Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9907120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7298

Fauci Says States Should “Seriously Look at Shutting Down” Again as Coronavirus Cases Rise


Dr. Anthony Fauci advised states with rising numbers of coronavirus cases to “seriously look at shutting down”. Fauci made his comments in a podcast interview with the Wall Street Journal by Kate Linebaugh on Wednesday.


Fauci is a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force and has served since 1984 as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH.


Cases have sharply risen across the South from Florida to Texas and the West in Arizona and California in recent weeks even as the mortality rate has fallen. With the daily new case count hitting 60,000, Fauci warned last week the nation could see 100,000 new cases per day.


Fauci recommended the following to bring the curve down, “We have gotta just tighten things up. Close the bars. Indoor restaurants, either no or make it such that there’s very good seating. Make sure people wear masks. Make sure they don’t congregate in crowds. Make sure they keep their distance. If you do those simple public health measures, guarantee you’re gonna see that curve come down. It’s happened time and again in virtually every country that’s done that. At the same time, one extra thing if I might add. A lesson to the other cities and states, that when you open and re-open take a really good look at the guidelines. And in your quest to get things open quickly don’t jump over the guide posts, don’t jump over the checkpoints. Do it in a measured way, the way the guidelines delineate. If you do that the chances of getting a surge are much much less than if you just jump over things. So it’s take care of and control what’s surging now in the southern states. And the other states, be mindful of what happens when you open up and throw caution to the wind, cuz it could happen to you.”


After criticizing states for opening too soon, Fauci declined to name which states he was talking about. Fauci also observed that states that followed the guidelines had people crowded into bars without wearing masks that contributed to the new surge. Fauci noted he did not want to get in the position of “blaming people” because it gets off the message of, “what are you gonna do about it to correct it?”

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.9907131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7149

Pharma execs used strip clubs, broke FDA laws to boost opioid sales


A former sales VP for a pharmaceutical company was sentenced to prison tells 60 Minutes he bribed doctors to prescribe fentanyl drugs. Bill Whitaker reports.

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.9907156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7202 >>7381 >>7463

Teachers’ Unions Rebuff Trump Push to Reopen Schools


House GOP pushes bill to withhold funding to schools that do not reopen


Teachers' unions across the United States are resisting a push from the Trump administration and House Republicans to reopen schools amid the coronavirus pandemic, instead opting for remote learning that experts say presents major risks to children.


President Trump on Wednesday threatened to cut federal funding for schools that fail to reopen in the fall, echoing a recent bill proposed by Reps. Jim Banks (R., Ind.) and Tom Tiffany (R., Wisc.). Multiple states have followed suit—Florida announced Wednesday that it will require schools to hold in-person classes beginning in August, and Gov. Ralph Northam (D., Va.) in June unveiled a phased reopening plan for all public and private schools.


Many powerful teachers' unions are pushing back against the drive to reopen. In Florida, Orange County Classroom Teachers Association president Wendy Doromal called the state’s reopening order "totally irresponsible" during a Wednesday CNN appearance. In Virginia, three teachers' unions representing Fairfax County schools asked their members to choose an entirely remote learning option for the upcoming school year.


The union resistance to reopening is at odds with the American Academy of Pediatrics. The organization in June released guidelines emphasizing the need for students to attend in-person classes this fall, citing the "considerable risk of morbidity and, in some cases, mortality" associated with "lengthy time away from school." Many students coming from low-income families rely on the meals and support services they receive in school. In addition, according to the AAP, the lack of in-person classes leads to "social isolation" that drives "child and adolescent physical or sexual abuse, substance abuse, depression, and suicidal ideation."


Banks said that while teachers he’s spoken to acknowledge the necessity of in-person classes, their unions "have a different motivation."


"We have to separate the teachers' union as a political organization versus teachers themselves," Banks told the Washington Free Beacon. "Any teacher, parent, and taxpayer that I talk to recognizes that what makes America great is a guaranteed public education for every child. When we’re not holding up our end of that deal, we're not giving this generation of kids the best opportunity to achieve the American dream."

