Anonymous ID: c07f81 July 10, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.9918313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8348 >>8388 >>8583 >>8728 >>8862 >>8893 >>8896 >>8962 >>8981

Ghislaine Maxwell Hires Elite Legal Team To Face US Prosecutors


Accused sex-trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell has hired a fleet of powerhouse attorneys to defend her against federal charges that she procured underage girls as young as 14 for sexual encounters with deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.


According to Bloomberg Law, "Maxwell will confront federal prosecutors with years of experience in New York courts and deep knowledge of the child sex-trafficking allegations surrounding her and her former lover Jeffrey Epstein."


For her own legal team, Maxwell has assembled the mirror image – attorneys with years of experience practicing in New York courts and also with deep knowledge of the allegations against her and Epstein.


Maxwell’s hired two pairs of law partners, one from New York, the other from Denver. The New Yorkers Christopher Everdell and Mark Cohen were once federal prosecutors while the Denver duo Laura Menninger and Jeffrey Pagliuca has defended Maxwell in civil lawsuits by Epstein’s victims.



Everdell spent more than a decade working for the government, focusing on complex frauds, cybercrime, terrorism and international narcotics cases. In 2014, the Federal Drug Agent Foundation cited Everdell and his team for their work in the investigation and apprehension of Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.


Cohen served in the federal prosecutors office in Brooklyn, New York, where he was part of a team that convicted Thomas Pitera, a Bonnano organized-crime family hit man known for dismembering his victims.


Both former public defenders with experience in sex-crimes cases, Menninger and Pagliuca have represented Maxwell in civil lawsuits by women who claim she helped Epstein recruit them for underage sex, with Maxwell participating in some of the sexual assaults. -Bloomberg Law

Anonymous ID: c07f81 July 10, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.9918378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8728 >>8893

DEVELOPING: President Trump Could Announce Commutation of Roger Stone’s Sentence as Early as Friday Evening


President Trump is expected to announce that he will commute Roger Stone’s sentence as early as Friday evening.


The President has been hinting at pardoning Roger Stone for the last several months.


On Friday morning Trump said ‘let’s see what happens.’


Fox News reported that the President is expected to announce that he will commute Roger Stone’s sentence within the next couple of hours.



President Trump is expected to announce that he will commute Roger Stone’s sentence, just days before the longtime political operative is slated to report to prison to serve more than three years for charges stemming from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, Fox News has learned.


Sources told Fox News Friday that the president could announce a commutation of Stone’s sentence as early as Friday evening.


Roger Stone was railroaded by Mueller and his team of crooked Democrat lawyers.


Stone was scheduled to report to prison on July 14 to server 40 months on a process crime.


Roger Stone has been praying for his longtime friend, President Trump, to intervene before he was set to report to prison.

Anonymous ID: c07f81 July 10, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.9918539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8585

Amazon Claims Email Asking Workers To Delete TikTok Was Sent "In Error"


Update (1700ET): What the hell is going on out there in Seattle?


Hours after the NYT reported on the contents of an internal Amazon email that was apparently sent company wide (at least to enough people that a copy quickly leaked to the press), Amazon is claiming that it sent the email "in error", and will not be pushing its employees to download the app from personal phones.





Did Amazon's corporate comms team inhale too much tear gas during that whole CHOP episode?


Probably not. By claiming it was sent in error, Amazon is doing basically the only thing it can to distance itself from the email now that the press has a copy.


Why would Amazon want to distance itself from this policy?


Because it doesn't want to be perceived as attacking the app that reportedly allowed thousands of teenagers to spam the Trump rally ticket site. It doesn't matter that the company fears China might be able to use the app to get its hands on sensitive IP, or private employee data, or some other goodies. If you dare signal that you're falling in line with the Trump Administration in any way, even on an issue of critical national security, you risk some kind of backlash.

Anonymous ID: c07f81 July 10, 2020, 2:28 p.m. No.9918579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8589 >>8593

As Long As Mass Media Propaganda Exists, Democracy Is A Sham


A new Reuters/Ipsos poll has reportedly found that a majority of Americans believe the completely discredited narrative that the Russian government paid Taliban-linked fighters to kill the occupying forces of the US and its allies in Afghanistan.



“A majority of Americans believe that Russia paid the Taliban to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan last year amid negotiations to end the war, and more than half want to respond with new economic sanctions against Moscow, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday,” Reuters reports.


“Overall, 60% of Americans said they found reports of Russian bounties on American soldiers to be ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ believable, while 21% said they were not credible and the rest were unsure,” says Reuters.


Those 21 percent are objectively correct: the story is not credible, and it’s not even close. Gareth Porter shows in The Grayzone how the “Bountygate” narrative is so utterly baseless that even US intelligence agencies have dismissed it, Joe Lauria of Consortium News explains how it doesn’t make any sense on its face, and FAIR’s Alan MacLeod breaks down the appalling journalistic malpractice that went into circulating this incredibly thinly sourced story to the mainstream public.


The story advances no solid facts or verified information. What it does advance is pre-existing imperialist agendas like remaining in Afghanistan, killing the last of the remaining nuclear deals with Moscow, and manufacturing public support for new Russia sanctions.


And yet a majority of people believed it, and still believe it.


The narrative that Russia paid Taliban fighters to kill occupying forces is now regarded as an established fact in many key circles, despite being backed by literally zero facts.

Anonymous ID: c07f81 July 10, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.9918613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8653 >>8686 >>8728 >>8893 >>8962

American Academy of Pediatrics breaks with White House over school reopenings


President Trump claims Democrats are trying to keep schools closed to hurt his reelection


The American Academy of Pediatrics on Friday flipped its position on reopening schools in the fall, distancing itself from the Trump administration, which cited the organization's initial stance in order to bolster its push to reopen all K-12 brick and mortar schools.


"Returning to school is important for the healthy development and well-being of children, but we must pursue re-opening in a way that is safe for all students, teachers and staff," the AAP said in a statement. "Science should drive decision-making on safely reopening schools."


The AAP added that public health agencies "must make recommendations based on evidence, not politics" and said "schools in areas with high levels of COVID-19 community spread should not be compelled to reopen against the judgment of local experts.


"We should leave it to health experts to tell us when the time is best to open up school buildings, and listen to educators and administrators to shape how we do it," the AAP said.


President Trump issued a call this week for all of America's schools to reopen full time and suggested Democrats want to keep them closed ahead of the November election to hurt his re-election chances.


He also threatened to cut off federal funding to schools – a power he does not have.


The AAP has a reputation of being conservative and cautious, but raised eyebrows in late June when it advocated sending students back to school in the fal


At the time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had advised that remote learning would be the safest option for school children.


AAP President Dr. Sally Goza took part in a White House event earlier this week on reopening schools.


The Trump administration has repeatedly pointed to guidance from Goza and the APP as one of its deciding factors pushing for reopening the nation's schools.


"We are very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools, to get them open," Trump said. "It's very important for our country, it's very important for the well being of the student and the parents."


It is unclear if something specific caused the APP to pivot.