id, ego, superego
Shelter/Security (work)
Sex Drive
Increase of Quality of Life (betterment)
What % of public has their own
1 water source (natural, stream, well, rain capture)
2 food source- garden, hunting, breeding livetock
3 how many live in a dwelling they built (how many live tax and permit free?)
3 how many can earn outside systems they control, any barter system only? their $
3 How many have never relied on system for help/security, e.g. 911, court system
4 mating ritual largely controlled structured the good and the bad parts, prostitution and diamond, movie, eating out.
5 Getting ahead- The systems they fully control.
The cabal built the world structure we live in and control everything from our water, food, shelter, to how we satisfy our sex drive, and defining what it means to get ahead and how we do it.
Most Everything involves using our labor for work, and paying someone else to do thing for us.
However we lose big in the transaction fees and the system they created which divert and reduce the fruit of our labor.
Including making/creating the supplies (foresting, cutting wood, mining metal and concrete material— which is very efficient and mechanized) about 1500 hours of labor go into building a small house, yet the average person works 15000 hours to pay for that house???