the president made no mention of race. Furthermore, most of the “protesters” do not appear to be black. So what is Time Magazine talking about? The well-funded organizations that are smashing and vandalizing our statues (and the media outlets that encourage it) are being divisive and President Trump is standing up to them, as he promised his voters he would always do.


Are they not “defaming our heroes”? George Washington was painted red in Baltimore and New York as if with blood; in Portland he was draped with a burning American flag and then toppled, then draped with another burning flag. “WHITE FRAGILITY” was spray-painted atop the base of the statue where Washington had stood (Time Magazine does not consider this to be “pushing racial division”). “1619” was painted on George Washington’s side, after the New York Times’ 1619 Project, which argues the United States was founded not in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence, but in 1619 when the first African slave arrived, since slavery is the defining characteristic of our country, an evil that only America can be accused of. [iii]


The author, who is half-white herself, has called the white race “barbaric devils” and “bloodsuckers,” likened Columbus to Hitler and won a Pulitzer Prize. She is of course completely ignoring every other country that has traded African slaves (or European slaves, as during the Barbary slave trade in North Africa which was contemporaneous with the US-African slave tradewhich I’m calling “US-African” because both sides participated) and I suspect they call it a “Project” because the scholarship is too weak to call it a “book,” or because they could not possibly list it under History or Nonfiction. Her dimwitted, counterfactual and racist “project” boils down all of American history to racism and slavery and is already being taught to tens of thousands of students across the country from K to 12 but who cares what I think, I’m white! She dismisses eminent professors of the field who criticize her work with exactly this rationale (Google is trying hard to bury it)what is all this if not “pushing racial division” and how was the president wrong to call it “indoctrinating our children”? What is this if not “erasing our values”? And why is the New York Times pushing low-quality, mean-spirited agenda-laden garbage so bad they can’t bring themselves to call it a book, then marketing it to impressionable middle-schoolers (and even younger)? This is child abuse, and the Pulitzer Center is endorsing it–not only endorsing, but posting it on their website. I can’t imagine they’re doing this unknowingly. [iii]


“Against every law of society and nature,” President Trump continued, “our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains.” In Providence, RI a schoolteacher was arrested for throwing paint on a Columbus statue. Are we wrong to assume he badmouthed Columbus as a villain to his students? Are we wrong to observe the mob is largely college kids, to note that the spray-paintings betray a Marxist education, or to assume that they burn American flags to burn George Washington with because they hate America? They were raised and schooled here, and their education by all appearances has given them a very negative outlook on the country, and the sense that they are morally responsibility to do something about it. A healthy education system in a country as prosperous as ours should instill pride in the new generations, not shame or self-loathing, or resentment between factions. [iv]


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Anonymous ID: c6c56e July 9, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.9907387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7401 >>7422 >>7431 >>7441 >>7463


The Anti-American Movements Are Communist, not Black by John Cleer


part 2 of 4


Multiple states have attempted, unsuccessfully, to ban Howard Zinn’s landmark book from school classrooms. A critic wrote in 2004: “A People’s History of the United States may well be the most popular work of history an American leftist has ever written. First published in 1980, it has gone through five editions and multiple printings, been assigned in thousands of college courses, sold more than a million copies, and made the author something of a celebrity.” The Washington Post last month linked his book and the Zinn Education Project atop a catalog of Anti-American texts they were recommending to their readers, and their readers’ children, as “Resources to teach the history of policing in America that you won’t find in textbooks.” [v]


Zinn was a cynical Marxist polemic relentlessly critical of white people, white culture and America, whose teachings are now being graffiti’d onto our national heroes. He is most-known for his accounts of white settlers’ unparalleled cruelty to Native Americans and (of course) slavery, and like the writer of 1619 for being loose with the facts. In his own words, “history [is] a political act” and he was unapologetic about his bias. Ultimately he fought for the “99 percent” of the population by defaming their history and telling them to overthrow their own government, and leave their nation for whoever picked up the pieces–anyone could do better than America, it was the worst place in the world. This is precisely what these young protesters are doing and saying and they learned it from educators like Zinn, who taught History as a professor for over 30 years, 24 of them at a public university. He openly hated the country and everything about it and unbelievably was selected to lead our youth and influence our educators; Mr. Zinn lived in America for most of his life as he worked to dismantle it. He died in Massachusetts in 2010. [vi]


