Anonymous ID: b11651 July 9, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.9908099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8256 >>8298 >>8305 >>8325 >>8346 >>8369

When President Trump used to say "forgotten no more," I believed him. Now I feel forgotten. When he seemed to be putting an end to "political correctness," I got his back and changed my whole vocabulary in order to no longer play the political correct game. But now I feel left to hang out in the open while being called racist for not using poitically correct terminology. And it seems like President Trump's constantly dividing us into racial groups when he speaks and when he speaks to racial groups exclusively ie, black caucus, hispanic prosperity initiative. The thing is, he never goes to speak to a group of exclusively white kids about their prosperity initiative. O.K., I know what you're going to say, his crowds are usually majority white so white's don't need a prosperity initiative talk. You'll also probably say I'm being divisive because Q says "they want you divided by race," well how am I dividing by race by wanting Trump to either stop speaking to specific racial groups or to start including the forgotten no more white kids. The next thing you'll probably say is "you're white, you have it better than anyone else." Well, am I the only one who in 40 years of working has only been interviewed by one white person for a job? Every other job I've ever interviewed for was by black women, mexican women, arab men, latino men etc. Sometimes being "diverse" means employees who are 90% hispanic and 9% black and 1% white. I guess they are more likely to hire a person of color based on the employees and lately there has been a whole lot of hating white people going on. So what, are we supposed to just know that Trump loves us even though he doesn't single out white people like he does blacks and hispanics? I know, you probably don't have much sympathy at all for this white man writing this, but what about all the little white kids that wonder why he doesn't single them out? The little white kids who see all these companies that say "diversity is our strength" on the job listing page. I feel like it's harder for whites to find work than for a black or hispanic without a doubt. I'm sick of hearing Trump divide us into racial groups and then reading Q say "they want you divided by race" and then to be called out as a "divider" for raising this issue.

