Right on schedule….Community Patrol Officers (Muslims)…I've been telling you…but no one is listening…they are all listening to the stupid ignorant people who have a platform on News stations, athletes, sports reporters, etc…, It will get worse before it gets better..say HELLO to Sharia Law!!!..they deserve it…morans just let it happened…sheep!!!
Are you implying there are good muslims in NYC, I would like to believe you if…..IF…BIG IF…what is happening wasn't happening the way it is happening…but I can see the writing on the wall….look around at the places it's happening AT…mostly Muslims…I'm pretty sure there are peaceful muslims, just like peaceful Jews, Irishmen, Chinese, Japanese….but…but…what you DON'T SEE is any Jewish Police, Irish Police, Chinese Police, Japanese Policemen running around with there only LITTLE LAW….HMMMM….MAKES YOU WONDER DON'T IT!!!!