The New York Times in his obituary referred to A People’s History as “a best seller that inspired a generation of high school and college students to rethink American history.” In context, this can easily be read as an alternate wording to “wiping out our history, defaming our heroes, erasing our values and indoctrinating our children.” Even were Zinn’s telling to be accurate, it is absolutely bizarre (and exactly like Trump said, “against every law of society and nature”) for a nation to name itself as the villain in its own history books. No country can survive if it sees itself this way. Is that the point? If so, who exactly are the gatekeepers? [vii]


Interestingly, even as the Times’ 1619 Project's driving lesson is of slavery as a uniquely American evil, as the project gets underway it pivots slightly to "American capitalism," as in, "to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation." "This is a capitalist society. It’s a fatalistic mantra that seems to get repeated to anyone who questions why America can’t be more fair or equal." "When Americans declare that 'we live in a capitalist society' … what they’re often defending is our nation’s peculiarly brutal economy." Is it being suggested we ditch capitalism? [vii]


The project's description of our capitalist society segues into the modern liberal lexicon, making references to the richest 1 percent, depressed wages and inequality before engaging in the Democratic Socialists' (read: Communist moderates) favorite pastime: comparing us unfavorably to other countries in leftist metrics, in this case unions and living wages. Essentially what's being argued is American capitalism is an outgrowth of slavery: for the American communist, this is an easy fix! But were I to call this part of a socialist-communist agenda to break down and replace our institutions, the Left would laugh in my face and call me a right wing “conspiracy theorist,” and perhaps a “white supremacist.” [viii]


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Anonymous ID: c6c56e July 9, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.9907401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7422 >>7431 >>7441 >>7463

>>9907364, >>9907387

The Anti-American Movements Are Communist, not Black by John Cleer


part 3 of 4


Has anyone ever seen a “white supremacist”? I have never, and I’m pushing 40. I’ve traveled here and there in the U.S. mainly along the coast, from where the accusation is constantly blaring and it is always, without failure, blaring from the voices of the Left. I hear or read it more days than not, whether by radio, television or internet, and it feels like an accusation against me personally and everyone in my family. We are being criticized because of our race, openly, almost every day by the same publications and media stations I’ve consumed since childhood, some of them publicly subsidized, and the accusations are now being painted onto our national statues as they are smashed, set on fire, disfigured and taken away. The public is encouraged to join the attack in any way they can, whether it's defacing our statues or enforcing white guilt on internet comment boards, and it's clear where this leads: the blacks are supposed to hate us and we're supposed to hate them (and perhaps even more so, the whites like Amy Goodman who egg them on) or ourselves/each other.


Media outlets like the Times promote and help subsidize works like the 1619 Project and staff their editorial boards with openly racist “journalists” like Sarah Jeong. Jeong later left their editorial board, or more likely was forced to step down, after leaking internal policy regarding Times cancellations on twitter. Calling publicly to “#cancelwhitepeople” and saying we smell like dogs was ok, but informing its readers that the Times cares if they unsubscribe was not. She remained on their payroll, of course, as a “contracted contributor for NYT Opinion.” I can look to Twitter for her opinion about this: "Wow today is full of white people having feelings about race … that must be really hard for you, having feelings about race. xoxo have a nice day." Needless to say this is dehumanizing. [ix]


What this is, what’s taking place and increasingly in the open is a nonstop push to sabotage white-black relations; it's a war against all of us, led by our own institutions. “This attack on our liberty,” as President Trump said on Saturday, “must be stopped, and it will be stopped very quickly. We will expose this dangerous movement, protect our nation’s children, end this radical assault, and preserve our beloved American way of life.”


A Sunday march met up last month at Jefferson High School in Portland and tore down the school’s Thomas Jefferson’s statue before they left, spray-painting “SLAVE OWNER” on the now-empty stand for him to lie beside, before the school named in his honor. Thomas Jefferson was a Founding Father and beloved president who wrote the Declaration of Independence, was carved into a mountain and had that high school named after him. Re-naming him “SLAVE OWNER” obviously erases his accomplishments. It’s astonishing that that has to be argued, or that powerful groups directly sponsoring the destruction of our legacy is something the president would have no right or duty to tell us about. Time Magazine is using nebulous, dishonest accusations of racism as a bludgeon, not just against President Trump but against all of us. But the most direct victims of this attackthe students of Jefferson Highare 40% black and 72% minority. How would you like it if a large crowd of adult strangers stomped into your playground and smashed your school statue? [x]


President Trump: “In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance … Make no mistake: this left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution. In doing so, they would destroy the very civilization that rescued billions from poverty, disease, violence and hunger, and that lifted humanity to new heights of achievement.”


