Anonymous ID: 0578a2 July 10, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9916920   🗄️.is đź”—kun

I've updated the central Qproof of Trumps AF1 flight, in 2017. To me, this constitutes undeniable evidence that Q is of the highest Security Clearance within Americas Intelligence Services.

This War is very real. You're already involved.


This proof strikes down a few main claims against the validity of Q, namely, that they do not originate from within Americas Intelligence Services as well as their continuity of Identity.


"Q was taken over / hijacked" simply isn't so.


I have a question for each of you: What does a Presence of Force look like within the Combat Domain of People/Culture?

In the Combat Domain of Space, we have Satellites.

In the Combat Domain of Cyber, we have Networks.

In the Combat Domain of Air, we have Planes.

In the Combat Domain of Ground, we have Tanks.

In the Combat Domain of Sea, we have Ships.

In the Combat Domain of People… what do we have?


Another Question: Are we at War?

Is there a War against a deeply entrenched network of people, bound by blackmail and malicious thirst for power/control?

Would this network have a hierarchy similar to a Shadow Government?

What assets do they own, that afflict the Combat Domain of People?

Are the hydra-like 'Main(lame)' stream medias singing the same tune?

Does that provide a combative advantage to their control over people?

Is control over that powerful of a spell, likely to disband without a fight?

Who would they be fighting against?

Are there those that swore an oath to defend The People, The Constitution, from enemies foreign and domestic?


What would their Presence of Force, in the Combat Domain of People, look like?

Anonymous ID: 0578a2 July 10, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9916929   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Game_Theory has a central theme of complications that arise between two entities who can reason through each others success rates and expected moves.


"This dilemma, you realize with dread, is general: you must do what your pursuer least expects; but whatever you most expect her to least expect is automatically what she will most expect. You appear to be trapped in indecision. All that might console you a bit here is that, on the other side of the river, your pursuer is trapped in exactly the same quandary, unable to decide which bridge to wait at because as soon as she imagines committing to one, she will notice that if she can find a best reason to pick a bridge, you can anticipate that same reason and then avoid her."


In the context of Chinas War against us, we know they have blackmailed and have had control over a vast portion of critical American points of interest. With this, they knew what strings to pull to achieve victory [of subversion] and had the capacity to execute that leverage.

This made decision making easier for them.


Consider now, what leverages they have lost:


Think CEO departures.

Think FBI departures.

Think DOJ departures.

Think State departures.

Think WH departures.

Think DIA departures.

Think Pentagon departures.

Think Senate departures.

Think House departures.

Think Amb departures.

Think IG departures.

Think Judge install.

Think SC install.

Think WH install.

Think FBI install.

Think C_A install.

Think DOJ install.

Think US ATT install.



If you look you can see.



For each departure China lost leverage and America gained it back. A Zero Sum game.

Now what must China take into consideration before they make any moves? Uncertainty exponentially raises~

To the point of certain failure, should they attempt anything.

In fact what companies we couldn't trust before, may now be trusted if we know China lost its hold on them.


We are winning far more than we know.

May God Bless Americas Military Intellegence.


For a journey of understanding Game _Theory:

Anonymous ID: 0578a2 July 10, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9916934   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Free speech is the mechanism through which two people are reconciled by the Truth.

Spam is abusing that Right.


Not a very complicated plan:

Everything relatable to our movement is conflated with Shit and Death - Invoking a visceral withdraw from interacting with us.

Individuals are blamed for the stupor they have been raped into, by the clowns doing the rape - Invoking social break downs and isolation.

The boards drive is leached away by splitting all the hairs, and dragging all the red harrings around - Invoking confusion and billowing the clowns' fog-of-war.


Censorship is a lot more complicated than just deleting a post, or banning someone.


Censorship is that which stops you from having a genuine discourse with another.

What do the shills do?

Do they get under your skin?

Do they aid your own self censorship?

When you're in Fear, do you have access to the same modes of reasoning?

When you're in Fear, do you have access to the same modes of reasoning?


Our engagements here run deeper than surface words. Censorship has a wide spectrum of injection points to utilize. The main virus is often expressed through the subtext/subliminal layers, and it's there we find the meat of our delima. We're up against the very social engineers who raised us into slumber, insidious black hats who have no remorse and aren't holding back. There are phrases yet unmapped that trap our limbic systems into fear, and pictures of flowers with shit and gore at 1% alpha.

This is what our enemy spams us with, ''to keep us censored.''

To keep our limbic systems locked in fear, physically unable to think beyond our danger.

