Did anyone tell the stupid kid that runs this site that it is BROKEN, AGAIN?
Two countries cooperate in keeping the space scam alive for fun and profit.
What a disaster.
Good question. Probably because they would sell their sons and daughters for a piece of the pie.
The "illness" is a giant JEW SCAM!
Let what the nigger has to say sink into your stupid GOY brains, real deep.
It's a back-handed victory, that provides Trump's lawyers with a ton of ammo to have the lower court side with him.
It also puts the (((AG's))) on notice that they need to have a real reason to be asking for this information; barring them from a fishing expedition.
In reality, it is a victory for the rule of law.
Maybe someone can tell the stupid kid to stop jerking off and fix the image serverโฆ
I know that COMMIEFORNIA passed a bill that allowed commies to serve as elected officials.
That should explain Newsom, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, et.al.
There are now tons of them starting at the city council level all the way through both houses of congress.
A lot of people complained, but the jew masters made it so any objection was muted in the MSM press.
At this point, Newsom and Pelosi are very unpopular and do not enjoy much support.
They have managed to piss off everyone, and it appears that Californians that have been sitting on the fence for a long time, are turning to the hard right.
Of course, elections in Calif are rigged, but the resentment is growing an becoming palpable.
Newsom is on the recall list.
I live in a "progressive" neighborhood and have known my neighbors for many years. Now that they have gotten a good taste of what "socialism" is all about, it has left a bad taste in their mouths.
Needless to say, they are seething.
Socialists are the festering boil on the ass of progress.
Why, yes, anon. It does.
It has been a living hell that has gotten progressively (no pun intended) worse with each passing decade.
They are so far gone that the only time that most of them will "get it" is after they kneeling before the trench they just helped dig, and the executioners are shooting their comrades in the back of their heads, knowing that they are next.
Short of that, they are too delusional.
Never tell your dupes their real purpose, but promise them the moon.
That's how the 1917 "Russian" revolution succeeded.
Then came the executions.
Decimating their country and turning the majority into intellectual slaves in exchange for their lives, is hardly an invitation, unless you mean "invitation."
That's what the 2nd amendment was supposed to be for.