The National Geographic, US-based and Walt Disney-owned, writes “Pulling down statues? It’s a tradition that dates back to U.S. Independence. Enthusiasm for the American Revolution led colonists to burn, disfigure and deface any symbol of Britain and its hated king.” Actually it’s completely different–unless, that is, the National Geographic is proposing that some part of America will be able to fight its way to independence.


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Anonymous ID: c6c56e July 9, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9907422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7431 >>7441 >>7463

>>9907364, >>9907387, >>9907401

The Anti-American Movements Are Communist, not Black by John Cleer


part 4 of 6


This is laughable, and it’s worth mentioning as a contrast that these riots have almost no public support: they are held up by public intimidation, 100 Million Dollar conglomerate donations and 24/7 wall-to-wall support from Big Tech. A revolution by a team like this would be the perfect inverse of our war with the British, but have a great deal in common with the Russian October Revolution. However best to describe it, President Trump and the National Geographic are talking about the same thing, “a left-wing cultural revolution to overthrow the American Revolution.” [xi]


A hundred years ago, this “left-wing cultural revolution” would have been more-accurately termed a Communist Revolutionhence the red Hammer and Sickle painted on Columbus in Miami. Internationally-funded communist revolutions took place across Europe after the First World War, and Western countries were rightly afraid of this and still should be. The violent takeovers, mass murders and mass incarcerations of political dissidents which routinely take place in communist countries are not something any group of people would want for themselvesinvariably these revolutions are launched by outside groups as hostile takeovers, and the horrible conditions described above are tools to impose upon the target: the “other.” [xi]


Who runs Black Lives Matter? In a promotional interview with taxpayer- and slush fund-operated NPR, co-founder Patrisse Cullors said of herself and her fellow organizers, “We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and [fellow co-founder] Alicia [Garza] in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists … what we really tried to do is build a movement.” The third co-founder, born abroad in Nigeria, likewise identifies as a community organizer and all three are college-educated. [xii]


Cullors by her own admission was trained by a prominent member of the Marxist terror group Weather Underground, Eric Mann. Eric Mann is not black; he is a Brooklyn Jew and Marxist activist from a family of Marxist activists, who are relatively new arrivals on American soil (20th Century). Garza was born and grew up as Alicia Schwartz, and like Mann she identifies as Jewish. Cullors studied “community organizing” under him for more than 10 years at the explicitly pro-communist Labor/Community Strategy Center, where she told the ACLU she developed the skills that helped her found BLM. Cullors and Garza both identify as “queer,” which has also been a consistent focus of Mann’s activism and is a common topic in Marxist politics, and all three co-founders are feminist. [xiii]


What do LGBT rights and feminism have to do with Black Lives, police brutality or black-white dynamics? These are purely Marxist agenda points and yet they figure prominently on’s “About” sections. In a The Nation interview with the Nigerian co-founder, she says that “queer women helped to start this” and the “black queer community has been riding so hard for us.” Diversity Scholar David Green of the University of Michigan claims “BLM is inherently a movement sustained by a politics of blackness that is unapologetically feminist, womanist, and queer.” At ABC News, Tony Salzman writes in a celebratory tone that “From the start, Black Lives Matter has been about LGBTQ lives.” [xiv]


On his faculty page, Diversity Scholar Green introduces himself as “a black queer feminist southerner devoted to social and political justice for all” who reads black LGBT and feminist literature, rollerblades in his free time and likes “munching” on ice cream “and warm chocolate chip cookies.” The government is paying him with your money to write a book about “the cultural history of black queer writers on America,” and they paid him to write that personal ad. Do blacks with more conventional lifestyles feel that “scholars” like Green represent their communities well and accurately? Are they, dare I say, proud of him? Have they even heard of him? [xv]


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Anonymous ID: c6c56e July 9, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9907431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7441 >>7463