So what you're saying, is that we really could express our genuine thoughts as we unknowingly consume this sewage infront of us, if we just ignored it well enough.

To which I'd reply, you're out of your God damned mind~

The Wall must be Built.

Clean out the Real Censors.

]Our Voice Unleashed[

Anonymous ID: 0578a2 July 10, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9916936   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6965 >>6987 >>7052

Intimidation is Power. Power used against us. Social shame is the unwritten gag order


How to Hold a Cultural Revolution:

Step 1. Erase history

Step 2. Lie about history

Step 3. Lie becomes truth


This is Chinese warfare.


>The term "Four Old" first appeared on June 1, 1966, in Chen Boda's People's Daily editorial, "Sweep Away All Monsters and Demons", where the Old Things were described as anti-proletarian, "fostered by the exploiting classes, [and to] have poisoned the minds of the people for thousands of years"


>Calls to destroy the "Four Olds" usually did not appear in isolation, but were contrasted with the hope of building the "Four News" (new customs, new culture, new habits, new ideas).The idea that Chinese culture was responsible for China's economic backwardness and needed to be reformed


Sound familiar?

"New Normal"

"Systemic x, y, z."



This is Chinese warfare.


>A struggle session was a form of public humiliation and torture that was used by the Communist Party of China (CPC) at various times in the Mao era, particularly years immediately before and after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China and during the Cultural Revolution. The aim of a struggle session was to shape public opinion and humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies.


>In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until he or she confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but they were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was well-known.


Sound familiar?

"Take a knee"

"Wear the mask"

"Name one thing"

"Confess your privilege"


This is Chinese warfare.


>As antifa militants have taken over six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, calling it the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or the “People’s Republic of Capitol Hill”


Sound familiar?

"People's Republic of China"


WAR Update

China is using #CHAZ / #PRCH as a symbolic foothold on American soil.

They had planned on fueling these zones and more like them with the symbolism of a White House on Fire, but that ploy was stopped hard by the FBI on June 6th.

For now, they're making due.

We, however, may flip their weakened script.

Focus on sanitary situations in #CHAZ / #PRCH. Just as China used the media to create visceral fear with 'toilet paper shortages' so too will there be fear of sanitation without major outside help.

Are they getting help?

Are they supplied?

How quickly will they run out?


Focus too on how they'll inevitably eat at each other when the manipulated spell of love has faded (It already started). Point out power vacuums creating war lords, shine Light on the damage to local businesses and families.


Highlight their fervent rejection of outside ideas, how fascist the anti-fascists really are.


Sunlght's the best disinfectant~


China has infiltrated America.

Imagine what goals they have as a deployed force on our boards.

How critical is the 'baking' position?

They use manipulated love to disarm our instincts - 'TYB' organic?

Information control is people control~


How to stop a cultural takeover: Q

Anonymous ID: 0578a2 July 10, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.9916999   🗄️.is đź”—kun

So (You) know!

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.

Our enemy, backed into a corner, is trying to jam our Identify Fren or Foe Instincts.


Stay Frosty~

Anonymous ID: 0578a2 July 10, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.9917132   🗄️.is đź”—kun

If spammers kill forums, what's the long term consequences of their presence? 🤔

Are there specific reasons why they chose these talking points, if they haven't changed them in over 2 years? 🤔

If flooding is allowed, are we expressing our free thoughts + opinions, or our manipulated frustrations? 🤔

Would you extend the Freedom of speech to a repeat offending child rapist, without a system of Law in place to keep them from luring children in chat rooms? 🤔

Where is our system of law that protects us from abuses of Free Speech? 🤔

If this board mirrors America and her glorious Free Speech, does this board mirror her glorious system of Law as well? 🤔

If they cannot control who posts here or what's shown to others, are there other ways to manipulate users to be as [self-]censored as they desire? 🤔

As we know the abusers on our board embed MKUltra tier subliminals in their pictures, is our ability to express ourselves without censorship intact? 🤔

If Q says there's a war on our minds, what would that war look like? 🤔

What spell of slumber are they referring to? 🤔

If they have the same access (You) do, does that censorship take place through images posted? Text written? 🤔

Does a lie, repeated often enough, become a 'truth'? 🤔

If this manipulation has run for awhile now, and it has, are we manipulated out of key positions? 🤔

Is the Baker a key position? 🤔

How important is this board? Is the world watching? 🤔


>They've been baking for years.

> ^^^ this anon gets it! ^^^

Thank you!