Fair points. I stood up to some corrupt assholes with connections who pulled shady shit on me. I was threatened with defamation and murder. After that, family was threatened to scare me away from a government job, which worked. I was then harassed repeatedly.
I supported Trump, QAnon and got serious backlash for that. Just look around. If you’re not in a tribe you’re on the fucking battlefield, vulnerable to attack. That applies to real life social situations, and to places on the internet including here; and on major USA web properties.
Your traffic here is logged and monitored by unknown participants. It’s global internet traffic. 8kun isn’t hosted in the United States. It doesn’t take much for a government agency to Deanonymize an 8kun anon in real time and fire up meme bots. This happens here. A lot.
I talked about the blackmail which involved connected people. Now I’m PNG. Just don’t want any harm to come to my family for my choice to stand up to corruption. Suicide sucks but it beats being homeless and hungry and dying of starvation and sick.