Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9917408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7444 >>7736 >>8072 >>8097 >>8149

Florida, California, Texas See Record Daily COVID-19 Deaths Amid Push to Reopen US States


The US states of Florida, California and Texas have all set new daily death records related to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in the last few days, which goes against US President Donald Trump’s argument that the recent surges of positive cases of the contagious disease have only been related to increased testing.


As the Trump administration and Republican state governments continue to pressure schools to reopen by the fall, three large states - Florida, California and Texas - have exhibited that such a drastic move could further overwhelm hospitals and lead to preventable deaths.


Florida-based newspaper Sun-Sentinel reported Thursday evening that the state had exceeded the 4,000-death threshold for the pandemic on July 9. Florida also logged a record daily total of 120 deaths related to the novel coronavirus on that day.


Nevertheless, Florida school boards are going to be required to "open brick and mortar schools at least five days per week for all students” in August, according to an emergency order issued on Monday by Republican Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcora.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, told PODCAST-19 host Anna Rothschild that Florida in particular has “jumped over a couple of checkpoints” when it comes to reopening.


"It's just disheartening because the selfishness of [not wearing a mask] versus the selflessness of my staff and the people in this hospital who are putting themselves at risk, and I got COVID-19 from this," Dr. Andrew Pastewski, an intensive care unit medical director at Jackson South Medical Center in Miami, Florida, told AFP.


"You know, we're putting ourselves at risk and other people aren't willing to do anything and in fact go the other way and be aggressive to promote the disease. It's really, it's really hard.”


On the US’ West Coast, California has recently seen back-to-back days of record death tolls related to COVID-19, according to San Jose, California, outlet Mercury News.


Data obtained on Thursday by the news organization continued the grim trend of the last week, with 135 Californians dead in a single day from the contagious disease, a death toll second only to Wednesday’s. An estimated 6,850 individuals have died from COVID-19 in California thus far.


In the South Central Region of the US, Texas state health officials reported a total of 105 new COVID-19 related deaths for Thursday alone, setting a record-high for the third day in a row, reported the Austin American-Statesman. Texas is now less than 100 fatalities away from the 3,000-person death toll mark.


Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a proclamation on Thursday which, in an attempt to free up hospital beds, suspended elective surgeries in the medical facilities within several counties. The Statesman noted that this suspension was issued an hour before the state’s COVID-19 death toll was updated.


Despite these record numbers of deaths, a group of 11 GOP Texas lawmakers wrote Abbott to assert that the state has “drifted away” from its necessary system of checks and balances and should limit the broad powers granted to the governor under the Texas Disaster Act of 1975.


The lawmakers, who make up the “Texas Freedom Caucus,” argued that Abbott’s decisions “have caused families across the state to take massive financial hits, and in many cases caused businesses to permanently close their doors.”


“Day after day, constituents fill our inboxes, flood our phone lines, and address us in person, begging for some sort of guidance on what they should do to keep their small businesses open, maintain their sanity, and try at a semblance of regular life without fear of government penalty,” they wrote on Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.9917434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7716 >>7725 >>7736 >>7835 >>7880 >>7885 >>7987 >>8072 >>8097 >>8149 >>8153

Florida Attorney General calls for investigation of abortion center linked to Pornhub trafficking case of minor


The girl’s trafficker took the girl for an illegal abortion in an attempt to cover up his abuse which he filmed and posted to pornhub


TALLAHASSEE, Florida, July 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has called for an investigation of an abortion center that provided an abortion to a 15-year-old girl who became pregnant in the course of being repeatedly assaulted and filmed in videos that were eventually uploaded to Pornhub. The girl’s trafficker took the girl for an illegal abortion in an attempt to cover up his crimes.


Attorney General Moody now wants to know if the abortion center failed to report “abuse or neglect” of the minor and if such failure did “enable the further exploitation of the victim in this case.”


“From the report, it does not appear that detectives nor the Department of Children and Families received any report of abuse or neglect from the provider. […] More troubling to me is the fact that it appears that a thirty-year-old unrelated male took a minor to the provider and no report of abuse or neglect was apparently triggered,” Moody wrote in a June 4, 2020 letter to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The letter was obtained by LifeSiteNews.


“From the facts contained in the reports, it appears that further investigation would be warranted to ensure that the provider did not enable the further exploitation of the victim in this case. I would request that your agents conduct a further investigation into these facts and pursue those facts wherever they may lead,” she added.


