Anonymous ID: ffe690 July 9, 2020, 4:45 p.m. No.9910114   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9909946 Hey celebs we know David Spade is deep sick club many of you are entangled in one HUGE sick club just like Q told us.

The sheep are waking and seeing all the connections, the "they won't be able to walk down the

street" is an understatement. All you celebs killing yourself or about to be suicided should

make long form live streams and just confess all you know, so at the very least the truth is out

and may cause a huge viral moment for others to do the same,

kind of like the ice bucket challenge, only more viral and much more cold.

Now is the time to just throw everyone under the bus, better to be the thrower than throwee.

Better YET be the DRIVER of the bus. MAKE A LIVESTREAM and immediately post it on this board so it spreads worldwide.

Then your part will not be twisted as it will straight form your mouth no edits.

Make your claims, make your apologies, and let the chips fall.

Tell all the ugly truths. Q team has it all anyhow. BE the first and start something big

To just get it all out in the open before someone kills you or you kill "yourself".

Not saying you will be forgiven by the people, but the people will respect that you came clean and that is the start.

But you can make things right with GOD.

In the end, even if the end is tragic, tell the truth to The Lord God, ask for true forgiveness.

GET RIGHT WITH JESUS. In the end HE is the ultimate judge.


all PB















