Jews be like…
Hey knock it off!!!
Stop exposing our memes for the Patriotards!!!
You lose kikes. We are making American kikeless again.
Bad day for the Jews
You can't get us to like your jews jew! Can't happen. It can't happen. Move to Israel and maybe…maybe…we will give you permission to die.
We will win. We will win. We will win.
Late night reading.
Be smart Q. Do not let for one instance think you can blame this on white people. We know everything. Do not fuck with us. Do not do it.
Adolf explains ANTIFA terrorists
You supposedly have to disregard THIS and countless other volumes because of one Q link that he has not definitively squared away.
Admit your patriotardness and take your medicine and stop being a pathetic faggot mental weakling.
Cool story. Now say the simple truth.
ANTIFA opposed Hitler and Trump.
That shouldn't be that hard to do…
Go on beltway boy.