News of the investigation comes after LifeSiteNews reported on and circulated a petition about the abortion performed on the 15-year-old girl who became pregnant during repeated sexual assaults that were uploaded to Pornhub.


LifeSiteNews (LSN) partnered with the Personhood Alliance (PA) on the petition earlier this year which urged Moody—a Republican who campaigned against trafficking and abortion—to investigate the abortion center at the heart of this case.


The petition followed the publication of an in-depth report by PA’s Sarah Quale published by LSN revealing that the young girl’s pre-born child was killed to cover up her trafficker’s crime and that the abortion facility staff failed to comply with federal and state mandatory reporting laws requiring them to alert authorities to suspected child abuse and trafficking.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.9917440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THE ZOONOTIC THREAT: The “Biodiversity” Lie & Agenda 2030 To Get Everyone In Smart Cities


The UN seeks to remove humans from 30% of land and inland water, and considers this “even more important than climate change!” A narrative is being crafted with COVID-19 to justify forcibly moving people off the land and farms, into the smart cities, in the name of “habitat” and “biodiversity.” It may sound reasonable, but what does it REALLY mean? Total control.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.9917467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7560 >>7736 >>8072 >>8097 >>8149

ESPN Reporter Says “F*ck You” to GOP Senator Josh Hawley For Criticizing NBA, China – ESPN Responds


ESPN reporter Adrian Wojnarowski wasn’t too happy that Senator Josh Halwey (R-MO) blasted the NBA for kowtowing to Beijing and refusing to support US military and law enforcement.


Hawley sent a letter to NBA commissioner Adam Silver blasting the league’s decision to limit messages players can wear on their jerseys to a few BLM/social justice slogans while censoring support for police or criticism of the CCP.


NBA reporter Adrian Wojnarowski got triggered and said “F*ck you” to Hawley in an email.


Senator Hawley on Friday posted the screenshot of the email from Wojnarowski to his Twitter account.


“Don’t criticize China or express support for law enforcement to ESPN. It makes them real mad” – Hawley said in a caption with the screenshot of the email attached.⁦

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.9917484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Unstoppable Domains launches new decentralized website service


More companies are working on solutions to combat censorship.


If you're tired of cancel culture and censorship subscribe to Reclaim The Net.


A new alliance with Protocol Lab’s IPFS system will allow the blockchain firm, Unstoppable Domains, to offer the creation of personal websites more resistant to censorship.


A new movement against internet censorship


This initiative began when Unstoppable Domains co-founder, Brad Kam, realized the enormous amount of censorship on the internet. The most alarming thing is that most of the cases are recent. The arrival of the internet to more people, combined with different social and political outbursts, has caused both companies and governments to indiscriminately censor content that does not suit them. Kam expressed his concern about this and assured that this is a trend that will not stop; in fact, he believes that soon, as technology becomes more accessible, censorship of the conventional internet will be more radical.


That is why at Unstoppable Domains they decided to implement a new function, CoinDesk reports, that would allow users to create content without any restriction. For this, they will have the support of Protocol Lab’s InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) technology.


Introducing dBlog


In this way, the dBlog project was born, a tool with which anyone can create his or her site without fear of censorship. dBlog has basic functions such as inserting videos, texts, images, and much more, but all this is hosted on the 3Box peer-to-peer server, which means that the data is not at a single point that can be blocked.


Due to the large number of domains registered in Unstoppable Domains (more than 200,000), the dBlog project has captured the attention of many people and companies.


Among the most prominent are some cryptocurrency investors, such as CoinShares CSO Meltem Demirors. Demirors says she finds this new technology fascinating for preserving free speech, especially after personally experiencing the Turkish government’s censorship of Wikipedia in 2017.


Brad Kam hopes that over time the service will become highly demanded and used to publish all kinds of content.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.9917517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7736 >>8072 >>8097 >>8149

After Ford employees demanded the company stop making police vehicles, the CEO clapped black with logic, common sense




Ford CEO Jim Hackett had the perfect response after a group of virtue-signaling employees called on the major auto manufacturer to stop making police vehicles, which they say "perpetuate racism in society" and are "accessories to police brutality and oppression."


What are the details?


According to auto news site Jalopnik, a contingent of black and white employees at Ford Motor Company recently penned a letter airing their grievances over the company's relationship with numerous police departments in America — about two-thirds of police vehicles in the country are Fords.


