Anonymous ID: 6aab86 July 9, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.9907928   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You will breed with niggers

Begone Satan!


>We hate Jews because whites are marrying blacks?

No you fucking brainlet, part of the jew agenda is to lower the IQ of all goyim down to nigger levels (average IQ is 85, borderline retarded meaning more than half of niggers are actually retarded. Look at how they act).

It's why they push blacked porn all the time and use the whitest of whites (redheads) a lot in blacked porn. It's social programming. Luckily most white women find niggers disgusting, but it's a satanic push to brownify the population, keep them retarded like niggers and easier to control.

Anonymous ID: 6aab86 July 9, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.9908118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8156


>I've seen it get posted by swarms of shills across social media. The same shills that were shitting on Q.

No shit, everyone's going to post it. It doesn't change what's in the video you fucking brainlet.

<Other people posted it, that means I must disregard it based on that and not its content.

Fucking unbased and bluepilled.

>Yes I've seen it and it still doesn't mean anything.

Right, the knowing smirk while he's touching his nose means NOTHING. Fine, you think that, I don't. I'm not even a jfkjrfag but I'm intrigued here.

Calling it bait is fucking retarded though.