Anonymous ID: ee45ea July 10, 2020, 6:50 p.m. No.9921344   🗄️.is 🔗kun

QAnon may be coming to Congress, and journalists need to be ready



“Gun-toting” restaurateur Lauren Boebert came out ahead of incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton in the Republican primary for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District. She was described as a “guns rights activist” by Twitter, USA Today’s headline read, “5-term Rep. Tipton backed by Trump loses in Colorado primary, upset by businesswoman Lauren Boebert,” and The New York Times’ headline about her victory read “Lauren Boebert, Gun-Rights Activist, Upsets House G.O.P. Incumbent in Colorado.”


One aspect of Boebert’s history that initially received less prominent attention was her support of QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory baselessly alleging that Democratic officials are leaders of a worldwide pedophilia ring. The QAnon movement was name-checked in a leaked May 2019 FBI document highlighting the emergence of conspiracy theory-fueled domestic terrorism threats, and devotees have committed a number of murders, engaged in armed standoffs, and made politically motivated death threats. QAnon followers have vandalized churches, taken police on high-speech chases, and in one case, conspired with fellow followers to commit kidnapping.


“I hope that [QAnon] is real because it only means America is getting stronger and better,” Boebert told QAnon supporter Ann Vandersteel on Vandersteel’s SteelTruth show in May, adding that she was “very familiar” with QAnon. She also appeared on Patriots’ Soapbox, a popular QAnon YouTube channel. Additionally, Boebert appears to have a YouTube account that subscribes to multiple QAnon channels.


Since winning her primary, Boebert has tried to distance herself from the movement, telling Colorado Fox affiliate KDVR, “No. I’m not a follower. This is just a fake attack from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee,” and adding, “QAnon is a lot of things to different people. I was very vague in what I said before. I’m not into conspiracies. I’m into freedom and the Constitution of the United States of America. I’m not a follower.”

While it’s good news that KDVR asked her directly about her connections to the movement, several experts on the subject worry about how the press will handle QAnon, generally.


In many ways, Boebert and other QAnon-following candidates have been normalized in the press. FiveThirtyEight published an article about the likelihood that Republican women will increase their representation in Congress with the November elections, and used a photo of Boebert. Her fringe beliefs are not mentioned anywhere in the article or accompanying tweet.

Anonymous ID: ee45ea July 10, 2020, 6:52 p.m. No.9921369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Missouri Dem Party Leader Called for Cop Killer’s Release


Former party honcho stepped down to address murder surge


The Missouri Democratic Party's new leader called for the release of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal and, as a state legislator in 2017, vocally opposed a law that heightened penalties for those who harm police officers.


Former state representative Clem Smith became acting party chair in early July after county prosecutor Jean Peters Baker stepped down from the role. While working as a United Auto Workers secretary in 2008, Smith signed a Partisan Defense Committee letter calling for the "immediate freedom" of Abu-Jamal, who is serving life imprisonment without parole after murdering Philadelphia officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981.


As a state legislator, Smith also rallied against a 2017 bill that imposed tougher penalties on those who harm police officers. The bill reclassified voluntary manslaughter against a police officer from a "class B" felony to a "class A" felony and also made rioting against police—previously a misdemeanor—a "class E" felony. Smith voted against the bill, saying that if the law was in effect during the 2014 Ferguson riots, "we'd have to build another prison." His Twitter profile depicts a police vehicle damaged by fire and explosives that appears to stem from the riots.


Smith's rise to the top of the party comes amid civic unrest and historic crime levels in the state's Democrat-run cities. Peters Baker, who serves as prosecutor of Kansas City's Jackson County, left the post of party chair as the city neared 100 homicides in 2020, including the July 2 shootings of two police officers. Kansas City saw just 54 homicides at this point in 2016, nearly half the current level. In response, Attorney General William Barr on Thursday announced the decision to send more than 100 federal law enforcement agents to Kansas City following a request from Republican governor Mike Parson.


The Missouri Democratic Party did not respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: ee45ea July 10, 2020, 6:53 p.m. No.9921376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1406

US Judge Halts First Federal Execution in 17 Years Over COVID-19 Concerns


A US federal judge in the state of Indiana has halted the first federal execution in 17 years that was scheduled to take place next week, court documents revealed.


"The plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction, dkt. [2], is granted to the extent that the Court enjoins the defendants from carrying out the execution of Daniel Lewis Lee on 13 July 2020, or on any future date, pending final resolution of the merits of this case or until further order of this Court", Chief District Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson wrote on Friday.


