Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.9916694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7081

to keep track of 'baker-push' notables it would be good for baker, and his smoochy friends, to 'group' the notables by poster id, and show the id, so we can all see if the notables seem useful, or are more smoochy-tainte baker-push copy-pasta cabal bullshit.


just an observation.


go on with your devestating 'capture' of the boards and all baking, cabal stooges.

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9916729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6766

anyone who is long term knows that this is the season of the cabal-tainted baker- fake-news push.

and that these notables are baker-push notables, for bakers and their smoochey friends.

(who 'do lunch' together.)

I get like three or four posts before they (there will be at least three) start ganging up .

it's too tiring.


but the proof of the taint is that (1). notables are far to numerous. (2) most of them are copy pasta from news articles . (3) all of it is from a few ids, which seem coordinated (IE: it's probably one person or a team who IP hop).


anyway, so all anon know, it's a waste of time to converse with them, or to try to request that they do the right thing.

they will not. They will mock with graphics and conflicting text.


all it all it makes contributing here a waste of time.

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.9916803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6833 >>6837 >>6901


not a controlled opposition person, idiot.

I'm making a conclusion:

the use of notables is awaste of time, they are tainted with 'baker-push'.

I don't think it's a bot, it's a team.

so you can make up what you want, but my observation, and suggestions, would help to expose what I observe.

but you have to make eveyrone here into villains.

and me, being someone who has put up with this new-sea-change in the mean baker-crew of dolts who are assholes too, I have put with it and calmly explained about it for days.

I'm giving up wiht that.

but I did give proof that the notables are crap.


so they attack me. And they say really horid things. But the curses that htey give are for them. sad for them. not mydoing. I didn't make karma the rule that headless heathens have to follow.

so that's it. you can you say what you want.

i can say what I want.

when I do, I will be attacked by the schommochy crew.

and I know it's fruitless to do battle with these skum hurling idiots who think that they dominate but in fact are losers.

and they project on me what they are.


you are a a red text idiot who puts an operation word in red text.

and i know that you are most likely the conformist shill that you claim I am.

spycology is a horid profession

you should consider other work.

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.9916854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6865 >>6913 >>6981


my conclusions are valid about the taint of baker-push notables and you can label what you want, but I am not a smooche, nor a sweetie, but an anon.

I am right, and the anon know I'm right.

and the ones who say kys and all that hate, are not anon.

so we all know, and I outed them

I am done in this bread unless I feel as though someone is badgering me, which they probably will.

but as I said it's a waste of time.

and I'm not 'playing' I am outting what is happening here: the useless ness of this place wiht Q posting.

there is no other purpose here anymore.

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.9916910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6980 >>7004 >>7160


my point: it seems we are now fishbowled.

only shills ever respond

only notables are baker-push

anyone real is mocked with hateful ironies, and also there are no more links to real news, it's all just copypasta.


if there are real pepole here and you want to converse, that's cool. but I'm telling you that the taint makes it almost impossible to be here without feeling like you're being slimed the whole time.


so when Q posts, it will be worth it, but other than that, the only reason I'll be posting here is to say 'tainted' until they are ousted, and the situation returns to a respectful condition, why do research and publish it here? why waste time commenting? what point? no one real is here anymore, we've been fishbowled.

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9916928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

this is the kind of creepy hazing that always happens.

there is no real person here, it's a team of spychologist and you are in a fish bowl.

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.9916957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you are a creep and that's you, not me.

and the creepy way that you converse is your own form of self curse.

so you go on with it.


you are the product of your own creepiness and I would pray that you could break from it.

so do that.

other than that, you attempt to cause distress and that marks you as who you are.

so you being that, isn't me being that.

and your words that you use to try and humilate and make others feel uncomfortible are in fact your own way of handling yourself, and the way that you will further along.

so what you is the road that you will take.

not me. it doesn't effect me.

your treating other people shabbily as a dominance ritual.

and if you think that is OK, then take that road into that swamp and face your future.

not mine.

what else you got?

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9917058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7086


if you are real, then why do you never contribute anything other than hazing?

why do you assign emotion to 'obervational antishill'.


did you even consider my ideas in the post that no one responded to that would 'catalog' the 'notables' grouped by the id of the poster, to expose baker-taint?


of course not

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, noon No.9917201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7221


it would show plain and clear when a baker is doing tainted-push of baker-notables.

it could be scripted, and made easy to create.

but of course a good idea if riduculed because it would show that you and your smoochie friends are out of control.


so you can call me names, all you want, and it really only comes back to bight you, and has no effect on me.

Anonymous ID: dcdbe8 July 10, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9917413   🗄️.is 🔗kun


why do you keep responding?

you keep proving your self to be spychologistically void, and that means that your soul is like a hollow hive with no bees.

your a hollow shell, and I'm just an echo who says 'see, see what he has let himself become, eh hears not the trumpet sound, he only heres the clatter of his own neighsaying. All anyone can do now is just hold a mirror for him.'