Anonymous ID: 7bbb37 July 9, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9907671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7759

HUNTERS: Jews As Nazi Hunters in 1977


HUNTERS is a new TV Series about 2 Jews in New York City who hunt Nazis, who are conspiring to create the 4th Reich in America.


The star is a young Jewish man Jonah Heidelbaum, played by Logan Lerman (Jewish IRL).  The other lead is an old rich Jew Meyer Offerman, Holocaust survivor with number tattooed on his forearm, played by Al Pacino. (who talks as if his mouth is stuffed with cotton.)

Meyer puts together a Team with Muh Diversity: a British blond nun who is a former child Jew, a Japanese man Vietnam Vet, a young black woman with an Afro, an old Jewish couple (Holocaust survivors) with the wife played by Carol Kane.




Episode 1

1. Opening scene: a Congressman having a backyard BBQ is recognized by a female guest as a Nazi from 30 years ago.

The Nazi takes out a gun with silencer and KILLS EVERYONE there, including his own wife and 3 kids.


2."Flashback" to Life in the Concentation Camp - story told by Meyer:

The Nazis played Chess by having Jewish prisoners stand on a giant chessboard cut into the grass clearing.  The Jewish men are dressed in the Striped pajamas, while the Jewish women are naked.All prisoners are holding a hunting knife.

The "Chess" game is when a Jewish man and woman are close, one has to kill the other by slashing their throat.   On the sides are laid the bodies of those already killed.


3. says: "Holocaust,The worst genocide the world has ever seen."


Episode 2

1. Opens with a scene at a Concentration Camp: 

5 Jewish prisoners, 4 are playing instruments as Jewish prisoners walk by in a column. The Jewish conductor gives a signal, and the 4 prisoners start playing Hava Nagila (a common Jewish song).

A fat German Nazi guard gets upset and tells them to stop.  The Jews keep on playing Hava Nagila

The Nazi guard takes out his gun and shoots the conductor. The prisoners keep playing, as the Nazi guard shoots all 4 Jews.

The column of Jews keep walking and start humming Hava Nagila.


2. Flashback to Life in a Concentration Camp-

A Buchenwald Radio emcee holds a Singing Contest every Saturday that is broadcast over the Camp Loudspeakers:

10 Jewish prisoners are inside a room with microphones, and the Nazi shouts at them to Sing! in German.  When a prisoner messes up the lyrics, the Nazi shoots him in the head. So it goes until the Nazi has shot 9 out of the 10 Jews. 

The last Jew standing screams in horror at the 9 bodies around him, as his screams are broadcast all over the camp.


3. Meyer goes to a Fixer in the Diamond District, to ask her for a Team of skilled people to help him hunt Nazis.

Matchmaker says: "not a team. This is appointed by God."


She is a Matchmaker. She says that she "has made 345 matches, producing 957 new Jewish souls."

Meyer admiringly says: "957 Jewish souls…"

Matchmaker hangs her head and says: "It's still 5,999,043 short."


4. An old NASA chemist in Florida named Gretel takes a shower and Yellow Gas comes out of her shower head, killing her.

Black FBI agent investigates. In Gretel's apt. agent finds an old black and white photo of Gretel shaking hands with Hitler. Agent notices next to Gretel is Zyklon B and deduces that Gretel was a Nazi chemist who created Zyklon B.  that Gretel was murdered by being gassed, and someone's hunting Nazis.


Episode 3

1. Jonah is given an old check from his Grandma's estate:

Lawyer: "German gov't was forced to pay some of the survivors for war crimes."  The check is for $632.


2. Fantasy "knowledge" bit: Lonny with a young black girl Yolanda: (clip attached)

Yolanda: "White people!"

Lonny:  "Not all White people are Nazis."

Yolanda: "But all Nazis are White people!"


Episode 4

1. Johan: "You want me to say a prayer?"

Meyer: "For centuries we've been persecuted because of these rituals."


The Hollywood/Amazon Jewish Victim Fest, To be Continued….

Anonymous ID: 7bbb37 July 9, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.9907758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>As per Q:

Israel MOSSAD controls US MSM, and US Politicians

Q Drop #1871

Exodus 1.1 = "Children of Israel"

Q Drop #2089

Why are the majority of Q attacks…….coming from AJ (MOS backed)


>As per President Trump:






*Cabal Jews do not include normie Jews but Jew shills will use false Conflation to kvetch "jew-hate".

(tactic is Slander, implying that if you don't love Jewish Subversive Criminals, then it's "jew-hate".  An Alinsky Tactic to bully and blame shift onto you.)


Name 3 Criminal Jews and watch the Jew shill claim you are saying it's "ALL Jews".


False Conflation tactic: so you better not name ANY Jew. Anons know better than to be bullied by our Enemies.

Anonymous ID: 7bbb37 July 9, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9907796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7805 >>7834


Yup. "as if " no other genocide in the world ever existed.

"Bolshevik" Jews killed 100 White Christians in Russia in the Soviet Union. (per Wall St. Journal article)


"Marxist" Jews funded Mao to kill 60 Million Chinese Christians in Communist China.


then there's the Armenian genocide, the Rape of Nanking, the Palestinian genocide…….

Anonymous ID: 7bbb37 July 9, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.9908137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8192 >>8202 >>8217 >>8221 >>8315



Q answered No.


This is a stupid slide.

No reason for a 39 year old rich person with a beautiful wife to hide for 21 yeeeears.


and being celebs, they'd have to never go out for 21 yeeeears to not be seen.


Give me a break. This slide must be to deflect from Hussein or Biden.

Anonymous ID: 7bbb37 July 9, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.9908251   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Still not enough reason for a rich 39 year old celeb to hide in a hole for 21 YEARS. He can hire security.

Plenty of other rich people have bounties on them.


No one has given any kind of logical reason with common sense.



Logical thinking.

Anonymous ID: 7bbb37 July 9, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.9908341   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Agreed. JFK Jr., wife and her sister killed so that Hillary go become Senator of NY.


This slide is because too many people are attracted by how preposterous this "alive" bs is.


The bigger the lie….. the moar people believe.