Magnus ruled in favour of the victims' relatives after they argued they had a right to be present at Lee's execution and launched a legal suit against the Department of Justice to delay it being carried until the novel coronavirus disease pandemic was over.


The US Justice Department has filed an emergency appeal in response to Magnus' decision.


US inmate Daniel Lee was scheduled to die by lethal injection on Monday. Lee was sentenced to death in 1999 for murdering a couple and their eight-year-old daughter. His execution would have been the first federal execution, as opposed to the state, since 2003.



Anonymous ID: ee45ea July 10, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.9921532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1563 >>1733 >>1935

Trump accuses Biden of ‘plagiarizing’ him over 'buy American' push


'He plagiarized from me, but he can never pull it off'


President Trump on Friday took a swipe at presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden over his “buy American” proposals unveiled Thursday, saying Biden “plagiarized” from him — and hinting at past accusations of plagiarism that have dogged the former vice president.


“He plagiarized from me, but he can never pull it off,” Trump said. “He likes plagiarizing.”


Biden had unveiled his “Build Back Better” plan in Pennsylvania on Thursday, a populist plan that seeks to create 5 million new jobs and is the first of four economic proposals Biden is expected to roll out over the coming weeks.


It included a $400 billion investment by the federal government to purchase American products such as cement, concrete, steel and other materials to rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure. On top of that, it includes a $300 billion investment in research for new technologies, such as electric vehicles, artificial intelligence and 5G.


Biden’s plan also calls for new tax breaks and credits for small manufacturers – including those run by minorities and women – and would levy penalties on companies who take federal money and then move their investments overseas.


“When the federal government spends taxpayers’ money, we should use it to buy American products and support American jobs,” Biden said.


It appeared to acknowledge the political success the president has enjoyed pushing his “America First” agenda, which rests on bringing jobs back to America from abroad – including using tariffs on imports.


But the Biden move reportedly left the Trump administration flatfooted. Washington Post reporter Jeff Stein reported that some at the White House were “fuming” as Biden pushed the “Buy America” plan before the Trump team was able to push out its own “Buy America” proposals.


Trump’s jab about Biden “plagiarizing” appears to be a reference to a controversy that took down Biden’s 1988 presidential bid — when it was discovered he had plagiarized from a speech by then-British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock.

Anonymous ID: ee45ea July 10, 2020, 7:10 p.m. No.9921599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scandalous Photos Of American Al-Qaeda Propagandist In Syria Are Leaked On Internet


On July 9, a number of scandalous photos of Bilal Abdul Kareem, an American journalist working in the Syrian region of Greater Idlib, surfaced on social media.


Abdul Kareem, who appeared entirely naked in the photos, is an infamous propagandist for terrorist groups in Greater Idlib. His own outlet, On the Ground News, has been promoting these groups and their ideology for years.


Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), that received much support from Abdu Kareem in its early years, was accused of leaking the scandalous photos.


Several opposition activists said HTS’ security forces leaked the photos to pressure and slander Abdul Kareem, who recently criticized the group for the unlawful arrest of Tauqir Sharif, his close affiliate.


Sharif, who is known as “Abu Hussam al-Birtani,” is a British aid worker based in Greater Idlib. He was arrested by HTS last month. The group accused Sharif of financing projects that promote division in the region. He was likely financing other terrorist groups without HTS knowledge.


Abdul Kareem slammed HTS for arresting Sharif, especially that he was stripped from his British citizenship by the United Kingdom’s Home Office in 2017.


In a video message released a few hours after the photos leaks, Abdul Kareem confirmed that his mobile phone was hacked, saying that he has an idea on who may have done it. His remarks were seen as a direct hint at HTS.

Anonymous ID: ee45ea July 10, 2020, 7:20 p.m. No.9921725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1747



Huawei reportedly acquires Israeli IT networking company Toga Networks for $150 million

December 7, 2016


Israeli chipmaker taps Baidu to enhance driverless car technology


Bank Leumi and Chinese Insurance Giant Ping An to Cooperate in Promoting Israeli High-Tech in China

March 22, 2017


Chinese TV Series Lauds Israel: The Alliance Between China and Zionism

Aug 18, 2010


Jack Ma receives honorable doctoral degree at Tel Aviv University in Israel



China's Baidu makes first investment in Israeli start-up

December 7, 2014


Alibaba invests in AI ecommerce search platform Twiggle

01 June 2016


Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba to open Israel R&D center

OCTOBER 12, 2017


Alibaba Invests $26 Million In Israeli Database Innovator In Outreach To High-Tech Nation

