"Esper and Milley say military did not clear Lafayette Park"
So who did? God? Wouldn't that be something.
"Esper and Milley say military did not clear Lafayette Park"
So who did? God? Wouldn't that be something.
That Corey Monteith kid from that show killed himself too
Agreed. Esp with 4 year old…how do you drive the boat and watch him and drive? Its why you can't water ski with only a driver, someone else need to watch while the driver drives. Unless she boated every single weekend of their life, I call bullshit.
What is that pic from
I'd be weary of child psychiatrists. Any support groups for grieving children?
Maybe eventually that will be the only way around AI?
My conservative sisters are teachers and they both hate DeVos. Didn't really get a straight answer why