In the letter, the employees argued that Ford, by building vehicles used by police, is actively sustaining racism and oppression in America. As a way to address this, they urged executives to discontinue all production of police vehicles.


Here's a portion of the letter:


On June 1st, you communicated to the company your commitment to "lead from the front and fully commit to creating the fair, just and inclusive culture that our employees deserve." We thank you for your leadership on this initiative. We also appreciate and fully support your statement against "superficial actions," and we write to push for real action by Ford Motor Company to address our role in the structures that perpetuate racism in society.


On May 25th, 2020 George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis Police, alongside a Ford Police Interceptor. Days later, police officers drove Ford Police Interceptors into crowds of protesters in New York City and Los Angeles. During these past weeks, our vehicles have been used to deploy chemical weapons banned by the Geneva Convention.


Throughout our history, the vehicles that Ford employees design and build have been used as accessories to police brutality and oppression. We know that while many join, support, or supply law enforcement with good intentions, these racist policing practices that plague our society are historic and systemic—a history and system perpetuated by Ford for over 70 years—ever since Ford introduced the first-ever police package in 1950. As an undeniable part of that history and system, we are long overdue to "think and act differently" on our role in racism.


The letter was reportedly being circulated around Ford's headquarters in Dearborn, Mich., and employees were being asked to digitally sign on.


How did the CEO respond?


Inevitably, Hackett caught wind of the letter, or at least its sentiment, and addressed the issue in an office memo.


In the memo, he kindly but forcefully clapped back at the demands with logic and common sense.


Here's an example: "The issues plaguing police credibility have nothing to do with the vehicles they're driving." One would think such a notion would be obvious, but evidently it needed to be explained.


More from the memo:


As we imagine the future power of our connected vehicles, smarter Ford vehicles can be used to not only improve officers' ability to protect and serve, but also provide data that can make police safer and more accountable. Just think, dating back to the Model T, Ford has more than 100 years in serving first responders and that leadership over the decades has been earned by co-developing our purpose-built vehicles and technologies with police and emergency agencies to make our vehicles the number one choice.


By taking away our Police Interceptors, we would be doing harm to their safety and making it harder for them to do their job. Again, this is why, given our insights, new capabilities and leadership, I believe these unfortunate circumstances present Ford with an even greater opportunity to not only innovate new solutions but also leverage our unique position to support the dialogue and reform needed to create safer communities for all.


PJ Media provided a shortened translation of the memo: "No. We're not going to stop making police cars. Now get back to work."


Calls to "defund the police" and course-correct on racial injustice have swept the nation recently in response to the killing of George Floyd, a black man, under the knee of a white Minneapolis police officer.


Several American organizations or businesses have faced pressure to withdraw support for police or rebrand products deemed offensive. Ford is only the latest to face demands from the "cancel culture" mob, but it appears company leaders are not giving in.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.9917762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8072 >>8097 >>8149

DC Court of Appeals Orders Flynn Attorneys to Respond to Judge Sullivan’s Petition within 10 Days


The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit issued an order on Friday that gives General Flynn and DOJ attorneys 10 days to respond to Judge Emmet Sullivan’s latest trick to delay the exoneration of General Michael Flynn.


The deep state judge refuses to drop the case against General Flynn despite the DOJ’s announcement weeks ago now to drop all charges against targeted Trump associate because of prosecutorial misconduct.


But the wacky judge won’t release Flynn from the charges that were dropped weeks ago.

It’s really a brazen move for the corrupt DC judge.


Law and Crime reported:

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit responded on Friday to a petition for rehearing en banc by halting a prior order for U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the Michael Flynn case.


The order comes the day after Sullivan, through his lawyer Beth Wilkinson, asked the full court to rehear his case against the immediate dismissal of the prosecution. A three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit previously granted Flynn’s emergency petition for writ a mandamus on June 24, directing Sullivan to dismiss the case. Trump-appointed Circuit Judge Neomi Rao penned the majority opinion, which George H.W. Bush-appointed Circuit Judge Karen L. Henderson joined.


Circuit Judge Robert L. Wilkins, who was appointed by Barack Obama, dissented.