May 30, 2018


Chinese Investments in Israeli Tech Mapped



Israel Selling China Military Technology, C.I.A. Chief Asserts

Oct. 12, 1993


Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

24 Dec 2013


Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology

December 21, 2016


Baidu Tracking Online Behavior to Assign Credit Score to Users



Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

24 Dec 2013


Technion Becomes First Israeli University to Open Campus in China

December 19, 2017


I could go on for a while longer………….but everyone ignores the…………… image explains

Anonymous ID: ee45ea July 10, 2020, 7:24 p.m. No.9921771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1935

Justin Trudeau Breaks Canadian Law AGAIN In Alleged Pay-For-Play Non Profit Scandal


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stepped in it again. He’s apparently violated Canadian ethics laws by awarding a $900 Million government contract to a “non-profit” that members of his family have raked in $282,000 from via speaking fees.


The $900 Million contract was awarded to the WE Charity to dole out $5000 checks to youth who put in 500 hours of “volunteer” work over the summer, due to Covid preventing them from getting normal jobs. WE Charity was due to graciously accept $19.5 Million into their pockets for the deed.


Trudeau initially claimed that the WE Charity was the only entity capable of executing this task, as the CBC reported in June:


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said today the WE Charity is the only organization capable of administering more than $900 million in grants for students this summer.


Speaking to reporters during a COVID-19 briefing, Trudeau said federal public servants identified WE as the organization with the best nationwide network for connecting young people to paid volunteer positions this summer.


WE will administer the Canada Student Service Grant, which will provide eligible students with up to $5,000 to support the costs of post-secondary education in the fall. The amount of each grant will depend on the amount of time the recipient devotes to volunteer work.


Then people actually did some digging around. The Star reports of the Trudeau family ties to the WE Charity:


Trudeau is facing his third ethics investigation as prime minister for his government’s decision to sole-source the delivery of a $900-million volunteering grant program to WE Charity.


The prime minister has said that both he and his family had “voluntarily” worked with WE in the past and they intend to continue that work. But WE confirmed that members of Trudeau’s family, including his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, have received financial compensation for speaking at WE-hosted events.


The existence of financial payments between WE and the Trudeau family was first reported by Canadaland and CBC News on Thursday.


Margaret Trudeau, the prime minister’s mother, received $250,000 in honorariums for speaking at 28 WE-hosted events between 2016 and 2020. Alexandre Trudeau, the prime minister’s brother, received $32,000 in speaking fees between 2017 and 2018.

Anonymous ID: ee45ea July 10, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.9921847   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Finkelstein-Lauder network highlights the international scope of the Zionist network, how they work to achieve political goals and create movements.



Key strategist and mastermind behind Benjamin Netanyahu’s successful 1996 election campaign.

GOP mastermind that played significant role in Trump’s campaign

Mentor of lifelong friends of Trump, Roger Stone and Paul Manafort

It was Finkelstein who introduced Manafort to Putin’s pro-Russia Ukrainian oligarchs

Finkelstein was openly homosexual and married to a man before his death.

Formed a UK consulting firm with a top adviser of Viktor Orbán, Árpád Habony based close to Wikileaks.

Alleged linked to Russia’s Secret Service. Along with business partner George Birnbaum began advising Orbán in 2008.

Close personal friend of Roger Ailes who also helped the Trump campaign.

Tony Fabrizio, Trump’s senior pollster learned his craft from Finkelstein.

Introduced to Benjamin Netanyahu by Ronald Lauder who he frequently travelled to Israel with in Lauder’s private jet in the late 90’s successful 1996 election campaign



Jewish supremacist Zionist billionaire Esteé Lauder heir.

Brother of Leonard Lauder.

Huge investor in pro-Israel causes and Israeli infrastructure including IDC Herzliya’s Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy.

Travelled to Israel frequently with Finkelstein in his private jet. Introduced Finkelstein to Netanyahu.He is currently implicated in a Netanyahu corruption scandals related to ‘One Jerusalem’

Lifelong friend of Donald Trump who has publicly defending him against ‘anti-semitism’ claims.

Former Chairman (until 2014) of CEM (Central Europe Media Enterprises Ltd.) which he co-founded in 1994. CEM launched their first channel in Czech Republic and have a HQ in Prague. The same city where the Neocon International Democracy and Security Conference

that he helped to organise and attended was held.He sold his stake in CME to Jewish Ukrainian Israeli oligarch and mafia figure Igor Kolomoisky.

President of World Jewish Congress and Chairman of Jewish Heritage Council.

Chairman of World Jewish Restitution Organization.