>>9915079 pb
I had that thought in 2015, thinking at the time, it would be a bold in the face FU move to the hounding media and those who projected what their own sense of satisfactory or approved public self image and style should be in a vain attempt to degenerate and humiliate then candidate Donald Trump
now after having watched POTUS fight this entire time constantly on every front for every single inch forward to preserve the god given right of each individuals self determination, liberty and pursuit of happiness I feel strongly that his style, his individuality and his strength to maintain all of this with his composure in the face of an overwhelming criminal onslaught of selfish, hypocrisy and childish emotional opinion is the KEYSTONE of what our movement is about
I now say carve that glorious coif in a fucking mountain so future generations never forget it
look in the mirror and tell me I am wrong