The Friday order in re: Michael T. Flynn said that Flynn’s lawyers had to respond to Sullivan’s petition within 10 days. The D.C. Circuit also invited the Department of Justice to submit a response. The prior order to dismiss the Flynn case will be stayed “pending disposition of the petition for rehearing en banc”:


This comes during the same week where a newly released DOJ document from January 2017 that shows the FBI concluded retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was not acting as an agent of Russia and noted that agents believed he did not think he was lying to them during an interview about his calls with Russia’s ambassador.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.9917779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7833

Amazon Tells Employees To Delete Popular Social Media-Video App TikTok Over 'Security Risks'


Amazon told employees in a companywide email to delete TikTok immediately, citing "security risks"

TikTok has become a regular target of scrutiny over privacy issues due to its ownership by Chinese multinational ByteDance

India ordered the ban of 59 Chinese-owned apps, including TikTok, in the wake of skirmishes along the Sino-Indian border


In a companywide email Friday, Amazon asked its employees to delete the popular social media video app TikTok, citing “security risks.” This comes days after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said U.S. officials were considering banning the app because its parent company is Chinese-multinational ByteDance.


“Due to security risks, the TikTok app is no longer permitted on mobile devices that access Amazon email,” the email acquired by the New York Times said. “If you have TikTok on your device, you must remove it by 10-Jul [July 10] to retain mobile access to Amazon email.”


“At this time, using TikTok from your Amazon laptop browser is allowed.”


A report issued in May said Amazon employed around 798,000 full- and part-time employees, with some 500,000 located in the U.S. Amazon has not said if or how it would enforce the ban.


TikTok has been downloaded more than 2 billion times, serving as a semi-successor to the short-form video-sharing app Vine, which shut down in January 2017. However, the social media app has found itself a regular target of scrutiny due to its popularity and ownership.


The Telegraph reported late last month a TikTok feature was able to access users’ clipboard data on iOS devices while the app was operating in the background, making passwords and other sensitive information available. The possible intrusion was found thanks to a feature in iOS 14 that provides a notification if a third-party app accesses the clipboard.


A TikTok spokesperson said shortly after the report was published it had updated the app to disable the access, saying the feature was meant only to monitor “spammy behavior.”


“Following the beta release of iOS 14 on June 22, users saw notifications while using a number of popular apps,” a TikTok spokesperson said. “For TikTok, this was triggered by a feature designed to identify repetitive, spammy behavior.”


The spokesperson said TikTok was “committed to protecting users’ privacy and being transparent about how our app works.”

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:09 p.m. No.9917789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7879

Trump Lays Out His Second-Term Agenda on the Economy, the Wall, Judges, and School Choice


During his interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday night, President Donald Trump laid out his second-term agenda. He championed many important issues, like school choice, VA accountability and choice, defending the Second Amendment, and continuing his work of restoring the federal judiciary.


First, the president mentioned he would lead the U.S. to “defeat the invisible enemy,” the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, “and we’re well on our way.” Trump noted that the “morality rate is ten-fold down.”


“We’re going to rebuild the economy, we’re going to bring back jobs from all of these foreign lands that have stolen our jobs on horrible trade deals,” the president added. “We’re going to continue to make great trade deals.”


Trump pledged that during his second term, “We’re going to finish rebuilding our wall, it’s going to be almost complete by the end of this year.”


He also promised to keep rebuilding the military and “fixing up the VA for our vets.” Trump has signed legislation to reform the Veterans Administration after numerous scandals involving long wait times and horrible conditions at VA hospitals under the Obama administration. “If they’re sick, they don’t have to wait for five weeks, six weeks, two weeks — so we’re going great with the vets,” the president insisted.


Trump pledged to keep protecting Americans’ right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment.


“We need more judges and more justices, you see that now with the Supreme Court more than ever,” he added. “I’ve had two and the next president’s going to be able to pick two or three or one. That means everything, whether it’s for life or other things.”


Indeed, restoring the federal judiciary so that judges actually apply the Constitution as written is a tremendous project and the president has made great strides in that direction. He recently reached an impressive milestone: nominating and getting confirmed a whopping 200 federal judges. Yet Trump predicted that by this time next year, “We’ll be up to almost 300 judges.”


While many liberals have accused Trump of packing the courts with judges who support his particular goals, his judges hold to an originalist philosophy of applying the law as written, rather than redefining it to suit their interests. Although not every judge has always upheld this important vision, the president’s nominees have proven stellar on the whole.


Trump also said the administration is currently working on lowering drug prices and “knocking out special interests,” initiatives he would continue in a second term.


