Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.9916109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6225 >>6451 >>6564

UK Court Proves Hillary Was Behind Trump-Russia Sham in May 2016 – She Then Accused Trump of Being a “Russian Puppet” in 3rd Debate in October 2016!


Hillary Clinton accused President Trump of being a Russian puppet in their 3rd Presidential debate in October 2016. Now we know that she constructed this lie in May 2016.


In the third Presidential debate in October 2016 Hillary Clinton discussed Russia and demanded candidate Trump disavow Russian President Putin. This was a bizarre exchange to the casual observer at the time because there was no evidence candidate Trump had any connections with Russia and because the US was facing more pressing issues with China, ISIS, Iran, Iraq, North Korea and others:



I actually think the most important question of this evening, Chris [Wallace], is finally will Donald Trump admit and condemn what the Russians are doing this and make it clear that he will not have the help of Putin in this election. That he rejects Russian espionage against Americans, which he, ah, actually encouraged in the past. Those are the questions we need answered.


President Trump responded:


If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS, that would be good. He [Putin] has no respect for her. He has no respect for our President [Obama] and I’ll tell you what. We’re in very serious trouble, because we have a country with tremendous numbers of nuclear warheads, 1,800 by the way, where they expanded and we didn’t – 1,800 nuclear warheads – and she’s playing chicken. Look, from everything I see Putin has no respect for this person.


Hillary answered:

Well, that’s because, he’d [Putin] rather have a puppet at this stage.


This outrageous attack was just bizarre at the time and was first posed by the Hillary campaign in July 2016 when Hillary Campaign Manager Robby Mook alleged Russia was behind the DNC hacking:


We now know from a UK court that the Clinton Campaign arranged for former MI6 Christopher Steele to create a dossier in May 2016 that the FBI knew was false in July 2016:

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.9916126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6632

Atlanta Family’s Dead Cat Gets Voter Registration Application in the Mail


The Democrats sure love their dead voters and now they’re targeting dead animals.


A deceased family’s cat received a voter registration application in the mail.


The cat, Cody Tims, died 12 years ago.


Cody Tims’ owner said he was a “DemoCat.”


Via Fox 5 Atlanta:


When Ron Tims checked his mail Wednesday he found something addressed to Cody Tims. Cody doesn’t get much mail. Cody is a cat. He died 12 years ago. The family keeps his ashes in a green container.


The Tims were surprised, and a bit amused when they saw what Cody received in the mail.


“We have a voter registration application for Cody Tims! How did this happen? It’s not reality, he’s a cat and he’s been dead for a long time,” said Carol Tims.


“There’s a huge push but if they’re trying to register cats, I’m not sure who else they’re trying to register. I’m not sure if they’re trying to register dogs, mice, snakes,” said Tims.


The Secretary of State’s office said the voter registration application came from a third party group.


“Third-party groups all over the country are targeting Georgia to help register qualified individuals. This group makes you wonder what these out-of-town activists are really doing. Make no mistake about it, this office is dedicated to investigating all types of fraud,” the Secretary of State’s office said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.9916147   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube Takes Down Tucker Carlson’s Video Connecting Terrorist Susan Rosenberg to BLM


We reported on the connection between a terrorist pardoned by Bill Clinton his last day in office and Black Lives Matter. Tucker Carlson then reported on this but for some reason the video of Tucker’s comments has been taken down by YouTube.


We reported on June 30th that BLM is connected to a terrorist pardoned by Bill Clinton his last day in office and other connections between the Democrat Party and BLM:




We were the first to report that BLM was raising money using ActBlue as a resource. The Daily Caller confirmed this and reported that BLM is not a non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to BLM.


Candace Owens reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that the findings confirmed what we and Candace Owens reported:

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.9916205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6451 >>6564

Twitter data-mining tool Dataminr fed police real-time info on Black Lives Matter protesters, despite promises not to spy


An analytics firm parsing Twitter data in real time for law enforcement and media has been caught funneling detailed info on anti-police-brutality marches to the very agencies users are protesting, despite promises not to.


Dataminr, a CIA-funded artificial intelligence startup that mines Twitter’s real-time content stream for behavioral patterns and other analytics, has been caught feeding info on police brutality protesters from that “firehose” stream back to law enforcement. While the developers had promised they wouldn’t enable domestic surveillance after a series of scandals in 2016, Dataminr is once again doing just that, the Intercept revealed on Thursday, slurping up Twitter data from participants in the ongoing George Floyd demonstrations and sending it to the very authorities those people are protesting.