>>9907364, >>9907387, >>9907401, >>9907422

The Anti-American Movements Are Communist, not Black by John Cleer


part 5 of 6


Green was fed a mountain of lies by the university communists and like many of my family and former friends, he believed and built his life around it. Salzman is a Jewish freelancer with a substantial body of work highlighting gay-related issues. The Nigerian community organizer was born on the other side of the ocean and for all we know her ancestors sold America the slaves themselves (but wild vindictive generalizations like this are for Whites Only). I’d venture to guess that these educated, professional academics are not who most Americans think of when they think of BLM. Remember who else was well-connected to Weather Underground and advertised himself as a community organizer? Former President and LGBT activist Barrack Obama. Just like Obama, BLM is making hollow promises to the black community while it fights for something else entirely. [xvi]


Examining Patrisse Cullors’ quote above, she claims in effect that she “tried to build a movement” by transmitting her white trainer’s Marxist ideology to black recruits. If that is truly so, and if Salzman is right, then BLM is not a black movement but a movement that is using blacks. Personally I find it unlikely that Cullors and the other two are much more than figureheads, like the name of the group itself and everything else I know about it, to give the false impression that BLM is run by blacks. BLM is a plutocrat-funded, university-run movement dominated by gay rights advocates, feminists and the standard Marxist fringes. [xvii]


The implications of this as a whole are monumental: under the “Black Lives Matter” banner, masked communist agitators are organizing riots in every major city, bankrupting small businesses everywhere, hacking away at the fabric of our society and generating unprecedented levels of hate, anxiety and resentment in America–and telling everyone that black people are behind it. In intelligence circles this is known as a false flag. The communists' missions are to sow discord and fracture society, so they can take control of it.


“This movement is openly attacking the legacies of every person on Mount Rushmore," President Trump proclaimed as he stood before it and he was right, undeniably: the Thomas Jefferson Statue has been removed from Jefferson High School, and district officials will decide whether or not to return it “after listening to what the community wants … they are ready to listen.” (They promise.) But don’t make a big deal out of it: thanks to the New York Times, we know now that our country had already been founded when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. For 150 years. [xviii]


Abraham Lincoln who wrote the Emancipation Proclamationending slavery in the U.S.was set on fire last month in Chicago and charred black. Three years ago Teddy Roosevelt was painted red like George Washington. Around that time, Vice News wrote an article titled, “Let’s Blow up Mount Rushmore.” [xix]


The title was changed soon after to the less-terroristic “Let’s Get Rid of Mount Rushmore,” and discussions are indeed well-underway to get rid of all four Rushmore presidents, everywhere. George Washington’s burned-and-toppled monument in Portland has been taken off site. Outside of the Natural History Museum, Roosevelt’s statue that was once painted red has been cleared for removal. Lincoln’s bronze in Boston was cleared for removal several days ago, as voted unanimously by the Boston Art Commission. In Washington DC, protesters have lobbied for weeks to take down a similar statue of Lincoln from, you guessed it, Lincoln Park. If Trump wasn’t in their way, it would already be gone. The statue was paid for by former slaves and celebrates their freedom; and if the Communist Revolution is successful, it will be taken down in their name, just not by them and not genuinely in their descendants’ interests. [xx]


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Anonymous ID: c6c56e July 9, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.9907441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7463

>>9907364, >>9907387, >>9907401, >>9907422, >>9907431

The Anti-American Movements Are Communist, not Black by John Cleer


part 6 of 6


The subtitle to Vice’s Rushmore article is, “Donald Trump says removing confederate statues is a slippery slope that could get out of control. Maybe he’s right–would that be such a bad thing?” Anyone who was following politics should remember the numerous public figures (like John Oliver) and fake news networks lambasting him for ever saying such a stupid, demonstrable lie. And once again, he was right and they were wrong. In the end Trump is almost always right, he’s never afraid to speak his mind and he stands up for us through thick and thin, and that’s why We, The People love our President. We love Trump because he’s courageous, forceful and honest, and the oligarchs who run the media can't tell him what to do or say because he doesn't work for them. He works and cares for us and I am positive that behind the censorship and intimidation, there are many millions of Americans just like me, of every race and economic background who feel like I do, that President Trump is a Godsend because he fights for his people no matter what, no matter who, and on this 2020 Independence Day weekend as Sunday comes to an end, I am deeply thankful that he is our President. [xxi]
























