>best to leave it for a while until Q returns and let the shills think they win.
Go find a good seat and we will be right along….
>best to leave it for a while until Q returns and let the shills think they win.
Go find a good seat and we will be right along….
>I know it for a fact- I am watching a 14 year old girl from florida perform fellatio on him
Well as you are watching it, then enjoy the visit! REPORTED sick fuck.
I know right! He is losing as badly or WORSE than he was losing when he got elected! Ya slack jawed faggot.
>Indeed. GEOTUS didn't tackle the swamp head-on from Day One, he took the hits and let them punch themselves out over 3+ years. Breath deep. Be strategic. Think of the Long Game.
The same ones who are complaining would have tossed in the towel for Ali when he used the rope-a-dope.
Uncool anon. Yes as cancer has swept through this home recently, ill admit to be oversensitive, but its uncool.