The app was forced to promise it would not use its privileged access to Twitter data to enable domestic surveillance in 2016 after the company was caught feeding law enforcement “fusion centers” – liaison offices between federal and local police – real-time information from Twitter’s firehose. This capability, which Dataminr bragged about in its marketing materials, flagrantly violated Twitter’s own policy against weaponizing user data for surveillance purposes.


While Dataminr indeed pledged to stop providing social media surveillance capabilities to “any local, state, or federal government customer,” the company has continued to offer its “News Alert” service to law enforcement and “organizations supporting first responders.” Confronted with the fact of its surveillance of the George Floyd protests, executives have even argued that Dataminr’s surveillance of protests is actually keeping demonstrators safe, claiming its Big Brotheresque snooping “helps magnify [protesters’] voice[s].”


However, an inside source who spoke to the Intercept confirmed Dataminr’s biggest clients remain local police departments hungry for data on protesters, adding that the app has “relayed tweets and other social media content about the George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests directly to police, apparently across the country,” using its “privileged access to Twitter data” – never mind that its terms of service stipulations barred any of the platform’s software partners from “tracking, alerting, or monitoring sensitive events (such as protests, rallies, or community organizing meetings).”


Indeed, the FBI even signed an “expedited agreement” to expand its relationship with Dataminr last month, piling on to an existing $1 million contract. A spokesperson for the app insists it has only provided the FBI with “First Alert, a product that delivers breaking news alerts on emergency events, such as natural disasters, fires, explosions, and shootings.”


However, it’s unclear how the sort of information that might come over a 911 scanner would be worth $1 million to the top US domestic law enforcement agency. Tweets like “Protesters seen sitting on street in front of security officers in Oakdale, MN” wouldn’t seem to have any immediate utility for first responders or any other emergency services, for example, yet these found their way to the Minneapolis Police Department with the help of Dataminr. And the app’s surveillance of Black Lives Matter went far beyond basic after-the-fact data about the protests, the Intercept’s sources confirmed, calling Dataminr’s and Twitter’s claims they don’t enable domestic surveillance “bulls**t.”

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9916246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6451 >>6564

Netherlands to take Russia to European Court of Human Rights over MH17 downing


The Dutch government has said it will file a suit against Russia at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). It alleges that Moscow played a part in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014.


Achieving justice for the 298 victims of the tragedy, two thirds of whom were citizens of the Netherlands, "is and will remain the government's highest priority" and by going to the ECHR it's "moving closer to this goal," said Stef Blok, the Dutch foreign minister, as cited by his ministry's website.


The ECHR will be handed "all available and relevant information" about the downing of the Malaysian Boeing 777 from the Netherlands.


The Dutch government said it "attaches importance" to continuing meetings with Russia on the matter of state responsibility in order to find a solution that "does justice to the enormous suffering and damage" caused by the crash six years ago.


Moscow, which denies any involvement in the downing of MH17, maintains that it's also interested in establishing the truth about what happened to the ill-fated flight through a thorough and impartial investigation.


The Dutch-led probe by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), which found that the plane was downed by anti-Kiev rebels who received a BUK air defense system from Russia, is regarded by Moscow as politically biased.


Russia wasn't invited to participate in the JIT, despite it including Ukraine, which had been fighting units from the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk in the area and had all the means to bring the plane down.


The probe, according to Moscow, also ignored a batch of data on the crash that Russia was willing to provide, instead largely relying on Ukrainian evidence and information from open sources, like videos posted on social media.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.9916252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6451 >>6564

Maxine Waters: ‘Absolutely’ We Will Pursue Trump’s Financial Records — Even If He Loses in November


Thursday during an interview NPR’s Ailsa Chang, House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Congress will continue seeking President Trump’s financial records even if he loses his reelection bid in November.


Partial transcript as follows:


CHANG: Well, in the interests of following that roadmap, how do you intend to narrow the scope of your demands for records going forward? I mean, at this point, tell me – what do you most need access to among the president’s financial records?


WATERS: Well, as you know, this all started out with us learning so much about Deutsche Bank and their relationship to the president. Not only are they the only bank in the world that would lend money to this president, all of the other banks have denied him because of his past actions. This president has not been honest. He has claimed assets that he does not have. He has, you know, embellished on his holdings, et cetera, et cetera. And they have – this bank has a great reputation for money laundering. And so his connection to them, the fact that they have, you know, a great reputation for money laundering, and he’s still owing the bank over $300 million. It did increase our interest in how he’s conducted himself and his financial background, et cetera. And so we think that, you know, we can stay with the main reason why we’re subpoenaing those records without – and eliminate maybe some of what we had included in our subpoenas and basically be in compliance with the review.


