Anonymous ID: fc7d6f July 10, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.9921709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1721 >>1727 >>1805


Very surprised there is not more discussion about Trump's DACA news. It is a flat out betrayal. They have been trying to pump up the silent majority lately. This will do the opposite. As another anon's reply states, this is the opposite of Law and Order. It is illegal. It is rewarding illegal behavior with an illegal act by the President all for feelings, for votes. It was illegal for Obama to do, and it will be illegal for Trump to do as Se. Cruz points out in pic related. It has to stop. No doubt this was discussed in the recent meeting with the Mexican President. Did anons notice that CEOs from 10 large American corporations were at the meeting with the Mexican President? No doubt they were discussing how American corporations need Mexican (illegal) immigrants to employ at lower wages.


Trump has spoken many times about adding illegals to the workforce takes opportunites from American citizens and reduces American wages. FAIL.


Trump has spoken about trying to change the law regarding anchor babies. FAIL.


Trump talks about completing the wall, but in a recent e-mail survey about Republican platform items, he asked whether they should complete the wall. An obvious lack of commitment. FAIL. Look for them to slow construction and stop after the election. Pressure from Jivanka, business, and Trump's natural Democratic inclinations. He won't need deplorables, or the silent majority anymore. We will be kicked to the curb.


Don't forget, Trump mentioned amnesty for illegals as part of a deal with Democrats for a bigger immigration reform bill. If they won't be able to walk down the street, or even exist as a party, why do we have to make a deal with them?


Don't expect any arrests, or revelations before the election.


Don't expect LAW and ORDER.

Anonymous ID: fc7d6f July 10, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.9921804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1816


you are delusional. I noticed all of your factual rebuttals. You are blindly wedded to the plan and Trump. Yes, he is better than the alternative. That is what he and our new leaders will use to implement what they want, not what they campaigned on, not what the public said it wanted. Trump himself said that he won because over a million Republicans came back to the party. They had stopped voting. They voted for an end to NATO, the UN, DACA, illegal immigration, the swamp, deficit spending. NADA. Please tell me where I am wrong.

Anonymous ID: fc7d6f July 10, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.9921928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1954 >>2046


POTUS just raged about indoctrination of our youth in schools. Which school systems do you think these dreamers attended? Do you think the Democrats left that up to fate. Everything they do is very planned. Maybe not exactly 100% of them, but a VERY high percentage are likely children of Marxist homes, too. Indoctrinated 7x 24. I would never have believed something like that three years ago, but I do now. Keeping dreamers here is just asking for this stuff to start all over again. LAW AND ORDER. OUT THEY GO. Time for a clean sweep. We may only get one chance.

Anonymous ID: fc7d6f July 10, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.9922067   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is from a "source." Trump himself said "path to citizenship" in his interview. He does not have legal authority to to that any more than Obama had authority to create DACA. LAW AND ORDER means we stop doing illegal things. It means we arrest, prosecute, and or deport people who are doing illegal things. Trump has said he was going to challenge the legality of birthright citizenship for those born to illegal aliens. Can we trust our supposed 'great new conservative Supreme Court justices' to make the correct ruling on that? Not anymore. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are bad jokes. Career Washingtonians, if not actual deep staters.


The time is over for baiting, and trolling, and making big promises only to back track. LAW and ORDER is what the silent majority expects. If they are to get "passionate" as General Flynn suggested, then that is what Trump and team will have to deliver for them. The promises were made in 2016. Time to deliver.