>>991130 >>990998
stats from http:// qarchives.ml/:
4chan.org/pol/ Q Threads = 627. (/627)
8ch.net/cbts/ Q Threads = 305. (/932)
8ch.net/thestorm/ Q Threads = 041. (/973)
8ch.net/greatawakening/ Q Threads = 003. (/976)
8ch.net/qresearch/ Q Threads = current thread 1234 (/976)
Through all that, there were duplicates and deleted threads and all sorts of chaos, so the numbers are a bit salty, but still:
2210 threads
4chan@350posts)pastboards (627*350)219450/219450 (/219450)
8chan@751posts)pastboards (349*751)262099/481549 (/700999)
8chan@751posts)currentboard (1234*751)926734/219450 (/1627733)
nice >>990777 for bread 1234, too