CHANG: OK. Well, these decisions essentially guarantee that voters will not get to see what’s in these financial records before the election. So I have to ask you, do you feel at some level that you have already lost in a way, even if you do eventually get the records you are asking for?


WATERS: No, I don’t feel that way. And unfortunately, we don’t have control over the timing of the court. We’ve been waiting a long time for the decision to come down. We would have loved to have had it earlier. However, they have decided. And still, I think that if this president is not reelected, he has a lot to answer to that has little to do perhaps with his having served as president but having to do with his relationship to Deutsche Bank and possible money laundering and some other issues that I think the American public still would be interested in. And maybe he will have to be judged by our courts in whether or not he has committed wrongdoing.


CHANG: So you do fully intend to continue pursuing these demands for records even if Donald Trump loses in November?


WATERS: Well, absolutely. We’re committed to our mission. We have the oversight responsibility as the Financial Services Committee in Congress, and we will not walk away from this. We will continue to do our work. As I have said, we believe that there are issues involved, you know, related to money laundering…


CHANG: Right.


WATERS: …And some other kinds of things that certainly this president would have to answer to whether or not he’s still the president or not.


CHANG: OK. Maxine Waters, Democrat from California and chair of the House Financial Services Committee, thank you very much for joining us today.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.9916261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6292 >>6451 >>6564

Left-wing ‘Breathe Act’ Would Close All Federal Prisons, Immigration Detention Centers


The left-wing political group Black Lives Matter is seeking support in Congress for radical legislation that would, among other things, close all federal prisons and immigration detention centers.


The bill “would eliminate federal programs and agencies used to finance and expand the U.S. criminal-legal system, such as the Department of Defense 1033 program, the Edward Byrne-Justice Assistance Grant Program, Community Oriented Policing Services, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement,” the bill states.


“We stand on the shoulders of giants and there has been 400 years of work that Black people have done to try to get us closer to freedom,” Black Lives Matter cofounder Patrisse Cullors said about the proposed bill, citing the false date for America’s founding.


“This moment is a watershed moment,” Cullors said. “I think this moment calls for structural change and transformative change in ways that we haven’t seen in a very long time. We see this opportunity to push for the Breathe Act as a part of what we’re calling the modern-day civil rights act.”


As Breitbart News reported, far-left “Squad” members Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) partnered with the coalition Movement for Black Lives in promoting the bill:


The two lawmakers reportedly announced the “BREATHE Act” in a virtual meeting on Tuesday. Tlaib described the measure as ushering in a “new version for public safety — a new vision for public safety, one that protects and affirms black lives.”


“We must invest in a new vision of public safety,” Tlaib said. “Today, I am proud to join the calls coming out of one of the largest movements for justice that my district and our country have ever seen to say unapologetically: I support the #BREATHEAct.”


We must invest in a new vision of public safety.


Today, I am proud to join the calls coming out of one of the largest movements for justice that my district and our country have ever seen to say unapologetically:


I support the #BREATHEAct.


— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) July 7, 2020


The Associated Press reported on support for the radical legislation in academia:


University of Michigan professor and criminal justice expert Heather Ann Thompson acknowledged the uphill battle, but noted that the legislation is being introduced at a highly opportune time.


“I think those programs that they’re suggesting eliminating only look radical if we really ignore the fact that there has been tremendous pressure to meaningfully reform this criminal justice system,” said Thompson, author of ‘Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy.’


“Every radical piece of legislation that we’ve ever passed in this country, it has passed on the heels of the kinds of grassroots protests that we saw on the streets. The will of the people indicates that if they just keep putting a Band-Aid on it, these protests are not going to go away,” Thompson said.


The bill has not yet been introduced in Congress.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.9916291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6308 >>6451 >>6564

Trump Says Phase 2 Trade Deal With China Likely Off The Table


President Donald Trump confirmed Friday that a phase two trade deal with China is unlikely to happen thanks to the damage done to the U.S.-China relationship because of coronavirus.


Trump made the statement to reporters on Air Force One while traveling to Florida to highlight a U.S. counternarcotics operation. China has been heavily criticized by the global community for its mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic.