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.9907173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7381 >>7463

Barr: FBI has made 150 arrests, launched more than 500 investigations related to rioting


The attorney general said that the feds are 'building up our intelligence' on perpetrators


Attorney General Bill Barr gave an update Thursday on the federal investigations into rioting that took place across the nation in the aftermath of George Floyd's death.


Barr had previously announced that the Justice Department had evidence that outside instigators including individuals connected to Antifa - were behind some of the violence that appeared to spin out of peaceful protests against police brutality. The attorney general said that "legitimate demonstrations" were "hijacked" by these outside actors, and that federal law enforcement is "building up our intelligence" on the alleged instigators.


"We already arrested over 150 people on federal charges, and we have over 500 investigations underway going on across the nation focused on these hardcore instigators involved in this rioting," Barr said during a federal and local law enforcement roundtable discussion in Arkansas.


The attorney general said that the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force is focusing on extremist groups that are potentially behind the riots. The task force had previously been used to primarily counter Islamic terrorism.


Barr also addressed the calls from left-wing activists and politicians to defund or abolish police departments, saying that "is the exact opposite direction" that needs to be taken to improve law enforcement. Calls to defund police departments took on a renewed impetus following Floyd's death while in Minneapolis police custody


"We have to support, provide more support, more training, and more resources to the police, not defund the police," Barr said, stating that "over the last few decades a lot of progress has been made in reforms."

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.9907197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7381 >>7463

3,000 British Rolls-Royce staff apply for voluntary redundancy with two-thirds set to go by the end of August as engineering giant reports £3billion hit


Over 3,000 British workers have applied for voluntary redundancy at Rolls-Royce, with two-thirds set to leave the company by the end of August.


In a bid to cut costs, the embattled engine maker is cutting 9,000 jobs globally, including around 8,000 in its civil aerospace arm amid a significant drop in demand triggered by the pandemic.


Across its business, Rolls-Royce is axing 17 per cent of its workforce and hopes to save around £1.3billion a year before tax.

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.9907210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amazon will start publicly listing the names and addresses of third-party merchants in an effort to hold counterfeiters accountable


Amazon will look to crack down on bootleggers by requiring them to publicly list their names and addresses on


According to a report from Business Insider, the new requirement was sent in a note to sellers this week and will take effect on September 1st.

'These features help customers learn more about the businesses of a seller and the products that they are selling,' the note says, according to a report from Business Insider.


'We are making this change to ensure there is a consistent baseline of seller information to help customers make informed shopping decisions.'


The effects of publicly listing the name and address of a seller will be twofold according to Amazon.

It will make it harder for sellers to stay anonymous while also give customers added agency when deciding when and from whom they buy goods on the platform.

According to Business Insider, the idea behind the added transparency requirements was taken from a Department of Homeland Security report on counterfeiting which states:


'To increase transparency on this issue, platforms should significantly improve their pre-sale identification of third-party sellers so that buyers can make informed decisions, potentially factoring in the likelihood of being sold a counterfeit or IPR infringing merchandise.'


The requirements will be a part of a broader initiative by Amazon which recently announced the formation of a Counterfeit Crimes Unit consisting of 'former federal prosecutors, experienced investigators, and data analysts' that will be responsible for holding bootleggers to account.


Specifically, the division will attempt to facilitiate civil lawsuits, help brands in their investigations, and also partner with law enforcement in their separate efforts to combat counterfeiters.

'Every counterfeiter is on notice that they will be held accountable to the maximum extent possible under the law, regardless of where they attempt to sell their counterfeits or where they’re located,' said Dharmesh Mehta, Vice President, Customer Trust and Partner Support at Amazon.


The introduction of a new unit devoted to stopping counterfeiters is no coincidence. Amazon has struggled to deal with phony products on its platform, leading some major retailers to stop selling goods through the company.


In November, Nike stopped selling products on Amazon's platform saying that unlicensed distributors were a major factor.


The company has also invested heavily into attempting to stop counterfeit products from being sold.

