Golfish, funny. Hitched a ride on this train Dec. 8, 2017. Have spent 10 hours a day on this board. Have re-read the Q drops at least 5 times, the last time a few weeks ago, I read the drops from the perspective I outlined in my post. Why? How bout, expose the truth to some degree, build up the hopes and anticipations then watch Patriots become demoralized when NOTHING happens. After nearly three years, tell me one thing that leaves you with the impression, "they have it all." The pattern seems kind clear. It reminds me of the battered women syndrome. Get beat. He appologizes. She forgives and even defends him. Gets beat again. He apologizes,never do it again. She forgives and defends. She ends up dead.
Look, if Q doesn't understand why Patriots are concerned and questioning, well fuck it.
For me, in my old age, I want to see it, not read it. and I'm not liking what I'm seeing. Capiche?