“The relationship with China has been severely damaged. They could have stopped the plague, they could have stopped it, they didn’t stop it. They stopped it from going into the remaining portions of China from Wuhan province. They could have stopped the plague, they didn’t. The relationship with China has been severely damaged,” he said.


Trump signed phase one of the trade deal January 15, saying the U.S. would continue negotiations well into 2020. It is unclear whether Trump intends to continue his trade war stance toward the Communist regime in the absence of negotiations.


The news comes as the Trump administration is reportedly preparing an announcement regarding China’s aggression in the South China Sea, according to Bloomberg News.


The U.S. Department of Defense called China’s recent military actions near the Paracel Islands “unlawful,” and the U.S. is expected to lay out its official position next week, according to Bloomberg.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.9916303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pollak: Bogus NBER Paper Accuses Sean Hannity of Mass Murder


A team of economists has published a National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper that accuses Fox News host Sean Hannity of killing thousands of people through “misinformation” about the coronavirus pandemic.


The paper, “Misinformation During a Pandemic,” was funded by the Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago, but largely consists of partisan hackery dressed in statistical models to smear a popular pro-Trump voice.


To begin with, at least one of the authors of the paper, David Yanagizawa-Drott, appears to dislike President Donald Trump intensely. He complained in 2017 that then-New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady supported the president. He also encouraged protests against the Trump administration in 2017, and again in 2018.


In times like these, @Patriots fans may want to ask themselves whether it matters the owner, GM, coach and QB backs @realDonaldTrump.


— D. Yanagizawa-Drott (@YanagizawaD) January 30, 2017


Hoping for some external validity. #FamiliesBelongTogether


— D. Yanagizawa-Drott (@YanagizawaD) June 30, 2018


That would not, by itself, invalidate the analytical conclusions of the paper. But the introduction to the paper reveals more about its partisan bias.


The first footnotes are references to articles in The Washington Post and the New York Times attempting to claim that Fox News had put Americans in “danger” through “misinformation.”


The paper itself focuses on Hannity. It uses survey data and economic models in an attempt to argue that because fellow Fox News host Tucker Carlson focused on the coronavirus pandemic from an early stage — in late January — and Hannity did not devote much attention to it until weeks later, there are observable effects of that editorial difference in the personal behaviors and health outcomes of the audiences watching each show on the network.


They say: “Consistent with a persuasive effect of content on behavior, we find that viewership of Hannity is associated with changing behavior four days later than other Fox News viewers; while viewership of Tucker Carlson Tonight is associated with changing behavior three days earlier (controlling for demographics and viewership of other shows and networks” (original emphasis).


Watching Hannity, they say, “is associated with a greater number of COVID-19 cases and deaths.”


The authors present a detailed, sophisticated set of analytical tools, perhaps designed to impress the causal reader with the trappings of intellectual rigor.


But a closer look at the study reveals glaring errors.


First of all, the authors begin measuring “misinformation” by counting the number of times the coronavirus was mentioned on each show. Hannity did not mention it much during February, while Carlson mentioned it often.


That is not “misinformation”; that is a decision to express opinions on other news topics.


Another tool the authors use to measure “misinformation” is to code — “yes” = 1 or “no” = 0 — based on whether each mention of the coronavirus on each show described it as a sufficiently dangerous threat.


The data for most of January and February are useless as a basis for comparison, because Hannity was not mentioning the coronavirus much at all.


Toward the end of February, both shows mention the virus with the same frequency. There is a gap between how seriously each show portrays the virus, but that gap only lasts until mid-March.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.9916320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6349 >>6451 >>6564

Farage: Marxist BLM Has Agenda That ‘Would Make Lenin Blush’


Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has said that the people behind Black Lives Matter have an agenda that “would make Lenin blush”, warning that the movement does not want racial justice but seeks to tear down Western civilisation.


Speaking to supporters during a Facebook live stream on Thursday, Mr Farage remarked on the speed with which Black Lives Matter hijacked the death of black American George Floyd for its own purposes.


The movement was rapidly imported to the United Kingdom under the banner of Black Lives Matter UK, and sports teams, the media, politicians, police, and church leaders were quick to parrot BLM narratives that Britain was a fundamentally racist country.


“If this was about equality of opportunity, if this was about a fair and just society, if this was about everybody, regardless of who they are, being treated fairly, squarely, and evenly, I wouldn’t have a problem,” Mr Farage said.


“But we need to draw a distinction between what those three words [black lives matter] represents and the Black Lives Matters movement,” which he said was funded by wealthy special interest groups “with an agenda that I think would have made Lenin blush”.


