Anonymous ID: 89a696 July 10, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.9917170   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't get the absolute seething hatred for bakers and most of y'all doing it are probably legitimate shills, but there does seem to be waaaaaay too much drama surrounding what essentially amounts to linking MSM articles and the occasional real digg. I barely ever even glance at the notables, anyone who's been following this for years already has a clear enough picture of what's going on that they don't need to follow the bullshit second by second. I understand it's purpose in being an easily accessible news aggregate for newer people, but bakers take themselves way too seriously when it comes to this stuff.

>"This is WAR, it IS serious!!!"

Bruh, you're linking news articles. Chill out. I can literally get a better play-by-play by going to /pol/ for 15 minutes. Not saying what bakers do isn't important, but the egos surrounding it are why people don't like y'all. We're supposed to be better than the MSM, and far too often the same issues of favoritism and cognitive dissonance are experienced here.


Now feel free to dismiss me and call me a shill, because I know that's all most of you want to do anyway.

Anonymous ID: 89a696 July 10, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.9917278   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They keep telling us we're nearing "apocalyptic" levels here in TX, and yet I still don't know of one fucking person in who's even had it in the 5 months this has been a thing.