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.9907230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7265 >>7381 >>7393 >>7463

Inside the $1.5m luxury nuclear bunker stretching 15 floors below Kansas and designed to protect the mega rich from a potential apocalypse (with pool and cinema to keep you occupied during Armageddon - or Covid!)


The 'Survival Condo' is a luxury nuclear bunker designed to protect the mega-rich from a potential apocalypse.

The underground shelter in Kansas started life as a Cold War missile silo and is now a luxury condo that can sustain 75 residents for more than five years.

Entrepreneur Larry Hall bought it in 2008. He then spent an estimated $20 million converting it into a fortified shelter which features a store, library, classroom, general store, cinema, swimming pool, rock climbing wall, and an aquaponics area to grow vegetables, and fish.

The bunker descends 15 floors below the ground, accessible by a high speed elevator. The communal areas are at the top levels, while the individual housing units sit below.

Hall said: 'All of our people are self-made millionaires. They're very successful: doctors, engineers, lawyers, international business people… almost all of them have children. And they're concerned about the 'what if' scenario.'

According to Hall, those scenarios include superstorms, tsunamis, earthquakes and economic collapse.

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9907247   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former tennis star Pam Shriver says there is 'not a chance' her late husband Joe Shapiro took Trump's SAT exam so the president could get into Wharton Business School in the 1960s


The widow of one of President Trump's friends, Joe Shapiro, has spoken out about allegations that he was paid to take Trump's SAT exam as a teenager.


In her new, explosive book, Mary Trump, the president's estranged niece claimed that when Donald Trump was younger he got his friend to sit for the key exam in his place and likely paid him to do so.


The book tells how Joe Shapiro was 'a smart kid with a reputation for being a good test taker.'


'To hedge his bets he enlisted Joe Shapiro, a smart kid with a reputation for being a good test taker, to take his SATs for him. That was much easier to pull off in the days before photo IDs and computerized records. Donald, who never lacked for funds, paid his buddy well,' Mary Trump wrote, although there is no accompanying proof for the accusation, not does she state where the claim came from.


The idea behind allegedly hiring Shapiro was so that Trump would have a better chance of transferring from college at Fordham University to the far more prestigious Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

The White House fired back in a statement Tuesday saying, 'The absurd SAT allegation is completely false.'

Shapiro, who ultimately studied at Harvard Law, is no longer around to address the allegations directly having passed away from cancer in 1999.

But his widow, Pam Shriver has flatly denied the allegations.

'There's not a chance that he helped Trump with the SAT test,' she said. 'He always did the right thing, and that's why this hurts.'

Although Shapiro and Trump were friends, Shriver believes that the pair did not meet until Trump was already at Wharton in his junior year.

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.9907256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7381 >>7463

HMM: China Imposes Limits on Large Transactions After Bank Runs.


“The People’s Bank of China this month kicked off a pilot plan in Hebei province that would require retail and business clients to pre-report any large withdrawals or deposits, according to a statement. The two-year program will be expanded to Zhejiang and Shenzhen in October, encompassing more than 70 million people. Chinese lenders are facing a surge in bad debt with the economy set to expand at the slowest pace in four decades. Authorities stepped in last month to halt banks runs at two local lenders in Hebei and Shanxi. That comes on top of an already shaky situation last year, which saw China bail out and seize several struggling banks.”

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.9907291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top Medical Insider from Massive U.S. Health Care System Blows Roof Off the COVID-19 ‘Scamdemic’ – Internal Numbers ARE ALL RIGGED For Profit, Greed, and Politics


If you yearn for more than a mere glance behind the secret curtain of how massive health care systems in the country are rigging COVID-19 numbers for profit and politics, a top medical insider blows the roof off of the rigged ‘scamdemic’ on the Thomas Paine Podcast. Listen above.


The internal numbers — as feared by many suspicious Americans — appear to be all rigged for profit, greed, politics and to further social justice. Disturbing details.