The president also pledged to further school choice, which he has called the civil rights issue of our time.


“We’re fighting for choice, we did it for the veterans, now we’re doing it for schools, too. We want choice in schools so a parent can take their child to a school of their choice,” he explained.


Trump showed his typical bravado and exaggeration in declaring that “nobody has done what this administration has done.” Since the administrative state has grown by leaps and bounds in recent decades, there was more for President Trump to undo, and he has indeed proven very effective in curbing the excesses of former President Barack Obama. His impact in the judicial realm is particularly impressive, thanks in large part to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).


Trump has achieved a great deal, but he still has much more to do. This second-term agenda builds on some of his signature achievements and presents a key vision for November. In further speeches, the president should also emphasize cutting regulations and preserving religious freedom, two ares in which he has made significant progress.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.9917839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8072 >>8097 >>8149

Dance Protest at MDC, Headed By Nicki Clyne and Other Nxivm Leaders, Gains Outside Support, as They Hide Ties to Cult


There are some who doubt that #WeAreAsYou, the group I reported on yesterday in my post Nicki Clyne, Dr. Danielle Roberts and Others Perform Nightly Dance Protest Outside Brooklyn MDC Prison for Cult Leader Keith Raniere is connected to Nxivm

The protest features a nightly dance from 8 PM to 9 PM in front of the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center, where Nxivm leader Keith Alan Raniere is being held.

The evidence is in.

#WeAreAsYou – is definitely Nxivm led.

Former Nxivm member, Ivy Nevares took to Twitter to warn others about the them.

@ivynevares wrote:


If you’re following #WeAreAsYou and come across @WeAreAsYou , be warned: Some of the organizers belong to the sex trafficking ring #DOS and support convicted pedophile #KeithRaniere. They are Nicki Clyne, Danielle Roberts, Michelle Hatchette and others. #NXIVM #SOP #cult


So, who is this group and what are they about?

They have an Instagram account

We Are As You


They write “Join us every night as we provide joyful expression + dance for those locked up at #mdcbrooklyn 8-9 pm in the parking lot 80 29th st, Brooklyn New York

Here is the Instagram profile picture:


Their profile picture on Instagram features at least three Nxivm members, and the woman in the blue skirt may also be a Nxivm member.

Not only are they Nxivm but DOS members as well: Michele, and Nicki are known DOS members and Linda Chung is believed to be a DOS member.

This leads one to want to at least raise the specter that these women are not just dancing to entertain all the prisoners, but especially for Keith Raniere – and that they may also be trying to recruit other women into their sex slavery group which follows Raniere as their master or grandmaster.

Before we move on to the next picture and message, I want to call your attention to sign above Nicki Clyne’s head.

It reads “Nico, I love you, I miss you. I kiss you. Love Always, Your Wife Dee.”

It seems innocuous enough. Perhaps it is from some wife of a prisoner named Nico. But a former Nxivm member, who knows Nicki very well, told me that Nico is the nickname Nicki called Keith Raniere. And she called herself Dee.



Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.9917855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7865

‘Not Consistent With Reality’: Kazakh Health Ministry Rejects Claims of Emerging Deadly Pneumonia


The Kazakh Ministry of Health on Friday firmly rejected recent media reports that claimed an unknown, deadly pneumonia far more fatal than that caused by the novel coronavirus was ravaging the Central Asian country.


The ministry explained in a statement that a spike in reported pneumonia cases was the result of a misunderstanding of its classification of instances in which patients had COVID-19 symptoms, but the illness was not confirmed with a laboratory test.


Symptoms of the novel coronavirus include experiencing difficulty breathing, fatigue, body aches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat and nausea, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also indicated that some individuals may ultimately develop more severe symptoms, like pneumonia.


Kazakh health officials have been classifying documented illnesses according to the WHO’s International Classification of Diseases system. In fact, Kazakh Health Minister Alexey Tsoy announced Thursday that in line with the WHO’s guidelines, the country had detected pneumonia cases with bacterial, fungal and viral origins, including what officials identified as “viral pneumonia, unspecified organism.”


The health ministry’s explainer statement came after the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan issued a warning earlier Friday to Chinese nationals that an unknown type of pneumonia with a higher mortality rate than COVID-19 had emerged in the country’s Atyrau and Aktobe regions, as well as the city of Shymkent.


