I think they should keep the schools closed.
It's just babysitting. Schools do a terrible job. Women should stay home and raise their kids.
Schools are expensive, I don't want to pay for them. We have the internet now, before, they needed books. They don't now.
We should know full well that schools don't have the space to put kids in a room without the social distancing. You could fit maybe 9 kids in a room with social distancing. Maybe 1 day of school a week? Maybe school becomes voluntary?
Maybe we just get rid of social distancing and masks forever and just go back to normal?
I do like the idea of not giving Fed money to schools that are not open.
But I definitely don't like these 2 things happening at the same time. 1) schools are open, kids are forced to go to schools, there is no social distancing and 2) concerts, sports, events are closed, because no social distancing, despite the fact that no one is being forced to go to these events.
If something is MANDATORY, it better fucking be safe. If something is NOT MANDATORY, you can just not go if you're afraid of the risks.
We're out here watching Trump say that he wants to force little kids into an unsafe situation. Trump looks terrible.
Just declare everything safe. That way we can have our concerts and our sports back.
Don't tell me that K-12 education is worthwhile. We all know that it isn't. K-12 is worse than not having K-12 at all. Leftist brainwashing.