“This is about all-out Marxism. It’s about the destruction of capitalism. It’s about getting rid of the nation-state as we know it. Of course, it’s about defunding the police,” the Brexit Party leader continued.


He then criticised the British press for failing to do even basic research on the Black Lives Matter movement before espousing opinions on it.


Reflecting on his widely reported altercation with a panel on Good Morning Britain some weeks ago, Farage said that when he “explained that Black Lives Matter was about defunding the police, that it wasn’t actually about racial equality, it was about anarchy, it was about destroying all the symbols of this and every other Western country, and what we stood for, I was outright called a liar. And yet, the truth, now, slowly is beginning to come out.”

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.9916339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6451 >>6564

High Court Rules Christian Adoption Charity Must Allow Same-Sex Carers


A Christian adoption agency must allow same-sex couples to foster and adopt children, a UK judge has ruled.


Cornerstone (North East) Adoption and Fostering Service, which only places children with married, evangelical Christians, was told it “cannot lawfully refuse” to allow gay men and lesbian partners to sign up as carers.


Mr Justice Julian Knowles made the ruling on Tuesday, following a legal challenge against schools regulator Ofsted after the public body slammed the Sunderland-based agency’s policies as discriminatory.


The High Court claimed that Cornerstone had breached the 2010 Equality Act by requiring prospective carers to “refrain from homosexual conduct”.


“It hardly needs be said, but I categorically reject any suggestion that gay men and lesbians cannot make wonderfully loving foster and adoptive parents, whether they are single or in same-sex partnerships,” the judge said in his ruling.


Gay Man ‘Murdered 18-Month-Old Just Weeks After Formal Adoption with Husband’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 10, 2017


Cornerstone commented that its decision to take legal action was vindicated by the judge upholding the agency’s right to recruit only evangelical Christians as potential carers, a requirement Ofsted had branded “not inclusive”, with the body insisting that fostering “is a secular act”.


The service’s chair, the Rev Sheila Bamber, said: “The judgment justifies our decision to pursue this legal action. Our right to support Christian families in providing the best possible outcomes for vulnerable children and young people has been upheld.


“But I am saddened that the fundamental place of biblically-based Christian marriage in our beliefs has not been recognised. We will carefully and prayerfully consider how to continue our vocation and work to create forever families.”


Acting on behalf of Cornerstone, Aidan O’Neill QC told the High Court that Ofsted had acted “unlawfully” and “invented” discrimination by the fostering agency so as to make a case against it, noting: “This is a hypothetical dispute in which there are no actual victims. Ofsted have not identified any individuals who face discrimination under Cornerstone’s work.”

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.9916353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6410 >>6629

Dr. Anthony Fauci says he hasn't briefed President Donald Trump in at least 2 months, warns COVID-19 really is 'the big one'


Top adviser on the White House's coronavirus task force Dr. Anthony Fauci says he hasn't briefed President Donald Trump in at least two months, according to reports.


What are the details?

On Friday, the Financial Times reported that Fauci, infectious disease expert and director at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has not sat with the president and briefed him on the COVID-19 pandemic in two months.

Fauci, who had virtual lunch with the Financial Times, said that he hasn't even seen the president in person since June 2.

Fauci spoke to the outlet about the resurgence in COVID-19 cases across the country.

"I don't think it's an exaggeration to say we have a serious ongoing problem, right now, as we speak," he said. "What worries me is the slope of the curve. It still looks like it's exponential."

The 79-year-old health expert explained that many states simply opened too soon and that many people refused to heed professional advice on the health emergency.


"I think we have to realize that some states jumped ahead of themselves. Other states did it correctly," he explained. "But the citizenry didn't listen to the guidelines and they decided they were going to stay in bars and go to congregations of crowds and celebrations."

The Times reports, "At times, Trump has seemed to have lost patience with Fauci. In early May, the White House stopped him testifying in front of Congress — although he has presented himself to answer questions more recently. Now, it is reported that the White House is preventing him from appearing on TV."

Fauci explained, "I have a reputation, as you probably have figured out, of speaking the truth at all times and not sugar-coating things. And that may be one of the reasons why I haven't been on television very much lately."

Fauci concludes by warning that the COVID-19 pandemic really is "the big one."

"You have a random virus jump species from an animal to a human that is spectacularly efficient in spreading from human to human, and has a high degree, relatively speaking, of morbidity and mortality," he warned. "We are living in the perfect storm right now."

