Anonymous ID: 0effca July 9, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9907708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9907489 (lb)

>That future is still "unknown". It depends on how many want it.


The future is the unknown present that has yet to come, that is correct.

I'm not asking about the future either, but about the idea of a future.

I would rather fight for something than against something.


I see that our societies are already in the midst of restructuring.

Most people don't register this, but it is clearly visible.

The transformation is underway.

That's very good if you want to keep the whole structure stable, then you can't suddenly change everything.

It is much wiser to build the scaffolding for afterwards.

That keeps societies/economy stable.

New technologies are also expected.

This is also already visible in its effects in the real economy/patents.

I see and observe all this and more.


But what I don't know is the idea of the society we will live in.


Will we have nations?

Will as many cultures as possible be preserved and will they have the space necessary for survival?

Will we learn the true history?

How long will that take?

How will we organize our living together of nations, if they should exist?

Will multicultural societies continue to exist or will they be separated into separate cultural areas?

How will the injustices against individual nations be corrected over the centuries?

Will our societies continue to be mainly materially oriented?

I could go on like this for hours…


If there is a plan, then there is a planning goal!

Why is this not at least implied?

Aren't we ready for that yet?