humans, if anything are predictable. hopes, dreams and prayers…in the end, make little difference. the base instinct is to look towards the leaders that are strong. unfotunately, evil or good, those are secondary to the desire, the need, to be on the winning team. leaders who hide and cry of misdeeds, and yet, allow theose transgressions to go unchecked, while their people suffer, will inevitably be viewed, right or wrong, to be complicit in those actions and, thus, not worthy of leadership. it is our way.
no matter the truth, or perhaps more importantly, the comittment of the faithfull, in the end, the vast majority are not taking the time to find the truth, and will not be easily convinced to be faithfull. not a damnation or a mechanism to lose faith, but the reality of who and what we are.
we are, at our roots, all warriors, we hunger for the hunt, the ways of the past, where the great show the way, and have the strength to drive out the wicked. to cower before your foe, to hide in protective safety while your people become the target of the enemies "ammunition" is not our way.