At the time, the embassy’s notice indicated that the Kazakh ministry was investigating the virus and that the “situation” was unclear.


However, as has been explained, that was not exactly the case. “The Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan emphasizes that the reports of the Chinese media is not consistent with reality,” the ministry’s Friday release concludes.


In a statement to the South China Morning Post, the WHO said that the classification system being used by the Central Asian country “suggests [the pneumonia cases] do not classify as emerging unknown disease.”


“There are a wide range of potential explanations for pneumonia, of which one is COVID-19 which we know is circulating in Kazakhstan,” the WHO said in its statement before noting that its officials were in contact with Kazakh authorities.


At present, Kazakhstan has reported more than 54,000 novel coronavirus cases, according to data collected by Worldometer. The country’s COVID-19-related fatalities number is just over 260.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.9917887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ghislaine Maxwell seeks jail release in Epstein abuse case


NEW YORK — A close associate of disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein who is jailed on charges she helped him sexually abuse young women and girls should be released to home arrest while she awaits trial, her lawyers said in court papers filed Friday.


British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested last week at her New Hampshire estate before being moved to New York City to face the federal charges.


Maxwell, 58, has been detained at a lockup in Brooklyn without bail. Prosecutors have labeled her an “extreme risk of flight” and said they want her jailed until trial.


Her lawyers cited the coronavirus risk in jail as reason to release her on $5 million bond.


A judge has set a hearing for Tuesday to hear bail arguments and to arraign Maxwell on multiple charges, including that she conspired to entice girls as young as 14 to engage in illegal sex acts with Epstein from 1994 through 1997 at his homes in New York City, Florida, and New Mexico and at Maxwell’s residence in London.


She has repeatedly denied wrongdoing and called some claims against her “absolute rubbish.”


Epstein killed himself in a Manhattan jail last August while he awaited trial on federal sex trafficking charges.

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.9917922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7987 >>8072 >>8097 >>8149 >>8153

Universal Health Services, Inc. And Related Entities To Pay $122 Million To Settle False Claims Act Allegations Relating To Medically Unnecessary Inpatient Behavioral Health Services And Illegal Kickbacks

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.9917949   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virus, Or Politics? Mayor (Who Attended BLM Protest) Cancels Texas GOP Convention For Public Health


Houston’s Democrat Mayor Sylvester Turner heaped praise on the recent George Floyd protests, which drew tens of thousands of people tightly packed into the city. He even addressed the crowd. Coronavirus was no problem, the protests were too important. Yesterday Mayor Turner cancelled the Texas state Republican Party convention, which was to be held in Houston and would bring in a tiny fraction of the numbers of those who attended the Floyd protest. The mayor’s reason to cancel the Republican Party convention? Coronavirus! Is this really about public health…or is it something else?

Anonymous ID: 682d6e July 10, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.9917959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas’ Lt.Gov Dan Patrick Says BLM Is A Communist Organization taking over the education system to indoctrinate kids and turn them against their parents


Tucker Carlson rips the mask off the Democrat party: He’s gone full constitutional warrior, tackling the Democrat’s cynicism, and calling out the dual leftist practices of violence and censorship. Every day, Carlson is better than the day before


CLOWN WORLD: Study Finds 92% Of Leftist Are Actually Basement Dwelling Adult Children


A Study Found 92% of Left-Wing Activists Still Live with Parents, and It’s Not Likely to Get Better


They’re marching down the street wearing black, their faces obscured by red bandanas or possibly a Guy Fawkes mask. They’re intimidating as they create a mob and chase after you, calling you a fascist and a Nazi because you don’t share their extreme ideology. They’re marching down the street bashing in car windows and vandalizing storefronts. They’re going to do all it takes to stop fascism and hate speech.


But they have to hurry this along because they have to be home before 10:30, or else their mom will be totally pissed off.


This is a likely story according to a Berlin study, but this is not a new story. In fact, the Daily Mail published these findings back in 2017 which showed that 92 percent of leftist activists who were arrested in Berlin still live with their parents, and what’s more, a third are completely unemployed:


“The figures, which were published in daily newspaper Bild revealed that 873 suspects were investigated by authorities between 2003 and 2013.


Of these 84 per cent were men, and 72 per cent were aged between 18 and 29.


More than half of the arrests were made in the Berlin districts of Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg and Mitte, mostly during demonstrations.


A third of them were unemployed, and 92 per cent still live with their parents.”