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9907326   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IDF chief enters quarantine after exposure to coronavirus carrier


Military says Aviv Kohavi is feeling fine as he heads into isolation for 2nd time since start of pandemic; Gantz approves call-up of 2,000 reservists to assist in virus response


IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi entered quarantine Thursday after it was confirmed that he had been in the vicinity of a coronavirus carrier, the military said.


Kohavi met last week with a serviceman later confirmed to be a carrier, the statement from the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said.


“The chief of staff will be in quarantine and stick to his daily routine, as much as possible,” it said. “He feels well, is not displaying symptoms, and will be tested shortly.”


IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi entered quarantine Thursday after it was confirmed that he had been in the vicinity of a coronavirus carrier, the military said.


Kohavi met last week with a serviceman later confirmed to be a carrier, the statement from the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said.


“The chief of staff will be in quarantine and stick to his daily routine, as much as possible,” it said. “He feels well, is not displaying symptoms, and will be tested shortly.”

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9907333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Army Pulls Handout Listing 'MAGA' as a Sign of White Supremacist Sympathies


The Army has pulled a handout meant to promote meetings on diversity in the ranks that lists President Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan as a possible indicator of covert white supremacist sympathies.


In a statement late Wednesday, the Army said that the flyer distributed to troops and contractors at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama was sent out in error, and an Article 15-6 fact-finding investigation had begun to determine how it happened.


Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Alabama, demanded that those responsible for distribution of the promotional material be investigated for prosecution under the Hatch Act, limiting the political activities of the military and the civil service.


"U.S. Army personnel have violated the Hatch Act and any number of military regulations by distributing materials that, among other offensive things, labels president Donald Trump's 'Make America Great Again' slogan or 'Celebration of Columbus Day' as white supremacist," Brooks said in a lengthy release.


"The U.S. Army is not the place for political indoctrination or re-education experimentation," he said, adding that "heads should roll."


The material was meant to promote meetings at Redstone Arsenal as part of the Army's "Project Inclusion," an effort by Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Joseph McConville "to improve diversity, equity and inclusion across the force and build cohesive teams."


Project Inclusion involved listening sessions at bases worldwide for troops and civilians on issues such as racial disparities and the Army's move in August to remove photos from officers' promotion boards, according to the service.


The promotional material, sent in emails, included an illustration of a pyramid of phrases labeled "Things To Think About."


Under the heading as indicators of "Overt White Supremacy," the pyramid listed "swastikas," "hate crimes," "The N-word," "Burning Crosses" and "Racial Jokes."


The flyer then said "convert white supremacy" [sic] was suggested by "Make American Great Again;" "Eurocentric Curriculum;" "English-Only Initiatives;" "Bootstrap Theory;" "All Lives Matter;" and such sayings as, "Don't Blame Me. I Never Owned Slaves."


In its statement, the Army did not address how the July 6 handout was put together, but said that it included two unapproved pages and was quickly recalled.


The unapproved pages were copied from a non-government website, the service said, and "included a word cloud with phrases that were intended to spark conversation; however, the document was pre-decisional and inappropriate for the discussion."


"The Army does not condone the use of phrases that indicate political support," according to the statement. "The Army is and will continue to remain an apolitical organization."


However, Brooks charged that the promotional material was intended to damage Trump's re-election campaign. "I aim to get to the bottom of this outrageous propaganda and see that those responsible are appropriately prosecuted and fired," he said.

Anonymous ID: ffe0f1 July 9, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.9907383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7445

Don Lemon 2013 Monologue Telling Black People 'Pull Up Your Pants' And Address Black-On-Black Crime Goes Viral


This newly-viral segment from Don Lemon's show in 2013 really encapsulates how much the left has changed in just seven years.


In this clip which was shared Wednesday on social media, Lemon is seen telling African-Americans to "pull up your pants," address the epidemic of black-on-black crime, reject gang culture, stop saying the "n-word," start finishing school and stop having babies "just because you can."


2020 Don Lemon would undoubtedly label 2013 Don Lemon a white supremacist.


Lemon has yet to respond.


If he ever does, I predict he will only half-apologize (if that) and say he had "internalized white supremacy."