They are not laughing, they're desperate and have pulled out all their shit as they see their window closing due to DJT and the heavy resolve among the populace. If they were at ease about their plans they wouldn't need to pay for asshats like you to work on diminishing the morale, belief and positive energy.
smart delivery- marketing is everything
Some of the generals are comp'd.
yeah, there's only so many backchannels but researching for the last decade has shown more than enough.
it's going to take communication with those compliant with the scam- they have pressures and fear losing their job or business because of the fear imparted into the masses- but they don't want personal liability so press on your right to HIPPA privacy and your decision not to mask up for health reasons. If they violate that, you have grounds for personal claim against the manager and corporation. Most will back off.
ok if you're not a paid downer agent, good. There's a lot at play here and more at stake which starts from one's own state of mind- master your thoughts to stay outside of the range they are manipulating the unconscious minds into. Even when DJT is reelected the ground locally is still going to need to be confronted so this mask thing is a good time to start getting comfy with actual LAW and how it works if you want to see these fucks back off.
Morale is important, mindset is critical, not feeding the depression vibration is key. Focus on what you can do vs what the outer propaganda is portraying. If you feel defeated you won't succeed at anything, which is why its huge to not spread that around and master thought life.