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.9916362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6564

British Universities Comply with Chinese Internet Censorship


British universities are engaging with a Chinese online platform so that its learning materials comply with China’s repressive internet regulations.


Four top Russell Group universities — King’s College London, Queen Mary University of London, Southampton, and York — are taking part in the pilot programme that would allow Chinese students to study for British degrees online without falling foul of the communist nation’s internet censorship that blocks certain websites.


Run by JISC, which provides digital services for British universities, the system sets up a connection between the institution and the student in China via the Chinese internet company Alibaba Cloud, which is a subsidiary of the Alibaba Group headed by Jack Ma, one of the wealthiest men in the world.


The system works by only allowing access to “resources that are controlled and specified” by the university. The resources need to be on the “security ‘allow’ list”, according to JISC, meaning that it would have to be approved by Beijing.


Universities UK, an advocacy body that speaks on behalf of British higher education institutions, has claimed that it does not endorse censorship. It said it is “not aware of any instances when course content has been altered” in order for it to become accessible in China, the BBC reports. However, that does not guarantee that academics or institutions will not be considering China’s censorship laws when setting reading lists or topics in future.


British universities are keen to accommodate the requirements of the Chinese Communist Party, as Chinese students — who pay high overseas tuition fees — account for almost a quarter of the UK’s international student body. If successful, the programme could be rolled out to universities across the country.


Chinese Communists Infiltrate British Universities, Confiscating Papers and Cancelling Events


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 6, 2019


Matthew Henderson from the neoconservative Henry Jackson Society told The Telegraph on Thursday: “This is censorship by Britain of what students get to read.”


Member of the China Research Group, which opposes Huawei’s involvement in Britain’s 5G, Neil O’Brien’Brien MP said: “This is the latest sign of the way UK universities are being changed by their dependence on Chinese students. The government needs to start collecting data on Chinese firms investments into our universities and be clear about the values we won’t compromise.”


This “pre-emptive self-censorship” is what Professor Kerry Brown, of Kings College London, warned of in a recent paper published by the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI).


Professor Brown has said that China has grown more “assertive” about attacking its critics, and at the same time, universities have become more fearful of offending China.


He wrote: “Offending China was never difficult. In the era of current President and Communist Party head Xi Jinping, it has become extremely easy, and the Chinese Government has not been coy in expressing this for everyone who wants to hear it.


“The assumption that this sort of environment must necessarily impact on the way people write and deal with China in some way, usually problematic, has strengthened.”


Red Guards in Britain: China Ambassador Calls on Chinese Students in UK to ‘Serve the Motherland’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 5, 2020


The reports come after the Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming warned off the UK from ‘interfering’ in domestic matters when the British government extended residency rights to three million Hong Kongers after Communist China imposed further restrictions on the former British colony.


On the UK’s reported plans to pull the CCP-controlled Huawei out of its telecommunications networks, Liu told reporters on Monday: “We want to be your friend. We want to be your partner. But if you want to make China a hostile country, you will have to bear the consequences.”


UK Student’s Death Threats Over Support For Hong Kong Protests


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 26, 2019

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.9916380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6564

Head of Migrant NGO Under Fraud Investigation Now Accused of Sexually Abusing Migrant


Father Antonio Zanotti, who is currently under investigation by Italian authorities for fraud, has been accused of sexually abusing a migrant under the care of his pro-migrant NGO.


The migrant originally came forward two years ago, claiming that he had suffered sexual abuse while under the care of the Oasis 7 organisation in Bergamo which takes in migrants and minors who face difficult situations.


The migrant filed hard evidence, in the form of photographs and short videos, to prosecutors. The migrant told prosecutors that Father Zanotti, a Capuchin friar, had forced him to perform sexual acts and was threatened him with beatings if he did not comply, Il Giornale reports.


“After about three or four months after my arrival at Oasis 7, the friar began to approach me sexually. Then, after inviting me to drink in his room, he put his hands in my genitals. Although it was not my desire to have sex with the friar, I could not resist,” the migrant said this week.


“Father Zanotti’s claims were more and more insistent and pressing. He touched me constantly. And he forced me to take Viagra (once he even made me swallow three tablets) so that he could satisfy himself,” he added.


Zanotti has been under house arrest since June 17th after being accused of personally profiting from migrants and abusing public funds meant for the migrants under his care.


Sexual abuse of migrants by members of NGOs has been a reoccurring problem in several countries in recent years.


Last year, the head of the Italian NGO Mama Africa was accused of sexually abusing a young boy in Togo between 2007 to 2014.


A similar case also took place in Switzerland last year in which a migrant accused a Swiss pro-migrant activist of sexually abusing him while the Swiss man worked for Amnesty International in 2008.


In 2018, the House of Commons international development committee in the UK published a damning report claiming that sexual abuse was an “endemic” problem across foreign aid NGOs.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.9916400   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BBC Forces Elderly to Pay TV Tax While Throwing Millions into ‘Diverse’ Content



The BBC will go ahead with its plans to scrap the free licence fee for the majority of over-75s to save money, while pledging to spend £100 million on “diverse” content to appease the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement.


The move had been delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic, but the broadcaster announced on Thursday that from August 1st, three million more households would be expected to pay the £157.50 annual fee. Britain’s poorest seniors will still be able to apply for an exemption to the licence.


Labour MPs were quick to blame the government for failing to step in and cover the cost, despite the BBC accepting the responsibility in its 2015 charter.


Conservative Culture Minister Matt Warman said that the “BBC has had a generous licence fee settlement and it is deeply disappointing that they have chosen to go down the path that they apparently are going down”.


While Conservative Cabinet Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg said, referring to the BBC by its nickname ‘Auntie’: “Auntie, come on, let’s be nice to the over 75-year-olds as they’re some of your most loyal viewers and listeners.


“It’d be right to allow them to continue to watch television for free.”


The Taxpayers’ Alliance, a pressure group that campaigns for lowering the burden on taxpayers, said on Thursday: “This announcement shows the Beeb would rather fleece pensioners than cut its wasteful diversity budgets and top star salaries.


“The TV tax is a terrible burden which will now be slammed onto the over 75s, and is a kick in the teeth at such a difficult time for older people.


“Rather than forcing pensioners to pay the hated telly tax, the BBC should acknowledge the current funding model isn’t fit for purpose and step into the 21st century by abolishing the licence fee altogether.”


Farage Slams BBC, Sky for Portraying UK as ‘Cesspit of Bigots and Racists’


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 18, 2020


BBC Chairman Sir David Clementi has said that he decided to go ahead with the charges because the broadcaster is “under severe financial pressure”. In the past two weeks, the BBC announced that it would be making redundant 450 staff across its BBC News England division and 150 employees in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland programming.


Before laying off hundreds of people and introducing licence fees to millions of pensioners, the liberal broadcaster also announced that it would be spending £100 million to produce more “diverse and inclusive content”. According to a Creative Diversity Network (CDN) report from February, the BBC already provides a comparatively higher representation of ethnic minorities than other British networks, with sexual minorities, ethnic minorities, and women being overrepresented compared to proportions in the general population by the British media in general.


The move comes as the BBC is facing increasing criticism over its coverage of the Marxist agenda of the Black Lives Matter movement. After referring to violent BLMUK protests that resulted in the injury of 27 London officers one weekend in early June as “largely peaceful”, there has been a rise in support for “defunding” the BBC — a play on BLM’s call to “defund the police”.


In recent weeks, the taxpayer-funded broadcaster has promoted articles that claim the countryside is racist. It had also shared a now-deleted tweet promoting a podcast presenter asking how “white women” can try to be less like “Karens”, which Conservative MP Ben Bradley criticised as “racist”, prompting him to cancel his TV licence.


Delingpole: Not Terrorism – Just a Randomly Exploding Bus, Claims BBC


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 8, 2020


A licence fee is required in the UK if you watch any live television or stream a live broadcast, even if you do not consume any BBC media. Non-payment of the licence fee can result in a £1,000 fine, a court appearance, and even imprisonment.


The BBC claims that it would not utilise the same tactics to enforce licence fee payment, but MPs expressed concern last year at the prospect of ‘outreach officers’ turning up at elderly peoples’ homes telling them they must pay to watch television.


If the BBC is successful in forcing some three million elderly Britons to pay the fee, that will increase revenue by £472.5 million — more than enough to cover the cost of the liberal broadcaster’s endeavour to provide more “diverse and inclusive” content.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.9916422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6564

North American Oil And Gas Companies Continue To Go Bankrupt At $40 Oil


The rash of oil and gas bankruptcies in North America is set to continue for the remainder of 2020, a report by Haynes and Boone cited by Reuters shows.


After the coronavirus pandemic and oil price war set in at the end of the first quarter, the second quarter began with a wave of bankruptcies in the oil and gas sector in North America, according to the report.


There have been more than 18 producer bankruptcies in Q2 alone, according to Haynes and Boone—it is the highest quarterly figure since 2016 during the previous oil price crash. So far this year, 41 oil producers and oilfield service firms have sought bankruptcy protection.


Even without the coronavirus pandemic or the oil price war, the flurry of bankruptcies were to be expected, with companies holding junk-rated bonds defaulting on interest payments at record levels even in 2019, with more distressed companies in the energy sector than in any other, Michael Bradley, energy strategist with Tudor, Pickering, Holt said at the end of last year.


Of course, these distressed companies were all holding out hope that oil prices would recover in 2020.


Nothing could have been further from how this year is playing out.


This year has seen Chesapeake Energy, Diamond Offshore Drilling, Whiting Petroleum,


And even while prices have rebounded, the $40 per barrel oil price right now will not be sufficient to stave off doom for the debt-laden shale producer, Haynes and Boone said. $40 oil will not be enough for shale companies to make good on their hefty debt obligations.


Rystad Energy in April warned that as many as 530 U.S. oil companies could file for bankruptcy protection if oil had stayed at $20 per barrel.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.9916428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6564

German Authorities Claim People Smugglers Tracking NGO Ships and Directing Migrants to Them


The German Joint Analysis and Strategy Centre for Illegal Migration (Gasim) has claimed that people smugglers in North Africa are actively tracking migrant transport NGO vessels and sending migrants to them.


The agency, which is based in Potsdam, analyses information on illegal migration and smuggling operations for several federal authorities including the Federal Criminal Police Office, Federal Police, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.


An internal Gasim report, obtained by German newspaper Die Welt, has claimed that smugglers in Libya are very aware of the return of migrant transport NGOs in the Libyan search and rescue (SAR) zone in recent weeks.


“In the presence of NGO ships, concerted departures from Libya were noted. According to refugees and migrants, smugglers use the tracking function on various websites to determine the location of NGO ships and contacted them in individual cases using a satellite phone,” the report stated.


The report backs up earlier accusations by Italian prosecutors in 2017 that NGOs were working directly with people smugglers in Libya to help transport migrants to Europe.


Gasim stated that NGO vessels had brought more than two-thirds of the migrants who arrived in the first two months of this year, before the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, to Italy and Malta.


In those first two months, migration numbers to Italy surged by 948 per cent compared to the year before when populist Senator Matteo Salvini served as Italy’s interior minister and enforced a strict policy of rejecting NGO vessels from Italian ports.


Even without the presence of NGO vessels, the Gasim report claims many migrants have tried to cross to Europe anyway. “Despite the absence of NGO ships, more than 800 migrants reached the Italian island of Lampedusa on their own in late April/early May or were taken in by excursion and commercial ships in the Maltese SAR zone,” they said.

Anonymous ID: e3a180 July 10, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.9916488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alan “The-State-Can-Plunge-A-Needle-In-Your-Arm” Dershowitz Is In Epstein’s “Little Black Book”


Alan Dershowitz, the infamous lawyer for Donald Trump who said the government can “jab a needle in your arm” is in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book of people who flew on the Lolita Express no fewer than 12 times.


Dershowitz, who defended President Donald Trump during his Senate impeachment trial says you have no right to decide what goes into your body. That is for the government to decide. Americans need to wake up. There is no left or right. The rulers are all on the same team. It’s us vs. them. who among Epstein’s infamous black book will need a good lawyer if Ghislaine Maxwell starts singing? At the top of the list are the usual scandal magnets, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and Alan Dershowitz. They all hung around with Epstein, but each has a history of slithering out of jams.


Other Epstein associates with less experience in the hot seat might also start to squirm. Billionaire hedge fund owner Glenn Dubin, for example, who is one half of an accomplished Manhattan super-couple: His striking wife, Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, founded the Dubin Breast Center of the Tisch Cancer Institute at the Mount Sinai Medical Center.


Dershowitz is little more than a Nazi, with views that you have no right to your own body. He’s borderline senile, like Biden, and thinks the government can use any force necessary to “plunge a needle in your arm.” He’s a member of the elitists and ruling class and should be afraid that his ties to known pedophiles have surfaced.


But don’t expect justice. As we mentioned a few days ago, if Maxwell even comes close to signaling that she’s going to “name names,” she will meet a similar fate as Epstein. We’ve seen this before. The mainstream media will cover it up as a suicide and the tyrannical pedophiles will go on terrorizing the public and enslaving the masses.